
The Wierd man

"What's this place?"

Ja Lia muttered. Twas more of a statement than a question. He had been there before, some whiles ago. Okay! Probably some weeks or probably month back. That was where he had met Loe in the first place.

That same place had the Raven led him too. Since he didn't have the guts to return empty handed to the Emperor, thus had the persistence been supplanted. He either got the bird or remained a wanderer.

Though the fear of being killed immediately by the strange Emperor who surely had no regards for life, prevented him from manning up to go and tell the Emperor that he couldn't catch the bird.

"Okay, now! Raven, enough of the hide and seek. Come out already. I do not have the strength for this drama."

He said, standing few metres away from the door of the hut. The hut was in no good shape. But that wasn't really the point. The point was that the raven had flew inside it.