
Last Shine

*WARNING* *Reading in a better place will prevent you from getting scoliosis* First this is a mash up fan-fic, a fan-fic created from many component of different origins. There's some from anime, video game, Lovecraftian, SCP, manga, manhwa, manhua and some other stuff put together in one place and voila. I don't really know how to promote fan-fic or stuff like this but... Fu Hua is best girl. At first Mc still got no names, but he'll gain it based from the usual Core Memory stuff. He's also an average Fu Hua admirer who like to drink milk. Beside from the main Mc there're some other important character that help to become the foundation for this story. There's Cera the common 4th wall breaker. Yjor the ruler. And Hylia a lass who likes chocolate ice cream. Those four are OC and got their own personalities, so maybe it'll be hard to read when they appeared or got their scene. The premise of this story is about erasing the tragedy, obliterating the chosen one, confronting the fake happiness, to become someone worthy, regaining dream and hope, as well as to become the champion of their own life. At earlier chapter, I still can't decided what writing style to be used so there're many error to be found. Even now I'm still trying to find another new style to write. And yeah perhaps there's someone who think it'll be a waste of time reading such long synopsis like this but... anyway. *IMPORTANT* There're suicidal thought in this story, so please watch your own thought before reading this as I don't want to make you to commit suicide on your own. Ehe Then there's some different personalities thingy, monster of emotion thingy, and death of cute and kawaii characters thingy. I'm someone with cute aggression behavior you see... Ah yeah... in this fan-fic there's Arknight CoC Genshin Granblue Azur Lane Honkai Gakkou Gurashi Welp so far there're only those, but I do want to add more character and lore from different stuff like Lament from Memento Mori, some game that can't be played anymore (You guys know Sid Story or Eternal City?) and yeah... this is just a plan so there's gonna be a HUGE chance I wouldn't put those in this fan-fic. Why? Who knows, I made this fanfic as a way to find my favorite stories. So anyway, that's the end for today synopsis. ----------- *This is a fan-fic, a work of fiction using some reference and material from other source of work, so credit goes to the original creator.* *Even though some of them are not mine, there's some original or random thing that I've added in this story* *And that cover is Fenghuang Down, don't know whose pict though*

Strunom · อื่นๆ
149 Chs

Divergence series: Yamashiro and Hakuryuu

Divergence: Yamashiro

Her dream began within an oriental castle, standing tall in the style of the Sakura Empire. It was a castle of immense size and strength, leaving no doubt about its grandeur or scale.

Within that castle, Yamashiro opened her eyes.

It was there too, that she lived alongside someone who lay weak and gravely ill.

Awakening with fragmented memories, Yamashiro knew nothing of the sick person's identity, yet for reasons she couldn't fully grasp, she felt compelled to care for him with all her heart and strength.

From bathing the ailing figure, to cooking and feeding them when mealtime came, to cleaning both the person's body and the castle itself—Yamashiro took on every task. She performed them all with tireless dedication, regardless of whether rain poured down or fierce winds tugged at her garments.

Though the castle held only the two of them, Yamashiro willingly undertook all the duties for this stranger. Such was the nature of Yamashiro.

Yet, as always, whether it be a beautiful dream or a nightmare, all must eventually come to an end. When a single shining feather appeared and then vanished, the time had come for all those moments to crumble.

For the Dreamcatcher had arrived.

"A castle... an obvious refuge for her soul."「Amour」

As the winters came and went, the girl continued her monotonous days.

When darkness fell, the fireplace still crackled with the dry wood she fed it.

Its warmth cast a soft glow on her fingers, now stained with the dark traces of charcoal. Her once soft, delicate palms had transformed into the hands of one who had toiled tirelessly, hardened by the harsh realities of life.

Her dark eyes grew even darker, as if the light within them had been extinguished. It seemed that, after living in her dream for so long, Yamashiro had grown dull.

Her thoughts, her will to live—all had lost their edge.

She began to feel that caring for the sick person from one morning to the next was the very reason she existed in the castle. Her mind slowly accepted everything around her as her purpose in life.

And although the sick person could not speak, Yamashiro found nothing unusual in it. It felt as natural as the blue sky—difficult to explain, yet deeply comforting to behold.


That's how it should have remained, until she made a mistake. Though she had been clumsy many times before, this time Yamashiro accidentally shattered a vase that had been kept within the castle.

