
Strange land

My name is "Ariel" said the young lady and you're welcome, where is this place? asked "Sarah", Welcome to the mystic land of "Aloria" said "Ariel" a witch of the light, you kids could have been captured by "zesabel" the old witch if wasn't for my help.

The "old witch" said Daniel, who is that? she is one of the fourteen witches of the dark, she goes out hunting for little kids whenever the portal is open on the days of "Halloween", replied the fairy, "fairy of the light" you're getting late for your visit said an "elf" thank you for reminding me "gnodor" it's my pleasure "fairy of the light", why don't you show these kids around the city of "Aloria" said the fairy, of course answered gnodor I'll be on my way then we'll be sure to talk more on my return said "Ariel".

"And" this is the land of of the goblins they stay in the Eastern part of "Aloria" be careful though they are very funny, perhaps they could trick Daniel into losing some weight said Emily,ha..ha..ha Emily, so are they dangerous asked Val, they are not all dangerous the green goblins are known for their cunning ways but they aren't that bad it's the red goblins you have to worry about they are found in the deeper part of Aloria although they've been warned countless times by one of the fairy's of the light, so what do they do for fun here?, are there candy's asked Sarah? "Halloween" isn't all about candy's said gnodor it's a time when remember the time when the fairy's of the light drove away the witches of the dark, although you kids celebrate it as a time of getting candy's and wearing costumes it's much more than that to us, it's why the witches of the dark go after you kids cause it feels like you all remind them of what happened in "Aloria" two hundred years ago, woah didn't know Halloween meant so much said Val, yeah like now I realize it isn't just all Candy's said Sarah, guess you guys are going have to tell Daniel that,sigh... well when can we go home.

"Home" you guy's are going to be here for the next five years although the portal opens almost every Halloween the fairy of light used alot of magic to bring you guy's here.

Woah so are saying we're stuck here for the next five years? "seems so" answered gnodor.