
Chapter 6

Tazuna told me that they need to buy vegetable Taiga was assigned to go with the client

He knows this World is cruel...Grandma always told him that!!!

But my God... What he saw in Wave is clearly on another level... It may be because he sees them directly like this, however, it clearly made him horrified.

It was not only one... But there were many of them... A group perhaps... And by God, they are skinny like skeletons. It as if they had not eaten for a week if possible! They all are barely able to stand now! He even saw their legs shaking like hell, but they stay awake just to make sure they look strong and there will be someone, who will take them for a job!

And there was even woman, she was not beauty and not even healthy, but, at least, she had quite a figure. She was skinny and pale like someone, who is sick, and wore a sign "Will do anything for a good payment"! And not just one! There were a few of them!

By Gods... This is... This is...

"I don't know what to say to describe this..." shock evident on his face.

"Sad, isn't it?" Tazuna said bitterly "This is what happened to our country..." He chuckled without humour in his voice "Ah, here we are..."

The store doesn't look like a normal store, it doesn't look like a store actually, fruit and vegetable shelves were almost empty. Heck! Many of them even were not proper to eat anymore or already rotten! And the ones that were in good condition were quadruple times more expensive than the ones in Konoha!

His eyes then caught movement to his back and his hand blurred to grabbed the hand of one man, who was sneaking behind him and he glared at him.

"As much I pity you, but you better not steal from me." He said coldly to intimidate him.

The guy's eyes widened before he nodded and ran out of the store.


"It's been like this since Gato came... All adults lost hope... That's why we need the bridge... A symbol of courage we need for the people to lose their fear and regain the desire to stand up for themselves." Tazuna said looking down "If that bridge... If that bridge can be completed, the land will return to that time... The people will return how they used to be."

Small girl... A girl around five years, perhaps. Came to him

She extended her hand in begging manner and Taiga stared at her with an impassive look.

He crossed my fingers and used a shadow clone Jutsu and with "poof " two clones popped on his side, surprising the little girl and Tazuna.

He handed the two clones two small scrolls. In those scrolls is emergency food

"What is your name, little girl?"

"My name Ayane, Onii-chan..." She answered

"These two will give you food, just bring them to your friends. But don't tell adults since there will be bad adults that are going to take the food from you if you tell them, okay?"

"Really?!" Ayane asked with eager and happiness "These two will-"

"Yes, I swear on my name... Now, why don't you go with them?"

"Yaaay! Onii-chan number 1 and Onii-chan number 2! Come with me!"

"What are you doing? you know how important the Emergency Ration here" Tazuna asked

"My grandmother told me to look out for 3 types of people at all cost."

3 Types of People

"First a beautiful Girl as he remembered Hinata, second an Adult a picture of an Old Lady comes to his mind, and third Children"

"Sigh...Its good that you are following your ethics but don't do it here, after all the very people you show kindness to, will make you kneel down and make you stop following your ethics, Well, I already bought the vegetables. Let's go home..." He said with a smile

As they began to walk, They kept seeing people, who were abandoned and had a very bad condition. It was almost like beggars

"Tazuna-san... You said the people here used to happy and cheerful... Gato took it, right?"

"Indeed he has... He took everything..." Tazuna said grimly.

"I see... He killed the Hero of this village, eh?"

Tazuna quickly snapped his head to Taiga, his eyes widened with shock and he had a surprised expression.

"H-How do You know about Kaiza?" He asked in shock.

"Kaiza? So he is the Hero of this village..." He mused aloud "And, no I don't know about him, Tazuna-san. I just made a conclusion based on observation. There is no way Gato could take down the moral of the whole village with ease unless he cut down the source of the courage and that source of courage must be someone, who is important, someone, who is like Hero here. And by doing that he cut down everyone's moral and courage, I just made a guess and it seems I'm right... Gato must have executed Kaiza-san in front of everyone to show how helpless their Hero is, right?"

"Kid... Your Sensei said you are sharp and I admit that. However, right now, you are not just sharp, but you are on another level to the point you scare the hell out of me." He said in a slightly frightened tone


Dinner was quite... Very quiet, in fact...

Not just because everyone glanced at the figure, who sat in corner of the room with a wary look. It is not often for the person to be in a bad mood, after all.

Of course, everyone only glanced at Taiga, who was brooding while eating his food. His face was impassive and calm, but there aura that spoke 'Don't fuck with me or else… it's really important.'

Eventually, it was Tazuna, who broke the tension as he started to laugh lightly.

"Wow, this is fun... It's been a long time since we ate with so many people." Tazuna said scratching his head sheepishly.