"The vase... in the hallway... huh?"「Yamashiro」

As a drop of blood fell from her finger, Yamashiro collapsed under the weight of her burden. A torrent of memories, both significant and trivial, began to flood her mind.

Like someone jolted awake from a coma by the flicker of a lamp, she experienced a similar awakening. Because in her reality, that sight was far more than just a piece of damaged furniture.

"My head... it's dizzy..."「Yamashiro」

Faint faces became clearer, their voices seeming to whisper beside her. Among these memories, Yamashiro also uncovered several crucial fragments as she began to recall many things.


She ran back to the room where the sick person lay, and surprise-surprise, "It can't be... Milord?" Yamashiro finally realized that the person she had been caring for all this time was none other than her commander.

The first commander, whose story and life had ended beneath the earth.

Her eyes widened in shock as the memories and the harsh truth struck her. The strength she usually relied on seemed to have abandoned her, leaving Yamashiro unable to calm her trembling hands.

"Why are you... n-n-no, how can I..."「Yamashiro」

A flash of recollection played in her mind, like an auto-repeating loop.

Amidst solitude and hardship, alongside cold and hunger, she recalled the small joys she had found within the castle. Indeed, not everything had to be shrouded in tragedy.

In this place, in this dream of hers, Yamashiro seemed to genuinely enjoy the new experiences as she continued striving to become a better version of herself. For the sake of pleasing her "Milord".

"What have you... what have I... done..."「Yamashiro」

However, as her thoughts flickered on, her once steady days seemed to slowly crumble as the light returned to her eyes. For within that radiance of life, shadows of grudge inevitably followed.


That girl—she's just like a pet abandoned by its owner.

A devoted servant sold away by her master.

A loyal subordinate cast aside by her lord.

It's the same cruel tale, one he found himself entangled in once again.

Judging by Amour's continued presence, it seemed the Persona had no intention of doing anything just yet. According to his reasoning, he still needed to determine whether a "Demon," "Angel," or "Human" would emerge from her.

Moreover, since Yamashiro still had not realized that all of this was merely a dream of her own creation, the Persona was contemplating how to reveal that this was all a manifestation of her own regrets.

"Should I be unkind, or should I side with her..."「Amour」

The Persona contemplated further as he keep considering how to approach the girl. He knew that Yamashiro was deeply wounded and in the process of accepting the pain of those wounds.

He wanted to come and embrace her, to warm her cold heart.

If only Yamashiro weren't crying, Amour might have taken that step.

"Huuukkh... why, Milord hic..."「Yamashiro」

There is a saying that effort will not betray its results.

Yet unfortunately, Yamashiro found herself denied a sweet ending. Despite the changing seasons, the countless trials and errors, and her relentless dedication to her duties, her efforts yielded no reward.

Despite everything she had done to bring joy to the former commander—every sortie, every commission, every grueling session of self-training—her efforts proved in vain.

Whether in reality or in this dream, her efforts seemed futile. The first commander had already passed away, and no matter what she did, that person lying there would never acknowledge her feelings or hard work. 

"...is Yamashiro hic still not hic useful enough?"「Yamashiro」

Yamashiro struggled more and more to hold back her tears.

It was a tragic reality that the former commander demanded everything—body, heart, and soul—yet would never offer his heart in return, neither to Yamashiro nor to any other ship girls.

One might wonder why he held such principles.

Amour sighed upon this thoughts, even more as he keep watching Yamashiro.

Because despite how that previous commander had treated her far worse than a dog, yet deep down she still have that one little conscience, "I'm sorry Milord... I'm sorry! Uhkkhh... Hic, if only I could do better..." a hope that everything could have been different.

Allowing Yamashiro to cry and scream until her voice was barely audible, Amour finally approached her once she had fallen asleep from the exhaustion of her troubled mind.

"No Demon came out."「Amour」

Even within a dream, such feelings could still be felt.

The disheveled state of her hair and the wetness on her cheeks were all clearly perceptible to the Persona, it's thanks to the function of his Fenghuang Down. Nevertheless, Amour was concerned that if left alone, Yamashiro might choose to "sleep forever" within her dream.

Because for a wounded soul, sleep can be a potent remedy.

"No Sleepy Angel."「Amour」

As he adjusted her body into a comfortable position, Amour gently pinched Yamashiro's cheeks. Before long, she awoke, her tears starting anew as she saw the face of a man she had never encountered before.

Thankfully, she didn't send him flying with a falcon punch.

