
Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

"What is the point of being strong if you cannot even be lazy?" Kai Kurogami never had any aspirations to be a hero. He was content living his life in peaceful obscurity, avoiding any and all trouble that might come his way. But after the Soul Cube merged with his body, he found himself with incredible power at his fingertips - power that he could use to protect those he cared about. Of course, that didn't mean he was suddenly going to become a hero overnight. Kai still had his priorities straight: avoid trouble, stay under the radar, and find the easiest way out of any situation. And with his new abilities, that was easier than ever. As he absorbed the souls of the fallen warriors from the Thousand Year Blood War, Kai found himself gaining incredible powers and abilities. But he was careful to keep his head down and avoid drawing too much attention to himself. He might have been a powerful warrior now, but that didn't mean he wanted to be bothered by all the other powerful warriors out there. Along the way, Kai found himself building a harem of powerful women who were drawn to his carefree attitude and devil-may-care approach to life. But even with all that power at his fingertips, Kai never lost sight of his true goal: finding the path of least resistance and staying as lazy as possible. So if you're looking for a hero with a sense of purpose, look elsewhere. But if you want a warrior who will do anything to avoid a fight, Kai Kurogami is your man. Just don't expect him to save the world anytime soon. **I am currently writing three novels simultaneously - One Piece with Bodily Refinement Bead, Bleach with Soul Cube, and Naruto with Divine Purple Card. I allocate 40% of my imagination to One Piece and another 40% to Bleach, with the remaining 20% dedicated to Naruto. By subscribing to my Patreon, you can gain access to advanced chapters of all three novels.**

IWriteFanfic · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
159 Chs


Hey there, readers! Before we jump into this chapter, I wanted to give a quick shout out to my newest Patreon supporters - Timothy, George, and Mellomellen! These awesome folks have recently joined the squad, and I couldn't be more grateful for their support. Your contributions mean the world to me and help me keep writing and sharing my stories with you all. So let's give a warm welcome to Timothy, George, and Mellomellen! Thank you for joining the party, and I can't wait to share more with you all.


Please! Please! Review my novel to support me! I need your help.


Three days later, in the middle of the night, Kai opened his eyes and clutched his chest. There was a bad premonition ringing in his head, so he willed his Shinigami form to leave his body. In the next second, he willed his body to vanish into his Shinigami form. This was a trick he had learned the other day; he could put his body into his Shinigami form.

Leaping out the window, he focused his Spiritual Power, trying to feel what was going on, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't feel anything. Restless, he started to jump from roof to roof until he heard a scream. Approaching the source, he realized it was coming from near Orihime's apartment. He moved as fast as he could and saw the culprit: a giant Hollow holding Tatsuki in its arm.

"No, you don't!" Kai moved faster than sound and arrived in front of the Hollow, swinging his sword and cutting its mask. As the Hollow disintegrated, Kai held Tatsuki and helped her inside Orihime's house. There, Orihime stood fear-stricken, staring at the hole in her apartment.

At the same time, Rukia and Kurosaki Ichigo jumped in. Kai had previously used his ability to change Rukia's memories to make her believe he was a big shot from Soul Society, so she couldn't question his motives.

Rukia's eyes widened as she recognized Kai. "Kai-sama, what happened in here? Did you kill the Hollow?"

Kai quickly composed himself, trying to maintain his authoritative image. "I sensed the Hollow and came to help. Tatsuki was in danger."

Kai hugged Tatsuki and Orihime, waiting for them to calm down. Both of them clung to him, their breathing slowly steadying as they began to feel safer. Once they had regained their composure, they started to explain the situation.

"The Hollow... it wasn't just any Hollow," Tatsuki said, her voice shaking. "It... it looked like Hatsuki."

Kai's eyes widened in shock. "Hatsuki? You mean that boy from middle school who had a crush on you?"

Orihime nodded, her face pale. "Yes, that's him. He was always a little creepy, following Tatsuki around and spying on her. But I never thought he would become a Hollow."

Ichigo looked puzzled, trying to recall Hatsuki. "I remember him too. He was always getting in trouble for stalking Tatsuki and other girls. But what would cause him to become a Hollow?"

Kai frowned, his mind racing as he tried to piece together the information. "Hollows are created when a soul fails to move on to the Soul Society and becomes consumed by their own negative emotions. It's possible that Hatsuki's obsessive feelings for Tatsuki and his untimely death created the perfect conditions for him to transform into a Hollow."

Tatsuki shuddered at the thought, her grip on Kai tightening. "So... what does that mean? Is he gone for good now?"

Kai smiled at her as he said. "I killed the Hollow, Hatsuki's soul was purified and sent to the Soul Society. He should be at peace now. You have nothing to worry about, Tatsuki."

Rukia, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up. "Kai-sama, what should we do now? The apartment is damaged, and I'm not sure it's safe for Tatsuki and Orihime to stay here."

Kai considered the situation for a moment before making a decision. "Rukia, I need you to deal with the aftermath here. Make sure the Hollow's presence is erased and that no one can trace it back to us. I'll take Tatsuki and Orihime to my place. It's safer for them there."

Rukia nodded, her expression serious. "Understood, Kai-sama. I'll handle everything here."

As Kai led Tatsuki and Orihime out of the damaged apartment, Ichigo glanced around the room, a worried expression on his face. "Kai, are you sure it's safe for them at your place? What if another Hollow attacks?"

