
Land crashing on a marriage

After getting pregnant and rejected by her boyfriend, Emma Lorenzo is faced with nightmare when she had to run away from her parents home and all alone

Emmy_logz2 · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs

Just the start.....

Who said life gives you what you dreamt of? How many people get what they desire?

Being in college has its ups and down as well. It was the last semester of my third year in college and was waiting for the last few exams before I could go home. I was not sure if I could come back the next year due to fees but I was hopeful things will work out well.

I have been dating this cute guy for the last few months and things were great for us but what happened next was not as expected

This day, I was lazily laying on my bed in my studio apartment when my boyfriend came in to work from my place.

He being my neighbor is fun and also annoying. He could always walk in to my house at any time he feels like. But I loved every bit of the interaction between us.

He sat on the sofa opposite the bed and continued working. I guess he was working on a thesis paper one of his friends hired him to do.

I was feeling sick the whole week and it was getting worse.

I was quite a distance from him but I could smell his body scent.

It was amazing and could always make me feel like lying on his arms all the time. Sometimes I could just hold his hand have it near my nostril juts to smell it. I didn't notice something was wrong with the heightened sense of smell at all. All the feelings and moods were foreign but I took it as being sick.

"You smell so nice…" I lifted my head and turned on the bed to face him, my head hanging down the bed frame.

He looked up to face me and smiled. His handsome face did its wonders again. He was so damn good looking and charming. I guess that's why I fell for him. But like they said, looks could be very deceiving.

"How long have you feeling sick?. I think you should go downstairs and get a pregnancy kit from the pharmacy." I looked at him widely like he said something forbidden. The thought of pregnancy and all those symptoms never crossed my mind at. We had always used protection. How could I be pregnant the thought horrified me.

"No way. Don't even think towards that line. My life would be over if I am really pregnant." Just the thought of it made my body shiver. I was only 22. My life had just begun. I was still in college having a kid was not part of my plan at that moment. Besides what will I tell my parents especially my dad? He was a live wire.

Anyway, I still went downstairs at that time and bought the kit. I was skeptical whether to do it or not. My hand was shaking nervously but I still went inside the bathroom and did the test. I waited for five minutes before the first red line appeared. Then a small faint red line started to appear and then stopped. It was so faint but it made my heart beat so fast that I could hear with the music playing on the screen in the room.

Oh my goodness... This can't be true. I looked at the line over and over with the same thought and then my mind went blank.

I stood from the toilet seat and opened the door going out to meet the man responsible… How funny. He knew I could be pregnant and the thought never crossed my mind.

I walked like a zombie and showed him the kit. My hand was slightly trembling which received brow furrow from him. He looked me over after seeing the line

"Emma, this can't be true, right?" I nodded my head in support hoping it was not right

I pointed at the faint line hoping it was just a small mistake with the kit, "the line is so faint I don't think it's right." He dropped down on the sofa staring at me blankly.

"You are pregnant. You are pregnant." He repeated slowly but more to himself. The surging emotions taking over my mind and body was too much. I could not process it at all and my mind refused to accept it.

Thinking no further, I took my phone from the table and walked outside my apartment leaving my boyfriend looking confused.

I went back downstairs and asked my friend the pharmacist for another test kit but this time I asked her to tell me it was not true.

I went over to her after coming out of the bathroom in the pharmacy. "Look, it's so faint I don't think its positive right?' there was that ray of hope that it was not true. She looked at me amused but also concerned

"It's true, you are pregnant. No matter how faint it seem, it's true. Besides, It's always good to take the test in the morning when your HCG levels in the urine is concentrated. Its afternoon and your HCG levels are low and also your pregnancy could be few days old." She explained it and then looked at my defeated self to comfort me.

"It's not a bad thing. Remember it's a blessing from God." I looked at her as if she and the world were conspiring against me.

"How could it be a good thing at this time and point in my life? What am I going to tell my parents?" I could image the disappointed look on my mother's face and an angry look from my father. My face was drained of blood just thinking about it

"What am I going to do? It's over..? This time my mind was blown off. I went back to the apartment and this time Mark was seated waiting for me.

"Where have you been? It's more than two hours since you left. I got worried with the state you were in?" I looked at him and imagined the future I would have with him with the kid.

I took a step closer to him, "What are we going to do about this? How am I supposed to tell my parents?" I asked but his gaze changed for a moment.

It was Friday and I was supposed to go home in the weekend as always.

My thoughts were interrupted with his next words

"We can't have this baby..." I looked at him wide eyed. For a moment I forgot I also felt it was not the right time but for him to say it like that was a blow to me.