"Who... are you? A thief?"「Yamashiro」

"A thief who'll steal your heart, haha... Sorry about that. It was just a bad joke. Don't worry, I won't take anything from you."「Amour」

She had never seen this face before, much less a thief intruding into her castle.

Then again, when she thought about it, she couldn't recall meeting anyone in this castle. This realization made Yamashiro think of the faces of her friends, her dreamy eyes reflecting the sorrow of her memories, as her loneliness began to engulf her heart.

Not long after, despite receiving confirmation of her suspicions from the thief himself, Yamashiro didn't seem surprised at all. "... We don't have anything here... but if you want to take something, go ahead."

She instead offered, allowing the thief to take whatever he wished.

"Do you want hic some tea? sniff And... if, if it's not a hassle... can I have a moment? Hic..."「Yamashiro」

She even intended to serve the thief despite her sobs.

"I think... you need something else, here."「Amour」

Struggling to rise from her knees, Yamashiro accepted the thief's helping arm. She was still too unwell to move easily, as though her body's weakness mirrored the frailty within her heart.

"Hiks My head hurts hic after crying so much hiks... Can Mr. Thief help make the tea?" Still wiping away the tears that had collected and flowed again, Yamashiro walked while leaning on the thief's arm.

Without a hint of embarrassment, she also used the thief's clothing to dry her face and glanced back. There, she saw that sickly figure once again.

Yamashiro still seemed to struggle with accepting her truth.

"I'll be back sob... later, Milord."「Yamashiro」

Casting an eye upon the scene, the Persona sighed once more.

Amour believed that his role as the Dreamcatcher, the one who captures their dreams would extend beyond this moment. For although time can heal wounds, it cannot erase the pain left by those scars.

He need to do something, something that could help them moving forward.

"What should I help you with first?"「Amour」

"Could I... ask for a little hug?"「Yamashiro」

"That is... Sigh, alright."「Amour」

To end their nightmares and replant the seeds of love—these were deeds he had always cherished as one of the Persona of the Fool. In the past, he often did such things, but for some reason... he eventually stopped.

Just like the Fool himself, who stopped loving his own self.

*One little hug later*

"Uhh, well... anything else?"「Amour」

"I'm sorry for getting your clothes dirty. Let me clean them for you later. Ah! By the way... what is your name, Mr. Thief? You can call me Yamashiro—Ya, ma, shi, ro."「Yamashiro」

"Alright, I got that. But it seems your sobbing have stopped, that's good."「Amour」

As they arrived in the kitchen that Yamashiro often visited in her dreams, the girl's face seemed a bit brighter, though her eyes were still puffy from crying.

"Yes! I'm very grateful that you listened to all the strange things I said, ehehe. It's been so long since I've spoken to someone like this... umm, but your name?"「Yamashiro」

Thinking for a moment about his answer, Amour continued to move his hands, helping with the tea preparation. "Name... my name is—" but, just as he was about to finish, something interrupted him.

When he turned to look at Yamashiro, "Uwaaah!? Waah?! Uehhh?! Mr. Thief watch out!!!" he got surprised, especially when he saw her trip and get hit by several cups that had fallen from the cabinet she was reaching for.

"Ouuuchhy... Mr. Thief, are you alright?" Yamashiro groaned.

It should've been her receiving that question, but nonetheless, upon hearing her concern Amour responded with a slight smile, "I'm doing well. No bones are broken, and the blood's still flowing. Looks like you're doing well too?"


"How can you laugh with that bump on your head, sheesh…" Amour teased.

Although he was puzzled by how Yamashiro had managed to trip, the Persona gently patted her frail shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. Just a small step for the beginning of his task.

He knew, he's little more than a stranger to her, but even so, he wanted her to receive the recognition she deserved for her efforts. Even if it's an uncomplete one.

Everyone appreciates having their efforts recognized, even just a little. And although Yamashiro might think her efforts were in vain, that doesn't mean her feelings, tears, and blood wasted for nothing.

"Don't push yourself too hard, Yamajuro. It's just a few broken cups." 「Amour」

"Mr. Thief... you're messing with me, right?" Yamashiro paused, momentarily tempted to correct the mispronunciation of her name. But she let it go, deciding it wasn't worth the trouble.

Instead, she focused on picking up the broken shards of the cups, making sure no one else would get hurt in the kitchen.

Accustomed to her own clumsiness, Yamashiro had long gotten used to cleaning up her messes. The faint scars on her hands were a testament to the many times she'd done this before.

