
Last of The Fae

Unlike other muggle borns Thane always knew magic was real. He could feel it in the world around him and even more importantly, within himself. But isolated and alone Thane could only dream of one day going out into the world and discovering if there were others like him. But Thane would have never guessed that there was an entire hidden world where everyone was either a wizard or a witch. Thane also never would have guessed that he had a bigger role to play in the grand scheme of the world, one that would require him to grow and learn faster than any reasonable person would expect. --- If you want to read more of Last of the Fae consider subscribing my patreon where there is up to 16 advanced chapters for you to read. Or you join as a free member to get access to character art work, polls for feedback and plot development, and more! At: patreon.com/Black_Paladyn

Black_Paladyn · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
39 Chs

More Secrets

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"I see your dealings with Balor were quite fortuitous," Professor McGonagall commented as Thane walked out of the meeting room cradling his book and dagger against his chest. 

Thane opened his mouth to say something but then he caught himself, "They were…but now I have even more questions…ones I don't think anyone can answer." 

McGonagall peered down at Thane and the items in his hands, "Well If I were to guess the book in your hand is a Grimoire, a very expensive one by the looks of it." 

"A Grimoire?" Thane repeated with a questioning lilt to his voice. 

"Enchanted spell repositories used by powerful mages to teach their disciples and students." McGonagall answered as she stepped away from the wall and made her way towards the exit, "However I would wager that the one in your hands may hold more than just spells." 

Thane didn't say anything as he followed behind McGonagall afraid that if he started talking he would give away some piece of vital information. It wasn't the best feeling in the world as the countless burning questions Thane had scorched him from inside.

"Are you alright Thane?" McGonagall asked as she glanced behind her. 

"I'm fine I just have a lot to think about," Thane responded as he adjusted his grip midstride. 

McGonagall stared at Thane for a moment longer before she nodded, "Very well then, let's visit Madam Malkin's and get you some proper robes, perhaps she'll even have a nice satchel for your new belongings." 


For the next three hours McGonagall and Thane went from shop to shop buying most of the mundane supplies on the back to school shopping list. Though most wouldn't categorize shopping for potions making supplies, wizard robes, and magical school books mundane, Thane found it almost painfully uninteresting. The only upside was that Professor Mcgonagall bought him a leather book sling for his grimoire and a holster for his dagger. Though why a clothing store sold weapon holsters was beyond Thane. 

At the end of the three hours there were only two items left to cross off, which Thane was confident McGonagall had left for last as they were by far the most exciting. Meaning Thane was practically vibrating with anticipation as they walked through the front door of Magical Menagerie. 

A wave of noise and smells washed over Thane, as the countless cages that lined the narrow walkways of the store rattled from their restless occupants. 

"Every first year student is allowed a familiar companion, most go with some docile and easy to take care of, like an owl, cat or toad." Mcgonagall advises as Thane bolts ahead peering into the cages to get a look at the animals inside. 

Watching him McGonagall opened her mouth to warn Thane but paused as she realized whenever he approached a cage the creature inside went quiet and stared back at Thane with attentive eyes. And as Thane reached up to pet a surprisingly friendly Jarvey the sleeve of his robe slipped back revealing the faintly glowing silver vines covering his arms. Glancing away before Thane could catch her staring, McGonagall wondered not for the first time what had occurred after she left the room. 


Looking over as Thane called her name McGonagall saw him pointing at a small rectangular terrarium, "I found my familiar." 

Walking over, McGonagall stopped next to Thane before bending over to look inside the cage. For a second the terrarium appeared to be empty when McGonagall caught a glimpse of movement as a small emerald green snake slithered into the light. 

"You want a snake as your familiar?" McGonagall asked as she stood back up and glanced at Thane who nodded his head eagerly, "Yeah what's wrong with that?" 

"Snakes are a universal symbol of evil in most mythologies and are often used to conduct dark magic." McGonagall answered sagely.

"But Ingrid i isn't like that," Thane responded defensively. 

"You already gave it a name?" McGonagall asked with a raised eyebrow to which Thane shook his head. 

"I didn't name her," Thane corrected, "Ingrid told me, she also says she wants to come with me and won't cause any trouble." 

McGonagall opened her mouth to lecture Thane when the emerald serpent let out a low pitched hiss which Thane answered with his own series of serpentine noises. Professor McGonagall's eyes widened, while it might have seemed like Thane was simply imitating the reptile McGonagall could feel his mana fluctuate similarly to how it would react if Thane was casting a spell. 

"Parseltongue," McGonagall whispered as she stared at Thane in disbelief, "How is this possible." 


A few minutes later Thane and McGonagall walked out of Magical Menagerie with Ingrid poking her head out of Thane's sleeves and tasting the air with her forked tongue, "So I shouldn't talk to Ingrid in public?" 

"Yes, Parseltongue is an exceedingly rare magical ability and like snakes is mostly associated with dark wizards." McGonagall explained in a clipped tone, "The mere chance that you awakened such an ability is one to a million." 

"Oh" Thane responded simply but on the inside his mind was racing, 'I'm glad I didn't tell her I could understand every animal, I just thought all magical beasts could talk.' 

Thane sweated over his near disastrous slip up all the way to their final stop which he had been looking forward to the most, 'Olivanders.' 

Stepping into the store Thane craned his head back to stare up at the massive bookshelves cramped with long rectangular boxes of different colors, "Is there a wand in every box?" 

"Indeed there is my boy," An eccentric voice responded as an old man with large eyes the color of the moon appeared around the corner with a broad smile spread across his face, "Each made for a burgeoning wizard or witch, and while I am always happy to have company in my store I am a bit confused as to your purpose being here." 

"Don't be coy Garrick, Thane here is in need of a wand for the school year," McGonagall chastised only for Olivander to shake his head. 

"I'm sorry but I can not give him a wand," Olivander insisted, "Because you my dear boy already have one." 

Thank you to my patreons for making all of this possible:

Disciples: Brennan Tubbs, Robert Jefferson

Ronin: john eliasson, Luke Graham, Luke Lindemann, Yhb Ghg, Kobalos, Luck George

Grandmaster: Abaddon2466, CIERami, Dylan A, eric, James Smith, Pablo, Renee Bruffett, Rogue5k, thehangedking, thelegend27, ben widdison, Dragonman97, ibrahim amami, Jaydon Tonkin, jesse windham, jose torres, Jamal Long dinner, deazed

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