
Last Ruler Of The Empty Throne

Earth has been visited by the Embryiniel records, so the world and its habitants is been pushed toward the path of evolution. Strange monsters only made up by imagination are appearing everywhere and the world changed to a situation of either survival or death. Jon is a normal student in Palflic university, all he thought about was finishing his school and how his parents might have abandoned him but little did he know about himself and what the world had in-store for him. Other worlds and universes, clans and sects, people and monsters stand in his way, will he prevail or succumb to the desires of others. . . . . .

pricklebells · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Title at the end:

Jon found himself grappling with a perplexing mix of emotions. Cynthia wasn't the most beautiful woman in the university, though she was certainly among the top ten.

He had passed by several of the top ten before, and while they were undeniably attractive, they were just that—attractive. Cynthia, however, was different. Even though he had known her for less than a day, the way he felt about her seemed more profound than simple admiration.

As he looked at her, he was momentarily paralyzed. Cynthia met his gaze, offering a faint smile and a gentle shake of her head. "You're awake," she said.

Jon struggled to form words, feeling an acute embarrassment that made him wish he could disappear. Cynthia, fully aware of his discomfort but choosing to play along, continued to observe him with a knowing look.

He scanned the room, his eyes widening as he took in his surroundings. They were no longer in the female dormitory but in the student cafeteria they had intended to visit. The room was bustling with activity. Groups of students were scattered about, some casting envious glances his way. Jon looked at Cynthia with pleading eyes, seeking an explanation.

She chuckled softly at his reaction. "Alright, I'll explain."

Cynthia had been surprised by Jon's character. Initially, she had assumed he would be like others who used their strength to assert dominance. She had been almost certain he would try to impose himself when he first stood up, expecting everyone to follow him. However, when she learned that he wasn't the one who had orchestrated their visit to the cafeteria and didn't attempt to confront the planner, her impression of him began to shift.

Further surprises came when Jon showed no disrespect towards anyone, even when she had isolated him in a room. She had expected him to potentially take advantage of the situation, but he didn't. His willingness to fight where she directed and his indifference to anything outside his immediate concern showed a level of maturity she didn't expect.

Cynthia had heard countless stories about men with power, but Jon was different. After witnessing his actions and realizing his true character, she found herself genuinely liking him and decided it would be beneficial to befriend him.

After a detailed explanation, Jon learned that he had been asleep for an entire day, which was a shock. His head injury had required three times the usual treatment to stabilize. The fruit they had consumed turned out to be a skill, which they fed to him, and they had carried him to the cafeteria because they couldn't wait for him to wake up.

The cafeteria had become a refuge for many students, with over a thousand already inside when they arrived. It was a sturdy building and a good place to stay.

However, the scene inside was grim: students formed groups, some aligning with the gang known as 'Krad,' a notorious group that had been a problem even before the disaster. They were now exploiting their power, showing off, humiliating the people who had wronged them in the past including the lecturers and professors.

Since they had power the adults couldn't do anything, it was the other students who had their minds straight that stood up to them but even that wasn't enough.

Jon also learned that the weather outside had turned severe few hours after entering the cafeteria, making it impossible to leave the cafeteria for now. Cynthia mentioned that Jenny and Tunde had gone out to assess the situation.

"All this in just one day?" Jon said, astonished by the rapid escalation of events. He was uneasy about his roommates.

"Yes, and with the weather being what it is, we can't leave right now. Jenny and Tunde went out to deal with the situation," Cynthia replied.

"Hmm, but why didn't you go?" Jon asked, his curiosity piqued.

Cynthia shrugged. "Haa…thanks," he said, his tone earnest. "Sorry?"

"I know you and Jenny have been taking turns looking after me, so thank you," he said.

Cynthia regarded him for a moment before nodding. "Oh, right. Do you have anything you can trade for this?" Jon pulled out the 'Lilith's Dress' he had previously acquired.

"Hmm…no, but I'll accept it as a thank you instead," Cynthia said, her eyes widening at the sight of the treasure. It was clearly a valuable item.

Jon couldn't help but feel amused by her boldness. He handed it to her, saying, "You owe me."

Cynthia accepted it with a smile, seemingly unbothered by his comment. It was the first time he had seen her smile, and it left him feeling pleased.

Jon got up from the bed, collected himself, and headed out in search of his roommates. Although he had formed connections with Cynthia and Jenny through their shared experiences, his true friendship was with his roommates. Finding them was his priority.

The cafeteria was enormous, divided into five sections and designed to accommodate around 15,000 people. With approximately 6,000 students currently present, almost half of the school was missing.

But still finding just two individuals could be challenging. However, Jon had a skill called 'Moon Gaze' that could help. By visualizing his intentions through moon energy, he could locate his roommates.

Activating the skill, Jon's eyes glowed light blue as he scanned the room. Despite the curiosity of onlookers, he focused on his search. Soon, he spotted familiar characteristics—light skin and curly hair. It could only be Alex.

As he moved toward that direction, whispers filled the air. "Hey, do you know where he's going?" "Yeah, how could he not know?" The murmurs hinted that Alex might be associated with Krad, which puzzled Jon.

Approaching the area, Jon was stopped by two students. "Hey, do you know where you're going?" one of them shouted as they moved towards him. Jon was preoccupied with his thoughts, so he ignored them.

Using his skill, Jon's eyes glowed light blue again, freezing the two students in their tracks. He walked past them silently, drawing the attention of others in the process.

He soon reached Alex, or rather, what he thought was Alex. Sitting on the floor, holding his knees, and with his head bowed, was a girl.

As Jon tapped her and she raised up her head to see him, he realized it was actually Alexa, Alex's twin sister.

Alexa was the person Alex had been trying to keep away from their roommate,Joe.

But her clothes were torn, and her body was covered in grime. He wasn't even liking what he was seeing at all, he could tell what had been done to he without asking.

And the next word was like a bomb.

Her voice trembled as she spoke, "J-Jon, it's you. Alex—Alex is dead."