
Silent Redemption: At the Other End of Wishes

Over the weekend, the first part of Triquest's round took center stage on AB Weekly, captivating audiences worldwide. The Q-level mission unfolded before viewers' eyes through the lens of the contestants' AB rings, equipped with specialized cameras for the Airburt Selection. These innovative lenses adjusted seamlessly to offer a third-person perspective, providing an up-close and personal view of their daring missions.

Out of all nine pairs sharing screen time, with the excessive violence edited out, Lavender and Zamonte's duet takes the spotlight this week. To attribute their ample screen time solely to Zamonte's popularity would be an oversimplification, though. The truth is, this pair has garnered only mild criticism. And the fact that people discovered Lavender's unwavering commitment to rescuing Miss Liriene despite the heavy censorship. The emotions behind their performance still resonate strongly with everyone. Echoing the viewers' sentiments were candid comments: