
Lazy's Journey.

It's the adventure of a protagonist that just wants to live freely and just sleep all day with no problems but in this world,that is something hard to do. Also I stole my cover from An artist called @atinydreamer from Pinterest so I can take it down if that person doesn't like it.

SomeSome_Dude · แอคชั่น
34 Chs

20. Akihiko vs Ryu

"Did he awaken as a God but he doesn't seem to have any insignia in his arm but that power up was too huge for it to be solely from his evolved Element" said Oga intrigued at Sasuke's sudden burst of power.

"Whatever it was,it made him exponentially stronger but you can also sense it right?" Said The professor.

"Yes,that huge power has disappeared almost completely" replied King Murak.




"I'll say it again, don't you dare hold back on me" said Ryu.

"Yeah yeah" said Akihiko as he got in a battle stance.


As soon as the announcer started the battle, both fighters appeared in the middle of the arena punching each other in the face causing a huge shockwave filled with deep green wind.

[Cut to the kings and professors]

"Oh my,look at them deciding to use their full power right from the start" said The professor.

"I'm still at awe how strong this generation is" said Murak.

"You're absolutely right about that" replies Oga.

[Back to the fight]

We see both fighters trading blows and you can also see how equal they were.

As they traded blows Akihiko goes for a jab which was dodged and he quickly followed up with an uppercut with the same right hand and immediately used his shoulder to charge at Ryu making him slide backwards amd immediately followed up with a triple kick to Ryu's chest and appearing instantly behind his back for a back kick which Ryu ducked and twisted quickly to deliver a kick to Akihiko's face which Akihiko blocked by holding his foot making Ryu used his left foot to kick Akihiko's chest making him release the grip and both retreated backwards to analyse each other.


"I admit i thought you weren't strong when I first met you but I was wrong" said Ryu.

"Now let me show you my full power" as Ryu said that a huge shockwave occured and deep green wind starts violently circulating around him as he took out his double dagger and something happened which surprised even Akihiko.

"Interesting, lightning affinity as well" said Akihiko as he looked at the black lightning sparking throughout his body.

"Well then,come" said Akihiko as he got ready for the hardest fight other than his father.

As soon as Akihiko said that,Ryu Instantly appeared and kicked Aki in the air and began slashing him in the air thousands of times in a second as a beautiful green and black dome was formed.

'damn, he's fast' gritted his teeth Akihiko dodged and blocked as much as he could while still in the air and the slash even cut through his protective armour.

Akihiko and Ryu was only fighting in the air for a few seconds but to them and the trained eyes it felt like an hour has passed as they did several things in the few seconds.

As Akihiko dodged he quickly saw and opening as Ryu was about to stab him in the heart,he quickly dodged and slammed him through the ground and quickly slammed his foot down which Ryu dodged and they began trading blows again.

Akihiko would connect a punch but Ryu would send a receipt by slashing his chest open which the announcer saw and as he looked at the kings and Alex,they shook their head no as they knew that it was far from over.

As Akihiko dodged a dagger uppercut he kicked Ryu's knee making him wobble and quickly used that chance to send a jab,a hook and quickly side stepped and kicked Ryu's abdomen and punched him with a wind dragon infused fist as Ryu made a shield from his wind but he was abit slow in creating it as it immediately broke from the punch connecting his fist making him kneel with one hand in the ground but Akihiko wasn't done as he kicked towards his chest as Ryu blocked with both his hands but it still sent him flying.

As Ryu flew threw the arena,Akihiko was about to dash towards him but tilted to dodge a dagger that was thrown by Ryu but as he dodged suddenly a huge black lightning pillar stuck him and Ryu immediately appeared above him in the air with his feet raised upwards as a huge ammount of wind and Lightning covered his feet as he sent it flying down towards Akihiko in an axe kick as it connecte it caused a huge shockwave which almost broke the water barrier again shocking Doria once more.

Ryu panted in light fatigue as he looked on the smoke from afar but suddenly felt something from both his side as he quickly retreated forward as a huge shockwave occured behind him and as he looked at his back he saw a deep green mana residue which told him that Akihiko wasn't done and quickly turned forward to see a fist which sent him up in the air and felt another strike connect his backside as he was immediately sent crashing down.

Ryu struggled abit to stand up and looked at Akihiko who landed in front of him as he said,

"How--did you come out of that---- unscathed" asked Ryu.

"Did you not watch my fight in the qualifiers" said Akihiko.

"I did,why?"

"Then did you forget that I know how to use runes" answered Akihiko.

"But---that was an---advance level runes shield--- what I hit you with needs---- atleast a master level--- runes shield to block it" said Ryu.

"I see"

*This shocked Ryu as he immediately got the answer*

"You're a master Rune practitioner?" Said as he looked at Akihiko shocked.

