
Lapis Lazuli

In an unknown galaxy there is a vessel. What inhabits that Vessel is a species called Lapis Lazuli. They make their abilities to dwell people dreams with their selfish desires so they can become unable to escape their dreams Lapis Lazuli grow numerous in numbers and planned to take over the Earth.The reasons they do so is beyond reasoning...

Revised · ไซไฟ
2 Chs

Metorare City

In a place called Metorare city there was worn out buildings that stood in defiance. There is only but concrete and steel, not as timeless as the mountains that ring the city but able to outlast the civilization that created them by centuries. Given enough time, even the smooth grey will give way to a jungle of green and this "ancient" city will lay ruined for future generations to discover and perhaps piece together how people lived. Some wonder if they'll know how people, with all their labour-saving devices that could barely glean six hours sleep. Even when the opportunity to rest came stress levels, kept the people living among this city unwillingly awake. But for now all people can do is walk ant-like between the monoliths, grey at people's feet, grey at every side, under a carpet of grey that promises nothing but a storm.

As a woman was strolling through this city, she saw a pod out in the open. She was confused in this scenario. She thought, "Why is there a pod in the middle of a storm like this?" She hurriedly went towards the mysterious pod to analyze what it is. What she saw in that pod however horrified her. She saw a blue-haired baby wearing what seemed like a purple sleeping suit.


(Baby POV)

"Where am I?, matter of fact, what am I? So many questions I needed an answer to, but I could conclude my answer." The baby thought.

Unknown Person: "What?! why is a baby in the middle of the open like this in some sort of pod?" What despicable parent would leave there in such a condition?''The women said loudly.

I hear a loud voice in front of me. As I steadily open my eyes it became sort of blurry. After a couple of seconds, when I gradually became more conscious, I saw a middle-aged woman in front of me. She had short brown hair that resonated with her brown hazel eyes. She was also wearing a black turtleneck tucked into a white high-waist midi skirt.

[''Should I take him the orphanage?" No, that's impossible… What should I do!?"] "The Women said in a worried voice"

What is this orphanage, this unusual women speak of? As I thought more, the sooner I appeared tired more. I don't know what will become of me from here on out. Though as of now I'm losing conscious again. As I closed my eyes, I feel tears dropping on my face. It was from the women. I fell asleep even more flummoxed.

[Oh it seems your awake, I hope you had a pleasant dream]

When I woke up from my slumber, I saw the women again. Though this time the surroundings was different. I was cuddled up in a grey mosses basket in the middle of the room with a lot of furniture and so many hues. It had clean lines, simple and mostly white and the walls are all burnt orange and reds. The furniture is rustic and dark, sprinkled liberally with vibrant cushions. There is a table in easy reach of every seat and the walls are more photographs than paint. Every one is of a happy memory, a smiling child, a birthday, a new baby. There is lively electronic but calm music in the background and the scent of sweetness in the air. I want to stay in this comfortable position and never move.

As I was observing my surroundings. Suddenly, the women leaned down towards the basket and put her arms on it, and crouched to be face to face towards me to say…

"My name is Amanda, and I guess from here on the forth I will be your mom," She said with a smile on her face.

[m-mom?) I reiterated.

Yes, mom. Although, I may not be your biological mother. I will still will take care of you as if I am one. And you..

She picks me and up and raises me to the ceiling than says

Seraphin!, Yes Seraphin! That's what I'll call you. I'll make you be a very productive member of society. I will destine you for Greatness.

So this person will be my mother from my now anyhow.. why do I my heart become so heartwarming towards this person? I need to protect this person I feel like. This person I need to protect her from the pain and not to be the one that causes it…