
Last Commander of the Red Alert

The end of the world is full of crises, but Su Chen says not to worry because he has the Red Alert System. That’s how confident he is. You say you have a lot of weapons? Sorry, I have more weapons than I can use here. Let me introduce you to the weather control device. You say the mutant beasts are very powerful? No problem, I have a way to deal with them… Author: Xing Wuchen If you like translation and want to read extra chapters before release, visit: Patréon.com/maxnkoga

maxNkoga · วิดีโอเกม
217 Chs

Chapter 117: The New Controller

A day had passed since the battle, and the people of Wangchang City had endured various mental trials. They felt that even if the Mutant Beasts attacked Base City, they would not be afraid anymore.

Yesterday, they had already suppressed all their fears.

The eighth-order Mutant Beast Lizard Dragon attacked the city, accompanied by the appearance of the eighth-order Mutant Beast Golden Peng and the terrifying Thunderstorm. The people of Wangchang City could proudly say that they were no longer afraid of anything!

Wang Dezhi was missing, and now Qi Haotian, the head of the Qi family, was in charge of the overall situation in Base City.

They did not know that Wang Dezhi had been parasitized by the parasite, and the three Controllers were not idle enough to disclose this matter. After all, it was not a glorious thing for a high-level human to be parasitized by a Mutant Beast.

Since Wangchang City did not have a Controller, Blade King stayed behind to temporarily defend the city, while the other two Controllers returned to their own Base City to guard their own territory.

Every Controller was the same, they did not like to deal with matters unless it was a matter of great importance, then they would appear.

At this time, Blade King was healing his injuries, while Qi Haotian summoned the remaining members of his family to discuss something.

"Everyone, Wang Dezhi's disappearance may have been discovered by Emperor Ming, who took him away. If Emperor Ming finds out, we will all be accomplices, and I believe none of us will have a good outcome." Qi Haotian's eyes were cold as he looked at these people.

Wang Dezhi's sudden disappearance caught him off guard. He had lost a powerful ally, and now the Wang family was fighting over who would become the head of the family. The current Wang family was useless.

Other family heads were aware of this situation. They had united to attack that Military Base and even made a Controller fall. They had to bear some of the responsibility for this.

Once Emperor Ming found out, with his personality, none of them would have a good ending.

"Qi family head, we all know. Don't worry, no one will say anything." A family head spoke up.

The other family heads nodded. This matter was related to their future, and no one dared to be careless.

"Okay, then let's talk about whether Emperor Ming and the two eighth-order Mutant Beasts died together!"

This was their goal. As long as Zhu Hui died, they would not have to worry about these things. For their own interests, they would rather Zhu Hui die!

"I think it's very likely that they died together. Otherwise, why haven't any eighth-order Mutant Beasts appeared until now? Have you forgotten what Emperor Ming said at the time?"

"You mean, Emperor Ming deliberately attracted them and then self-destructed them?"

"Are you thinking too much? Eighth-order Mutant Beasts are not fools. Even if Emperor Ming tried to attract them, they wouldn't fall for it if they stayed at a safe distance."

"There's one more thing. The sudden appearance of the Thunderstorm yesterday was very suspicious."

These people could not have imagined that someone was controlling the weather weapon.

They talked for a long time and did not come to a conclusion. Their intelligence was too limited.

No one dared to approach the battle between eighth-order experts. One mistake and it would be a fatal outcome.

At this moment, Qi Haotian's communicator rang, warning him that someone was coming.


Soon, Blade King walked in, calmly looking at the many family heads.

"I'm leaving."

These four words caused the faces of the family lords present to change drastically. Blade King was their guarantee, and if he left, what would they do?

"Blade King, why do you have to leave now? Has something happened to your Base City?" Qi Haotian inwardly cursed. Could things be that coincidental?

"No, I just received a notification from Emperor Ming. Your Wangchang City's Controller will be coming soon, so there's no need for me to stay here."

Blade King's words quieted the hall. They all felt confused.

"The Controller... appointed by Emperor Ming himself? Do we know which lord was sent here to be the Controller?" Qi Haotian thought it must have been someone sent from another Base City.

After all, Wangchang City only had one living Sixth Order peak Transcendent who had not yet become a Seventh Order, so he was not qualified to be the Controller.

So, there was only one possibility: a deputy Controller was sent from another Base City to serve as the Controller here.

It was a necessary action, as Blade King couldn't stay here forever to help them guard the city.

"I don't know who it is. Anyway, I've delivered the message. I'll leave first." Blade King finished speaking and left immediately.

He had his own Base City to attend to, and he couldn't stay here forever.

Some might wonder why Blade King didn't wait for the new Controller to arrive before leaving.

There was no need. They were all Controllers, and there was no hierarchy between them. Even if he went back, it wouldn't be long before the Wangchang City Controller was in his hands. There was no need for him to stay.

Blade King left easily, but he left these people with a big problem.

That was how to deal with the new Controller.

"As far as I know, there are several deputy Controllers in some Second Order Base Cities and Longxin City. If it's an outsider, it could only be one of them."

"Regardless of which deputy Controller comes, we should treat them with the best attitude possible. After all, the Controller has the power of life and death over us."

"Qi family lord, what do you think we should do?"

All the family lords looked at Qi Haotian, who had become their leader.

"What if the new Controller finds out about the Military Base? What do you think will happen?" Qi Haotian smiled.

The family lords looked at each other. What else could the Controller think but to seize it?

A Military Base could quickly increase the combat power of a Base City, which was what every Controller wanted.

"Kill two birds with one stone. Brilliant!" They immediately understood Qi Haotian's meaning: if the new Controller went after the Military Base, they wouldn't lose no matter who won.

If the Military Base won, it would anger powerful humans. Once an Eighth-Order powerhouse appeared, a mere Military Base would be finished.

If the new Controller won, it would be even better. They could line their pockets and enrich their own strength. When a new Controller was born in Wangchang City, this new Controller would still have to return obediently, as it was the consensus of all Base Cities.

Each Base City's Controller could only be from that Base City and the surrounding Gathering Places.

"Jiang Er, Dad will definitely save you!" (To be continued)

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