"Ah... my hands, do you want to hear about it?"「Yamashiro」

Amour glanced at her hands, a faint smile forming.

"I won't deny you're a bit clumsy, but these hands... they're the hands of someone who works hard. I can tell. You've done an incredible job here, haven't you? With this empty castle, it's clear you've been taking care of more than just a few things."「Amour」

"Yes... I do a lot of things while taking care of Milord."「Yamashiro」

When was the last time she could talk to someone? Yamashiro struggled to recall.

As her hands continued gathering the broken shards, the emptiness that usually lingered beside her seemed to vanish, replaced by something warmer. It must have been a long time ago, or so she thought.

"Here, the trashbin~ Careful with your hands."「Amour」

"Thank you!" Yamashiro replied, though her mind drifted elsewhere.

When was the last time someone had told her to be careful?

With no one to guide her, Yamashiro had been left to rely solely on her own mistakes and experiences in managing the castle and caring for her Milord. In her clumsiness and uncertainty, she'd had no one to lean on, no one to offer her advice.

She never truly knew what she was doing—she don't know what to do, she was not ready for it.


"...Thank... you..."「Yamashiro」

When was the last time someone called her name?

Her hands trembled, the weight of her emotions resurfacing.

Fear clung to her like a shadow that never left, pulling her back to those days when all she wanted was to hide in the dark, to retreat into the safety of isolation. The memories, the doubts—they all came rushing back, reminding her of a time when she felt powerless.

Just like when she couldn't face the world outside.

"Hmm... want to hold my hands?"「Amour」

Yamashiro nodded, hesitantly reaching out for what she so desperately needed.

As her trembling fingers neared his, a tear escaped her eye, trailing down her cheek. The Persona, noticing the quiet sobs escaping her, gently patted her— just as she used to like.

It's not a comforting pat on the shoulder, but a softer, more familiar touch, one that carried the warmth of care she'd long forgotten. It was a gesture that soothed her in ways words never could.

"Sigh, dear... There's nothing to fear," Amour said, his voice steady and reassuring.

"These hands, they bear the marks of your hard work, don't they? That makes them the beauty of your efforts. And I truly believe..." he paused, offering her a warm smile, "They're beautiful as well."

What a word, ck... he's really the personification of Amour. Sorry about that.

Hearing his words, Yamashiro felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her, especially when she met the thief's gaze. Her face grew warmer, and her vision blurred slightly as her thoughts became unfocused.

Still, despite the flustered feeling, she managed to say her next words with a brighter expression, "I... I understand... thanks, ehehe~" Yamashiro murmured, shyly attempting to hide her hands.

It was clear she needed more than just simple help right now Amour thought to himself.

And finding out how to truly help her would become his goal, together with her.


Divergence: Hakuryuu

The moon shone brightly, as the wind swept the clouds away from the night sky.

The grass in the field swayed like cotton drifting in the wind, as if even the insects held their breath, too fearful to break the silence. The atmosphere over the grassy plain felt both decisive and tense.

All because of the presence of two sword masters standing there.

"Now then, let's see what you've learned."「Amour」

One sword master gripped the handle of his trusted partner, its edge gleaming as it basked under the moonlight. The other sword master mirrored his action, preparing for what was to come.

"Getting all haughty before me... Don't blame me if you get hurt."「Hakuryuu」

She drew a remarkably large blade from its sheath, which had rested on her shoulder until now.

And with a lazy motion, she let the sheath fall crashing on to the grass beneath her feet. Hakuryuu lifted the massive katana towards the moon, her pride evident as she brandished it in defiance of her opponent.

The opponent chuckled at this bold display, but the amusement was short-lived. The land soon grew noisy with the sound of their footsteps, echoing through the grassy plain as they began to circle each other.

"Hesitation mean defeat, make sure to remember that."「Amour」

"Remember this!"「Hakuryuu」

It began with the girl's leap of faith.

Sparks of fire scattered as their blades met in a flurry of slashes and parries.

Whether wielding the sword with both hands to display mastery, or swinging it single-handedly with sheer strength, they are masters in their own fighting style.

Hakuryuu keep seizing the momentum, using her massive katana to overwhelm him, while Amour struggled to keep pace, fending off her sky-rending strikes with all his might.

Moments passed in a blur as they clashed on the plain, their sharp steel tearing into each other with relentless fury. Grass was cut and shortened wherever their blades collided, and the earth bore the marks of many wounds thanks to their astute slashes.