"I guess so"

"Hahaha,it seems i underestimated you more than i thought I did" laughed Ryu out loud.

"When I first asked granddad to take part in the tournament,i thought i would have an easy time because i thought that I was invincible when it comes to my age but I was surprised time and again after I arrived in this tournament" said Ryu.

"From Amazing fighters like Sasuke,Lowen bright,Zanis, Enzo and more specifically you,I find out that I'm not the only genius in the world and to tell you the truth I was abit mad but was also happy that I'm not an abnormally strong person" said Ryu smiling as Akihiko decided to listen to him.

"Anyways shall we entertain the crowd Akihiko" said Ryu as he prepared to fight as his elements and mana erupted from his body making it clear that he enhanced his body over it's limit.

"What're you talking about,You're the one with the monologue.....heh well than let's entertain the crowd as you put it" said Akihiko as they charged at each other and just like the beginning of the match they punched each other in the face.

As they fought Ryu did the same thing Akihiko did around the beginning of their match as he uppercut which Akihiko dodged but Ryu quickly charged at him using his shoulder making him slide back and quickly appeared in front of Akihiko and delivered a triple kick making him slid backwards again much like their earlier fight Ryu appeared behind Akihiko to deliver a kick which Akihiko dodged and kicked Ryu but he blocked it and Aki quickly followed it with a kick which was blocked and held by Ryu making Aki use his left foot to kick Ryu as they retreated backwards.

"Are you----- a fan of me because that----combo looks strangely like mine" said Akihiko as he smiled and panted in fatigue.

"What the hell----are you talking about"Ryu said between pant and laughs.

"You'll pay for stealing my combo" joked Akihiko as he channeled a huge ammount of wind energy and created two deep green wind daggers.

"Heh daggers, against me?then show me" said Ryu as he Instantly appeared beside Akihiko as he slashed thousands of times in what seems to be a single swing but surprisingly it was all deflected by Akihiko but Ryu could see that he doesn't know how to wield it and just did it out of pure instinct.

"You stole my combo so I stole your fighting style" said Akihiko as he fought Ryu with the daggers with both of them cutting each other in different parts of their body making blood fly in different directions with a smile on their face.

As they fought each other both became serious knowing that they were nearing their limits.

Ryu decided to risk it and used huge ammount of mana in each slash which sent huge lightning strikes towards Akihiko which he dodged or block using his wind but one manage to struck him which gave Ryu time to use most of his mana thats left to perform a final slash as he appeared above him and quickly dived down to deliver a slash.

Akihiko seeing this, he also used most of his mana to strike upwards at the wind and lightning infused attack.

As the two attacks connected,for a few seconds they were in a standstill as huge deep green wind struck upwards on a deep green wind with black lightning.

"HAAAAAAAAAA" shouted Ryu as he put all his mana and strength for a last push.

Seeing that he's losing,Akihiko thought about how he could've easily beaten Ryu if he hadn't stopped training.

[Short flashback]

"son why don't you train seriously again"

"dad,I told you I don't like it,i don't like fighting,you know what happened that day" said Akihiko.

"That person was a bad guy son and you didn't know how to control your power that was growing too fast" said Alex.

"Dad,you kept saying that he was a bad guy but what about his hostage,was he innocent" said Akihiko.


"See you can't say anything so stop trying to convince me to fight again"

"What if I was gone and your mom was in danger,would you be able to protect her?" Said Alex which made Akihiko look at his father not believing what he just said.

"Not only her,what about Sakura and Sasuke"

"You kept beating yourself up because of a mistake that was out of your control,but you never thought about what it could lead to"

"Also that person is fine now and he already forgave you"

"Back then if I was a bit stronger that person could've died,what if I murder several innocent people because i couldn't control my powers while fighting someone" said Akihiko.

Hearing this Alex sighed,

"*Sigh* Look son,you need to move on,you can't change the past,Instead you can train to control your powers so that you won't make the same mistake again while also getting stronger to protect the people you care about" said Alex as he smiled at his son.

"If not it would be too late to realise that you are too weak to save someone you love"

[Flashback end]

'so be it' thought Akihiko to himself as he channeled his remaining mana as earth ,water and lightning (1st stage) formed around him along with his wind element which shocked everyone.


"Heh he's back" smirked Sasuke.

[Scene end]

"EAT SHIT RYU" yelled Akihiko as he slashed upwards with every main elements instantly cutting through the powerful 3rd stage Wind and lightning attack, instantly destroying the water barrier and causing shockwaves so huge that The professor and Akihiko's father decided to step in and create a mana shield around the people and Ryu ,but the shockwave still managed to destroy most of the arena as some people floated in the arena.

"Um.....did I go overboard" said Akihiko as he just stood in the middle of the arena looking at the destruction he caused.


Was this chapter good?

Idk anyways