"Seeing this village condition, I'm not surprised..." Taiga whispered loud enough for everyone to hear, but what made them surprise is his cold and icy tone.





"Tazuna-san what happened during the guard of the bridge?" Yakumo whispered to Tazuna, so Taiga would not hear it.

"Nothing! Sure, the village condition is bad, but he did not appear to be upset so much!" Tazuna whispered back as he was slightly frightened at Taiga's mood.

"Well, something must have happened since he is clearly in a bad mood like this!"

As the two began whispering to each other, Kakashi, Kurenai and Genma stared at Taiga with a curious look

"T-Taiga Kun W-what happened?", asked Hinata while everyone else looked at her with shock thinking of how bold she is, Kurenai already formed her practice plan to increase the confidence level and power level of the young girl

"Nothing, I will be gone for the night, Please don't search for me", with that he is gone in a flash to the training place he already marked earlier

"Taiga", but he is gone already

"Oh, Come on what the hell happened today", asked Kiba

"S-Sensei, I will c-come back S-soon", said Hinata as she ran out of the house

"Wait, how does she know where to go -ttebayo", asked Naruto


Near water lake, a very beautiful view and a deep jungle that's all there was to it, and one boy kept staring at the water lake thinking about something


A series of footsteps are being heard

"Hinata, please go back Like I said I will not come back tonight", he said while turning back

But Before he could say anything else, he was being hugged

"You are sad, Taiga-Kun", she said as she hugged him

He smiled Sadly, "Hugging whenever you are sad is my role you know"

"I know right, It's funny How situation reversed today", giggled Hinata

What none of the two kids noticed that Hinata was not fumbling with her sentences, she spoke like a normally confident person

But if the two kids didn't; it doesn't mean others didn't as well

Kurenai and Genma who were following the Hinata to look after their respective students smiled

Kurenai, in particular, found the source of courage of her student, and with this revelation, her training is going to go smoothly


"So you want me to fight him?",asked Sasuke as he was standing in front of Taiga

"Yes, Chakra Control is good and all but practical fighting is important as well not to mention against someone who is far above your level"

"So this guy is above my level", Hned Sasuke

Everyone except team Genma and Three Sensei was surprised, The jonins were not really surprised, after all, if what Genma said is true and this kid really did learn Flying thunder god, Sasuke stand no chance

"Huh? But didn't Sasuke-kun you know graduated being the rookie of the year?", asked Sakura

"That's just useless title Sakura, you shall see", said Yakumo

Hearing this, Sasuke fumed, he needed to get stronger, and to do that he needs to fight the stronger opponents, but the thought of someone of his age being stronger than him, it's less than acceptable


As soon as the match start Sasuke jumped back

Snake → Ram

*There is a kunai on Sasuke back neck

(Flying Raijin Level 3: Instant Step)




Everyone was shocked and stood still

Genma on the other hand facepalmed

"Taiga you idiot, this match is not about winning or losing, it's about becoming stronger and how the hell are both of you going to become stronger if you finish the match without even letting him react"

"Sorry sensei, sorry Sasuke-Kun"

With that Match starts again

Sasuke as if learned from his mistake run while making the hand sign at the same time

Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger

"Katon: Goukyaku no Jutsu" (Fire style: Fire Ball Jutsu)

He jumped and blew a fireball from his mouth

A fireball made its way towards Taiga who didn't even moved from his original position

The fireball was just an Inch away from taiga when he muttered


Fireball disappeared into thin air nothing fancy happened no explosion no big movements no nothing, just a fireball which suddenly disappeared

The very same fireball appeared directing towards Sasuke from the side


He flipped back to dodge

Taiga hand blurred as he threw a Kunai onto Sasuke, the kunai was so fast that his Sharingan didn't even see the kunai's movement all he sees is a silver line that is coming after him in extremely terrifying speed

The Kunai cut the cheek of Sasuke as Taiga appeared behind him holding the thrown kunai in one hand while pointing another kunai on his other hand towards Sasuke




Everyone was shocked and still once again

"F-Fast", Said Shino

"This is not what I meant when I said letting you two fight each other well at-least you let Sasuke move, good job now come aside", said Genma who is still facepalmed

Sasuke didn't move, he always thought in his age group there is no-one that could beat him and help him become stronger, he never ever thought someone of his class would beat him, not to mention second time Taiga was holding back a lot yet he lost so thoroughly his jealousy and hatred reached new heights as he is sure to work harder


This is how training of Great bridge is over...and today is the day they are going to see the result of their training, today is the day of the battle of the great bridge