The landscape around them began to change as the force of their blows collided, sending shockwaves through the air.


Using his weapon to his advantage, he relentlessly probed for an opening, patiently waiting for the perfect moment to strike. And in one swift motion, he deflected one of Hakuryuu's blows, a strike that had been dangerously close to his neck.

Her blade veered off course, slicing through nothing but air.

The sword master of large katana cursed under her breath as her strike missed its mark. She tried to regain control quickly, but in that fleeting moment, her chest was left exposed to her enemy.

"Looks like I'm taking this win."「Amour」

With a resolute thrust, he aimed the tip of his sword at Hakuryuu's left chest, intent on ending the battle swiftly through a death by piercing.

But what a surprise. "You asked me what I've learned, right?" Hakuryuu's voice was calm, almost teasing, as the man's thrust aimed to pierce her.

In that instant, it became clear—her previous moves were all just feints.

The smirk on her face was the telltale sign, unfortunately by the time he sensed something was amiss it's already too late. With lightning speed, Hakuryuu countered, grabbing his arm in response.

She yanked him closer while also closing the distance in one fluid motion, and planted her foot firmly on the blade he held, driving it into the ground. "Mikiri Counter, wasn't it?" she continued with a confident smile.

It was a technique she had recently mastered in this place.

And with the air of superiority that came from such an unexpected counter, Hakuryuu raised the sword in her grip high above her head, ready to deliver the fatality strike.

Realizing his defeat while also clearly impressed by her skill, Amour admitted, "Splendid... well, that should be enough." He had thoroughly enjoyed the fight and was satisfied with the outcome.

Believing there was no need to prolong the duel, he prepared to offer his surrender. However, it quickly became apparent that his opponent had no intention of accepting such a cowardly gesture.

"Huh? What're you saying?"「Hakuryuu」

Just because she had driven his sword into the ground didn't mean the fight was over. Besides, even if she could end him here in this dream, it wouldn't mean his actual death.

As a fierce warrior who thirsted for true challenge, she craved a fight that was longer, tougher, and far more exhilarating. And true to her nature, Hakuryuu wasted no time—

She immediately grabbed his jaw, silencing him with a swift iron grip.

"Hey, don't give up now."「Hakuryuu」

Treating him like a mere shopping bag, Hakuryuu lifted the man as high as she could with one hand before slamming him down hard onto the ground. There's no need to use her katana so it seems.

He hit the earth with a heavy thud, like an anchor sinking deep into the soil.

"I'm still not done yet!"「Hakuryuu」

"No, no, I mean, it's already enough—"

"If I say no, it means no! Hraaaaahhhh!!!" Hakuryuu shouted.

Ignoring the man's protests, the barbaric girl enthusiastically continued dragging him along. His body carving a deep trail in the ground, much like an anchor plowing through the earth.

She continued to drag him, laughing with abandon just like a children tugging along a beloved toy. Such a contrast between her carefree demeanor and the brutal reality of her actions.

Fortunately, after some time, she finally stopped at the edge of a serene lake, where the still waters reflected the quiet beauty of the moonlit sky.

"Hmm... this place is... Hehe, it reminds me with that time."「Amour」

It's not the first time she's been here, but it's the first time she truly appreciated the view the lake had to offer.

The clear water mirrored the tranquil serenity of the bright moon, reflecting the beauty of the night she was experiencing. Purple leaves from the surrounding trees drifted down, softly landing on the lake's surface.

Gazing at this peaceful sight, Hakuryuu released her grip and decided to sit down. And as if it's a natural thing to do, she used the man's body as her seat, causing him to groan from the impact.

"This make it my win, right!"「Hakuryuu」

"Yeah... whatever... cough..." Amour muttered, clearly less enthusiastic.

"Hahaha! 101st win for the Great me!"「Hakuryuu」

In the end, Hakuryuu had come out on top.

Added with the weight of her body pinning his chest, Hakuryuu looked quite satisfied.

Savoring the sight of defeat etched on the man's face beneath her, Hakuryuu found herself thoroughly entertained by both his misery and the beauty of nature around them. She even playfully slapped his cheek, emphasizing her dominance.

"Well? Can't you move already?"「Amour」

"No can do... I like this position," Hakuryuu replied with a smirk.

Sighing in defeat, the man decided to make the most of this moment.

His gaze drifted across the unusual surroundings. As he took in the peculiar surroundings in order to reflect on the situation—on everything that had brought him here, to this exact place.

