
Round 2

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Thane let out a pained grunt as he was sent flying into the wall shattering his magical shield as an errant backhand swing from the troll managed to clip him. Sliding back to the floor Thane landed on his feet but took a moment to catch his breath. He didn't know how long the fight had been going on, it could have been hours or a few minutes but nevertheless it had taken its toll. 

Spitting to the side as the taste of copper filled his mouth Thane grimaced at the blood red stain left on the ground, fortunately from him the fight wasn't completely one sided. 

Like a pair of bellows the Troll took in deep heaving breaths as its club rested against the ground no longer held up and at the ready. Various wounds ranging from burns to long diagonal cuts covered the troll's skin which no longer healed at a visible rate. But the monster was still standing and it had taken almost everything Thane had just to get it to this point. 

"You just won't stay down will you?" Thane asked the troll despite knowing the creature couldn't understand him. In response the troll grunted as it lifted its club off the ground.

"Round 2?" Thane asked as he pushed off the wall and stood on his own two feet, "Then, again I don't really have a choice, do I?" 

Looking past the troll Thane grinned as he saw that the hallway was thankfully empty, 'I wondered if they'll tell the professors? If so I only have a few minutes before they get here…better make this quick.' 

Reaching up Thane let his hair out of the bun he kept it in as the hidden tattoo's along his forearms lit up bathing Thane in a bright silvery light as a breeze started to blow through the hallway. Taking a deep breath Thane felt his flagging stamina recover in a matter of seconds as the various aches and pains over his body dull before fading entirely. As if sensing Thane's transformation the troll narrowed its thick brow before roaring and charging forward. 

Holding his spellblade out to the side Thane directed the little mana left in his body into the magical artifact that started to glow with a blinding silver light. When only the outline of the blade was visible the spellblade began to morph, growing in length and size in Thane's hand who's brow dripped with sweat from the strain of fueling the transformation. 

Meanwhile the troll hadn't been idle, realizing Thane was about to finish whatever process he was undergoing the monster cocked its arm back before throwing its club with all of its might. 

Time seemed to slow down for Thane as he looked from his spellblade to the massive length of wood hurtling through the air ready to cave in his chest or burst his head like a melon. 

With a snarl Thane thrust his free hand forward, and the tattoo's along his forearm came alive as they erupted from Thane's skin in a flurry of glowing silver vines that formed a living wall in front of him. There was a massive crack as the thrown club slammed into the wall of vines sending an explosion of silver and wooden splinters into the air. 

The backlash sent Thane sliding backwards but he managed to keep his balance as he slammed the butt of his spellblade into the ground. As the air cleared Thane stared down the troll now without a weapon who returned Thane's gaze until it caught sight of the item in his hand. 

Grinning as he noticed the creature's attention, Thane kicked the butt of his spear before spinning it around with a flourish as the bladed head came to rest on the ground in front of Thane. 

Thane's spellblade was in the form of a long silver pole arm with a slim leather covered shaft, decorated with silver etchings of vines and leaves with a tapered spearhead affixed to the top that could make both slashing and piercing attacks. An uneasy look spread across the troll's otherwise unimpressionable features as Thane radiated an alarming confidence with the polearm in his hands. 

Before the beast could make up its mind Thane dashed forward becoming a silver blur as he arrived in front of the troll and slammed his open palm into its bulging gut. The troll let out a choked gasp as it was sent stumbling back a few steps and the air was forcefully driven out of its lungs. 

Continuing his assault Thane spun his spear around with blinding speed before slamming the blunt end of the polearm into the troll's knee with a viscous crack and the monster buckled as the limb gave out underneath it. 

Despite the sudden viciousness of Thane's attacks, the troll managed to lean it head back avoiding the gleaming edge of the spear that would have sliced through its neck like a hot knife through butter.

Roaring in frustration the Troll swiped at Thane with its massive clawed hand only for Thane to launch himself into the air using his spear like a vaulting pole despite the fact that no metal should have been able to bend to such an extreme degree without breaking. 

Like an arrow shot from a bow Thane flew at the troll as he stabbed out with his spear burying the spellblade deep into the monster's shoulder before it stopped, hitting the Troll's dense bones. 

Hanging onto his spear Thane swung himself around until he was standing on top of the improvised piton before pointing his hand at the troll's face from less than a foot away,"Serpensortia Imperium!" 

An ear splitting hiss echoed through the hallway as two massive fangs buried into the troll's neck and started pumping poison into the troll's veins. Rearing back with a roar of pain the troll reached up to fend off the twenty foot long emerald serpent as it wrapped its muscular body around the troll's neck. 

Jumping down Thane hit the ground with a roll, but as he went to stand up a wave of vertigo passed over him as his tatto's flickered before going out, 'Damn I guess I overdid it.' 

Thane felt his eyes roll into the back of his head as darkness washed over him, the last thing Thane heard was the victorious hiss of the emerald cobra before he passed out. 


Opening his eyes Thane was surprised that he wasn't immediately overcome by pain, only for him to realize that he wasn't actually awake. 

"You know for your first life or death battle that wasn't half bad, though I'll leave all the criticism to Elara. She was very adamant during the whole fight," Thalion said in an amused tone. 

"I think I would rather have the troll eat me alive," Thane muttered making Thalion chuckle, "Just know she's only harsh because she cares."

"Well maybe she can care a little less," Thane complained before letting out a sigh, "I really thought I could finish the troll without relying on my Wild Magic. I'm going to be bedridden for at least a week." 

Thalion shrugged, "Don't worry once you undergo the awakening ritual, you'll be able to handle it far better. Though you should take pride in defeating a troll, they're notoriously hard to put down. Most wizards just use mind magic because of their low intelligence, but you went blow for blow. Just be thankful that you only had to fight a juvenile."