
Lazaro's smile

LAZ or Lazaro's Smile was born as a surreal project in order to grant a dying wish. The first fully embedded game, an RTS or Real Time Strategy game, where one could literally command his troops through a magnificent world. But with certain features: First, you start by selecting an animal. Second: every decision or act can transform your entire faction. And third but most important, there are two types of players, players and reincarnated players. Since Lazaro was created so that when you are about to die you can decide whether to send all your knowledge, memories and personality in a new virtual body, being part of the immortal war.

Verith · แฟนตาซี
65 Chs

Chapter 65. For our future

 Hel's point of view

 [An Eternal Pact of Vassalage has been formed with Bilmut ]

 [Bilmut has been Sworn to the individuality Gaea ]

 [Gaea acquires control over: The Sand Alchemists ]

 [Sufficient population has been acquired to increase the level of civilization ]

 [Sacrifices to the Abyss are required for the rise].

 This is going to change everything - I couldn't help but laugh unabashedly at the sight of the no longer so old man and his son.

 The old man changed to a handsome man of well worn maturity, with wavy copper hair and a somewhat scruffy beard. His body had lost its malnutrition, with clear muscles and the bearing of a gentleman.

 Instead his son was transformed into the flame of youth, a body with hypertrophy, short hair of the same shade, even his height seemed to have grown.

 -With this you are already our vassals, now you have the strength to take revenge, do not waste it, you have your aggressors and murderers in front of you. What are you going to do? - Gal shouted at them, while he saw his brothers and sisters fighting.

 Without waiting for them he threw himself into battle, his chains began to block the incoming attacks on our allies, as he defended the line right in front of the priestesses and some forces of mages and archers.

 The new Alchemists in the arena, looked at each other, but it was not the young man who broke the ice, the old man raised his voice, while looking at the battlefield, his new wisdom and intelligence, along with his individuality, was enough to get everyone's attention and start organizing them.

 -Everyone, form up in ranks, those in the back use your mana in desertifying, the rest of you use the newly formed arena for your spells, we are going to get out of this war and back to our families-Mason, take ten men and get ready, I know your hot blood and it's time for you to release it - Mason laughed as his breathing quickened, it didn't take him long to pick the most physically gifted men and form them up in front of his father.

Give our brothers the equipment they need - With Marin's shout, several alchemists used their mana to give them armor each, along with a mace and a large shield. They then spent large amounts of mana to transform all the equipment into bronze.

 The 11 men looked like armored knights, where there were hardly any openings other than just enough to move, see slightly and breathe. 

 Mason's point of view

 I could feel the weight of the armor, how the cold metal inspired in me a mixture of courage and the feeling of being invulnerable, immortal.

 I couldn't help but look at my companions, we were the guardians of our family, it was our time to march and strike back at those itchy bastards, we now had the strength we always dreamed of.

 Raising my voice loudly, as I let all my feelings come out in a loud shout.

 -Let's show the beings in white that we are not simple slaves, let's show the feathered pigs that we will never return to their clutches and that we will not play with our family! - At my shout, the ten metal colossi gathered around me, as we ran united to the front line.

 With me at its center, the metal mass was unfazed by the incoming enemies.

 When a lizard nearly ten feet tall stepped in front using a club as a weapon, none of them left their formation.

 Inspired by my instincts I block the descending blow of the great lizard with my shield, while using mana to form small spiral pillars from the ground itself joining the bronze shield, as the mace struck the shield, only a gong echoed across the battlefield, but both my arm and the pillars cushioned the monstrous blow, seeing the turn of the tables, the fear of my armored unit vanished, with my triumphant laugh while I pushed the club releasing the connection with the pillars and unleashing my hammer against the head of the filthy lizard and leaving it completely stunned, the others began their combats surrounding me giving me the necessary space to enjoy this battle.

 -Come on you little shit, I still have many of your cousins to crush with my mace - My laughter echoed with the metal, just as I unleashed another blow with my mace, cracking the skull of the lizard while its brains and blood stained my metal suit. Come on guys, I'm done with mine, we can't fall behind, we haven't killed any rotten weevils yet - At my voice, the others gave a loud shout, their battles were over quickly and they quickly searched as a unit for another crack in the front line.

 Hel's point of view

 Mason was giving his all and his bronze unit was wreaking havoc wherever he went.Their performance is not as over the top as ours, but a small armored unit, which no weapon can really pierce, along with the bronze warriors only using their mana to use sand in their armor, weapons and shields, constantly repairing them. They are a real pain.

 That's without the support of the other alchemists, an entire population with the ability to be support and battle mages...

 The sand spears, shields and sarcophagi, the magic flew in all directions and as long as the small patch of sand was still there, their magic would move between allied and enemy troops resembling snakes, long and tireless threads of sands transformed into dozens of shapes.

 They truly looked like sculptors and the battle gave them good materials to prove it.

 The enemy lines were falling, the morale of both armies reached its lowest levels after 4 hours of hard battle, the dead formed a new layer of soil, while their blood formed a river of its own that descended into the ocean.

 Pele and Velona had eliminated dozens of monstrous units, their bodies had several enemy spears stuck in them, along with a few dozen arrows, but that did not stop their massacre.

 The Arena alchemists lost ten companions, but none of Mason's group had even a serious wound. These casualties were an oversight on the part of the allies who did not deign to check whether a couple of giant lizards had died or not, the result was that they only pretended to die in a fit of stupidity or genius.

 Gea finished them off as soon as possible by breaking their necks with her chains, while the other alchemists did their best to contain them, her sand sarcophagi are very useful, with the ability to contain and suffocate enemies to death, but the monstrous force could shatter the imprisonment, forcing the use of several sarcophagi to give enough time for Gea to eliminate them.