Hakuryuu's weight was no more than that of an average girl—she's perhaps a bit heavier than he'd anticipated, but still light enough that if he wanted to, Amour could easily stand up at any time.

But then again, why rush? "(Tickle-tickle)" sometimes just messing around while trying to tickle her feet can be something worth the laugh, even if it earned him a hard stomp on stomach though.

"Stop that, you want more beat down?" Hakuryuu grumbled.

Her fierce and untouchable demeanor reminded Amour of the first time they met. Right here, on the edge of the lake, in a position similar to the one they found themselves in now.

"Hey, you know... do you still remember it? When... ugh, you know what I'm saying, right?!" Hakuryuu struggled to find her words, which made the man chuckled softly.

"Of course I remember. Seeing you here again brings it all back. After all, it was the first time I revealed myself to you. You were so suspicious of me back then. But now... do you still feel that way?"「Amour」

As far as the persona could understand, Hakuryuu often acted without warning, her actions abrupt and seemingly spontaneous. She was the free-spirited type, driven by impulse, yet aware of the boundaries she should never cross.

Even though she had her own problems, it often seemed like she didn't really care. Even when she realized she had died in the real world and learned the truth about this dream-like realm, her reaction had been...

'What?/ Is that so?/That's the worst you can tell me?'

The girl showed little interest in the gravity of her situation. Instead, she seemed far more captivated by the vastness and wonder of this dream world, eager to explore its every corner.

"Nah, not now. We can talk about that later. Right now, I just want to sit here without thinking about anything. so you should stop talking and just enjoy this with me."「Hakuryuu」

"You don't give me much of a choice," Amour replied, a hint of amusement in his tone. "Though, it'd be perfect if there were drinks to match this mood."

Hakuryuu smiled at his words. "Just leave that to me. This place is my dream—my domain." She stretched out her hands as if reaching for a bottle of sake out of thin air.

Given that they were in her dream world, Hakuryuu could summon anything she wished just by thinking about it. In the blink of an eye, a bottle of sake and two ceramic cups materialized in her hands, exactly as she had imagined.

With a satisfied smile, she handed one cup to Amour, and together they settled back to enjoy the serene view, enveloped by the gentle stillness of the dreamscape around them.

"Wow, you're getting good at this."「Amour」

"Keep those compliments coming."「Hakuryuu」

Their usual routine wasn't much different from this.

They would fight, rest, talk, and eventually find themselves appreciating the beautiful landscapes hidden within Hakuryuu's dream world. It was a cycle they had grown accustomed to, each moment shared between them.

Sometimes, Amour would teach Hakuryuu how to better control her dream world, guiding her through the nuances of shaping and manipulating the dreamscape. At other times, Hakuryuu would share stories from her time at Azur Lane Academy.

Offering glimpses into her past experiences, she wasn't particularly fond of discussing.

And then if the routine began to grow monotonous, they would spice things up by adding a twist to their duels, introducing new elements and challenges to keep things exciting.

These ranged from playful wagers, like the loser having to remove a piece of clothing, to more significant stakes, such as something Hakuryuu wanted to discuss with him.

"This make my 101st victory... our bet, you still remember about it?"「Hakuryuu」

"Among all our bets, it's hard to forget this one. It seemed impossible at the time, but here we are. To think you actually pulled it off..." Amour replied, his voice tinged with admiration.

"Phuuh... pheh! I know sometimes you just let me win! Just like now! You didn't even use your special moves or unique abilities, did you?!" Hakuryuu's face flushed with embarrassment as she playfully stomped her foot on Amour's.

"You're drunk, Hakuryuu."「Amour」

"I'm not... drunk!" Hakuryuu retorted, tugging on the collar of the man she was perched on.

As their encounters grew more intense with each clash of their swords, Hakuryuu proposed a bold bet to that man. If she could secure over a hundred victories against him, she would be granted a single wish—one that Amour would have to fulfill without question.

In contrast, if the man achieved the same number of wins, Hakuryuu promised to always obey him and never leave his side, a pledge bound by the gravity of her words.

It's something like [If I win your life shall be mine, if I lose then I shall be together with you till death tear us apart,] ahh situation.

At first, Amour found the bet unusual, but as he got to know Hakuryuu better over time, he began to understand why she proposed such a wager.

She simply needed a compelling reason to chase something she truly wanted, something she had thought about over and over in her dreams, when that Persona wasn't paying attention.

