
Last Man Alive

The world has ended. In this world no one is alive except for one. This is a story of a man who is the Last Man Alive in this world. Where everyone else are no longer human. They have become flesh eating monsters. His only motto in this dreadful world is to survive and find any survivor. How will he survive in a world full of monsters? Along with his terrifying memories of past....the memories where he used to fight these monsters alongside his friends and how they all ended up dying with this world. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Join my discord : https://discord.gg/aT9sqze5E9

Levi_owo · สยองขวัญ
135 Chs


"One of those guys bit you?" Raiden asked.

"Yes, it was a woman. She bit me just after I left the school. She was standing behind the street and as I turned she attacked me. I was lucky that she was kind of weak and I was able to retrieve my leg. But, it still hurts as hell."

"It's at least better than dying though."

"Yeah man, I am glad."

"By the way, did you see Hatsuhi after these guys attacked?" Raiden asked.

"Nope. I was one of those people who ran away from school as soon as possible. Heck, I even reached here before Toshi. So I don't know whatever happened inside the school. I just ran away as soon as I saw people getting murdered."

"Oh, okay," Raiden said in disappointment.

"But, are you guys fine?" Ralf asked. "You are covered in blood and look really messed up. I am getting a feeling something bad happened with you in the school."

Ralf tried to dig up what happened with them inside the school. But, they were in no position of telling any of that.

"Let both of them rest for now. They have gone through enough, already." A voice came from the door's side where Ralf had entered the room before.

It was Toshi's father. A very old-looking man with very straight and serious looks.

"Make sure to clean yourself in the showers and wear whatever spare clothes that are available," he said.

His deep voice made everyone look toward him.

Raiden stood up from the sofa and bowed toward him, "Thanks for letting us stay in your house and even offering us the bathroom," he showed his gratitude.

"Cut the formalities out and go already," he said as he came down to sit on one of the sofas.

"Oh- okay, if you say so." Raiden looked toward Makie and said, "Why don't you go first? I will you go after you."

She slightly nodded and silently left the room. She didn't even look toward anyone as if no one was in the room. She seemed lost in herself.

"It's straight then left," Toshi shouted, instructing Makie about the bathroom.

"Are you sure that she is fine?" Ralf asked.

"For the time being, she is not," Raiden said.

"But, still man, whatever happened in there that she is acting like that? It's not like she was hurt or something is it?"

"It's worse. She saw Takeshi die right in front of her."

"Oh shit!"

Ralf lost all his excitement about knowing what happened to school after hearing that. Everyone in the class knew that both Makie and Takeshi were dating and they could now understand why Makie looked so much in pain.

"People will come and go. No one can stop the cycle of life." Toshi's father said. "But, what you kids can do now is support her. Support each other and get out of whatever problems stand in your way. Because alone….. alone you won't be able to do anything."

Raiden nodded and Ralf looked confused as whatever Toshi's father said went past his head.

"We will take care of her," Toshi said. "But, what the hell is happening with people? Why are they eating others? And, supposedly they all are blind?"

"I got no answers," his father said.

"Shits so much confusing and scary!" Ralf said.

"Maybe we can find some answers on news?" Raiden suggested.

"But didn't you say they get attracted toward sound? Turning on the news means making sound," Toshi said.

"Not necessarily," his father interrupted. "The streets look almost empty and I think they are moving away from this area, now. Turning on news on low volume won't affect as much."

"If you say so then I am turning it on," Toshi said as he nodded at the other two and they nodded back.

Toshi switched on the TV. He turned off the volume and started switching channels. Most live drama shows had been replaced with some old shows. He got on to the news channel and turned one bar of volume up. That one bar was enough for four of them to hear what the news was saying as they had their ultimate focus just on hearing the news.

"The government has issued a quarantine of one week in Tokyo. All the citizens of Tokyo are requested to stay in their homes for the next seven days. There is the havoc that is going on in Tokyo where people are attacking and eating each other. We do not know the reason as to why those people are behaving like that but the police are trying their best to maintain the safety of the citizens."

On the screen, it showed some cops shooting at those Flesh-Eating Monsters and them not dying at all instead standing up right after they got shot.

"A lockdown?" Ralf interrupted.

"It seems like that," Raiden said.

"The amount of deaths is constantly increasing. Currently, the major places where they have attacked are, the Subway, 24/7 Mall, Prime Town Colony, and Mashiro High School."

"Hey! That's our school," Ralf spoke up as soon as he saw his school getting displayed on the screen.

"We have estimated that the survivors from the mentioned places are less than 10%. All citizens are highly requested to stay put in their houses and not go near any of those places."

"You can bet that I am not going a centimeter close to that school," Ralf again interrupted but others didn't mind what he was saying as they were heavily focused on the news.

"The number of deaths is currently unknown to us. The number of injured has gone beyond 600 people. Hospitals are filled with people who have been bitten by those "monsters". There are no more beds available in the hospitals and neither the doctors to treat that many people at once. All the citizens are requested to only come to the hospital in case of serious injury. If it is not as serious then citizens are requested to get treated at home."

"So, will my injury be treated as serious or not?" Ralf asked.

"I don't think they will even let you enter the hospital and it is safer to stay inside than go out," Raiden said.

"Well, I wasn't gonna go either way."

"Lastly, the government has cut connections of the internet from all over Tokyo to not make other people panic for any reason. Stay tuned to our channel as we will bring you to live updates of the whole situation going around in Tokyo."

"What? Now they have cut down the internet, too?" Ralf said in frustration.

"It was expected though," Toshi said. "The situation is so worse out there. And, as I thought the police are struggling to get a hold of the situation. They will want to find out the cause of it instead of protecting the citizens."

"Yes but eventually, the situation will get better," Toshi's father said. "Those people are huge in number but they are not infinite. I bet they all will take care of it in 3 days."

"I hope so," Raiden murmured.

Makie entered into their discussion. She had taken the bath and wore her skirt and one of Toshi's T-shirts as her own school shirt had blood all over it. She had her hair open and it hung down from her head. Those silky black hair shone brightly even in that dim light.

Raiden, Ralf, and Toshi were all surprised as they had never seen Makie like that.

"What are you all staring at? I had to wear this as I had no other options," she said in anger.

"Oh- oh- right."

"Yeah, yeah, it's fine."

"Yeah- no problem here, at all."

They all hesitated a little.