"Hey, Hakuryuu... Hakuryuu? You really are drunk, aren't you? Come on, I'm just a seat for you, not a soft bed for you to sleep on."「Amour」

"...Whatever, it doesn't matter. Since I won, you're not going to back out, right? Just... stay like that and let me handle the rest," Hakuryuu replied, her flushed face drawing closer to the man's lips.

Deciding to go along with the moment, he relaxed his body, surrendering to the flow.

Her first kiss felt like a mix of blood and pain, a memory that initially made her apprehensive about this moment. However, contrary to her fears, she didn't experience any of the pain she remembered.

Instead, her lips met only softness and warmth, accompanied by the gentle warmth of his breath that made her face flush even more. "...Sorry, that wasn't my first."

"But it's the first one you've enjoyed, right?" Amour asked with a knowing smile.

"Stop reading into things, hey... can I, do more this time? It's kind of... making me tingle..."「Hakuryuu」

The man simply smiled and allowed Hakuryuu to continue as she wished.

After all, it was part of their bet.

The more kisses Hakuryuu delivered, the longer she lingered, savoring each moment. As she brushed away the droplets of moisture at the edge of her lips, she began to explore other sensations.

"Why kissing feels this good? Shouldn't it be something disgusting and repulsive? Why does it feel so different from before..." 「Hakuryuu」

"Cough, cough... I have some scientific reason for that, but—" the man started to say, but his words were cut off as Hakuryuu resumed her "exploration," deepening the kiss. Clearly, she wasn't interested in any scientific facts.

All she wanted was the lingering sweetness as their tongues intertwined, exchanging sensations.

"Your tongue feels so soft. It makes me want to bite it."「Hakuryuu」

The more Hakuryuu wanted to savor the moment, the closer she pressed herself against him. She seemed oblivious to the sweat trickling down her chest or the way her clothes were becoming disheveled.

Even her arms grew increasingly unrestrained, enveloping him more deeply in her embrace. She only allowed him to catch his breath when she, too, needed a momentary pause for air.

Outside of that, she would let the heat of desire guide her lips. She wouldn't give his lips, tongue, or mind any respite from the kisses she bestowed upon him. Her embrace was so tight, that made it difficult for him to pull his head away.

"Oh, sorry, you're bleeding. Let me..."「Hakuryuu」

Despite her apology, she continued to pull him closer, her kisses relentless, as if trying to absorb his very essence through their connection. But her heart skipped a beat when she bit his lip too hard.

Hakuryuu pulled back and sat up on his chest, a slight look of concern on her face.

"You're not mad, right?"「Hakuryuu」

he man chuckled softly, "You really are drunk, hehe." There was no hint of anger in his voice, only amusement as Hakuryuu fumbled, trying to make up for the small wound she'd caused.

Little did he know, showing such kindness will only flamed the fire within her, making it even harder for Hakuryuu to contain the growing heat inside. "Hakuryuu? Y-Your eyes is kinda scary..."

There's a sharp glint that hadn't yet faded within here eyes, combined with her breath coming in quick and ragged bursts, she looks just like a wild animal ready to pounce on her prey. "This is... the sake's fault."

Without another long word, she pressed her body firmly against his, her skin tingling with every bare touch as her clothes slipped further open, allowing her chest to press directly against him. 

"Is it truly the sake's fault I wonder, since it doesn't look like that to me."「Amour」

"Stop talking... but if you want to, just keep saying my name, slowly. "「Hakuryuu」

"Well if that's what you want... Ha, Ku, Ryuu?"「Amour」

Her face burned with heat, while lower down, she felt herself like a dam on the verge of breaking. Hakuryuu could feel herself melting under the overwhelming sensations, her head growing light as waves of pleasure spiraled down her spine, leaving her breathless.

"Whoa, whoa... slow down, rice ball. You're hugging me tighter than a panda with their bamboo sticks. W-wait, I didn't know you were a vampire type?!"「Amour」

"It's your fault, just bear with it," Hakuryuu responded, her embrace tightening even further. In the heat of the moment, she bit down hard on his shoulder, carried away by her emotions.

The bite left a mark that Hakuryuu only noticed once her senses began to clear. Embarrassed, she quickly adjusted her clothing and moved away from him, her face flushed as she tried to regain her composure.

"Cough! That's should be enough. Let's get back to other things now."「Hakuryuu」

"Ouch... oww, my back... that's some fast recovery from you, as expected of a ship girl I think," Amour remarked, still rubbing the mark left by her bite.

Standing up, Amour felt the soreness in various parts of his body, a reminder of the intense pressure he'd been under from Hakuryuu.

But despite the lingering back pain, Amour was struck by an intriguing idea, inspired by all the intense moments they had just shared. Hakuryuu noticed his thoughtful expression and realized he was mulling over something.

"Hey, Hakuryuu... what if, just what if, I manage to win more than a hundred times? Maybe we could do this again?" Amour proposed with a playful glint in his eyes.

"...You should dream in your own, but not mine."「Hakuryuu」

"No, I mean, it's only fair if I also get a wish after reaching my 101st victory, right? So, if I win, I'd like to do this again."「Amour」

"Heh, so you actually enjoyed being bitten, huh?" Hakuryuu teased, her heartbeat quickening.

Despite her sharp words and the teasing edge, there was a glimmer of satisfaction in her eyes, pleased by the acceptance and interest Amour had shown.

"But this time, I'll be on top," Amour keep going on, his voice steady with intent. "And, just like me, you must do nothing but let yourself be guided by me. Of course, you can refuse if you want."

"Fine by me," Hakuryuu replied with confidence, "That is… if you can actually win that much in the first place."

"That's great, then let's add more condition. "「Amour」

However Hakuryuu's confidence immediately wavered as his words sank in. The moment he added, "Next time, I want you without your katana," her smile instantly faded.

Her usual composure cracked, replaced by a look of uncertainty, as if the very thought of being without her trusted blade unnerved her. It was clear that his condition struck a nerve, stirring something deeper than just discomfort.

"You were pretty dominant before, but I'd love to see your expression when you're not holding onto your blade. I wonder… how cute you'll look then~" he teased, watching as she instinctively recoiled, moving further away from him.

"Without katana, t-that's..."「Hakuryuu」

Amour's grin widened. "Now that I think about it, I'm still only at my 63rd victory against you, huh? There's still a long way to go before I hit a hundred. I'm really looking forward to our next duel now."

"W-Wait, can't we reconsider the 'No Katana' restrictions?" said the girl, as her grip tightening around the weapon.

"Nope, it's already set. Once I get my 101st win, we're doing this without your katana." Amour grinned, a mischievous chuckle escaping his lips. "Hehehe, I hope you're looking forward to it as much as I am."

In a playful attempt to tease her, Amour swiftly reached for the katana that Hakuryuu held so protectively. But, of course, she had no intention of letting go, pulling it closer to her body as if it were a part of her.

"Anything but my katana!!! Anything! Just let me stay by its side!"「Hakuryuu」

"No can do~" Amour sang, his tone light and teasing. "When the time comes, I'll safely lock your katana away."


And ever since that conversation, Hakuryuu had never lost a duel to Amour again. No matter how many times they clashed, Amour could never secure the victory he needed to make his wish come true.

She often felt a surge of pride with each win, unaware that all her victories were just another part of Amour's plan. It was another gift he had carefully crafted for the girl who refused to surrender her dream.

Times keep passed by and until finally, it's time to say their good bye.

"In the end, were you ever serious?! Why do you keep losing to me?!"「Hakuryuu」

"Hehe, that's a secret," Amour chuckled softly. "Now… just keep going, and soon, you'll find yourself waking from this dream. You might forget many of the details, but if you truly wish to, you'll be able to remember them."

"Yeah, whatever you say. See you on the other side," Hakuryuu replied, though a faint smile tugged at her lips.

Deep down, Hakuryuu made a quiet promise to herself.

If she could ever meet him again once she woke from this dream, perhaps… "Our unfinished business, I'll never forget about it," her words echoed in the silence, just as her consciousness began to be consumed by the blinding light.

Everything she had built within this dream slowly dissolved, piece by piece, until all that remained was the figure of the Persona, destined to reside there until everything was complete.

For the sake of granting the wish they both desired.

"If that's the case, I'm glad," the Persona said softly, his voice filled with sigh relief.

"Please show your love to my other half over there. Help me—or him—when he needs it. I'm sure he's still recovering from many of his losses, so... help him become whole again," there's a gentle plea in his words.

A plea from a Fool, filled with a deep longing for a happiness he could never provide.

Sometimes, fear and doubt came over if it's okay to continue writing this. It's telling me there's something wrong with this story.

But those aren't my fear, neither my doubt. So there’s no real problem for now. What I’m truly afraid of lately is... rewriting the story in the Honkaiverse.



See ya.

Strunomcreators' thoughts