Kai couldn't help but think to himself, 'Why is this kid talking to me like we are pals now?' He put on a deadpan look and said, "Nothing to worry about, even if more come, more will die." As he said so, unwittingly, he released a little soul pressure, making all four of them sweat from the pressure. Then, he took Tatsuki and Orihime with him to his home.

As they arrived at Kai's home, Rukia's Damage Control spell kicked in, and his mother and sister ran to the door, worried. They asked how the girls were, as the Damage Control spell had made them believe there was a gas explosion in their home.

Tatsuki and Orihime tried to assure them that they were fine, but the concern was evident on Aiko and Emiko's faces. Aiko, Kai's older sister, was especially worried as she examined the girls for any injuries.

"I'm just glad you're both okay," Aiko said, relief evident in her voice. "You're welcome to stay here as long as you need."

Emiko, Kai's mother, nodded in agreement. "Of course, you're always welcome here. We'll help you in any way we can."

As the girls settled in, Kai couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility for their safety. He knew that his powers had grown significantly, but he was still wary of the potential danger that loomed over them. He wanted to be prepared for anything that might come their way.

Kai hesitantly opened his eyes, only to find himself once again enveloped in darkness. The room he was in seemed unfamiliar, and a faint sense of dread crept up on him. As he looked around, he noticed small, flickering lights of various sizes floating around him, glowing in shades of gray, ice blue, and white. Just like the last time he was here, each light had a core that seemed to represent a different element – one with a fiery core, another with an icy core, and so on.

Despite having absorbed the memories of Zannosuke and gaining more and more Spiritual Energy every day, Kai couldn't shake the feeling that these floating lights were dangerous. Each one seemed to radiate an invisible pressure, as if they were imbued with a power that was beyond his comprehension. He remembered his last attempt to find an exit, which had proved fruitless. It was only when he touched one of the lights that he had managed to escape.

With a deep breath, Kai again decided to touch one of the flickering lights – the smallest one, which emitted the least amount of pressure. He reached out, his hand trembling as he made contact with the light.

As soon as his fingers grazed the light, a wave of energy coursed through his body, momentarily paralyzing him. As the energy settled, Kai found himself in a completely different environment – A life began to flash through Kai's eyes, a life that was not his own. He saw the birth of Yukio Hans Vorarlberna, a frail-looking child with a unique destiny. He watched as Yukio grew up, his powers slowly beginning to manifest. At some point, Yukio met Shūkurō Tsukishima and Kūgo Ginjō, and along with other Fullbringers – namely Riruka, Jackie, and Giriko – was convinced to join Kūgo, forming Xcution.

As the memories continued to pour in, Kai saw how Yukio developed his abilities. He saw Orihime in this life, along with Yasutora Sado and Ichigo. He witnessed countless moments of camaraderie, laughter, and heartbreak. The connections that were formed between these individuals seemed to grow stronger with each passing day, but Kai couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible was on the horizon.

The memories led Kai to the battle that killed Zannosuke – a harrowing end battle where all sides were fighting each other. There were hundreds of dead bodies strewn across the battlefield, and the air was thick with the smell of blood and despair. Friends and foes alike screamed in agony as they succumbed to their wounds, their lives snuffed out in an instant.

Kai saw Yukio, his eyes filled with a mix of terror and determination, as he fought against the overwhelming odds. He saw Orihime, her face streaked with tears as she used her powers to try and heal the wounded. He saw Sado, his fists clenched in anger as he delivered crushing blows to his opponents. And he saw Ichigo, his body battered and bruised, but still fighting with every ounce of strength he had left.

As the memories continued to flow, Kai felt an immense pressure weighing down on him. The intensity of the memories threatened to break his spirit, but he forced himself to focus on the important parts. He tried to hold onto as much of the memory as he could, but it was like trying to catch water with his bare hands.

He failed spectacularly. He lost most of the memories, but he did manage to keep some names and their abilities this time. He also discovered something interesting: the power of Fullbringers, individuals who had gained supernatural abilities through awakened Hollow powers.

As the flood of memories began to recede, Kai found himself gasping for breath. It was as if he had been submerged in water and was only now breaking the surface. He tried to sort through the memories, focusing on the abilities and techniques he had managed to retain.

He remembered Yukio's power to create pocket dimensions using his Fullbring, "Invaders Must Die." He remembered the abilities unique to fullbringers.

As Kai continued to sift through the memories, he realized that there was a wealth of knowledge and power at his disposal. The memories he had absorbed gave him a deeper understanding of the Fullbringers and their abilities, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of his newfound allies and enemies.

Kai knew that this knowledge would be invaluable in the days to come. With the ever-present threat of Hollows and other supernatural beings, he needed every advantage he could get. He resolved to use this newfound power to protect his friends and loved ones, no matter the cost.

He looked through the memories and realized that Orihime also possessed the potential to be a Fullbringer. Now that she was his girlfriend, he could help her awaken her latent abilities. He had often noticed the sullen look in her eyes when she watched him from afar as he helped souls cross over. She had always wanted to do more, to be more involved, and now he had the means to help her.

He could also help Tatsuki awaken her unique powers. Although from the memories he had seen, he didn't see Tatsuki awakening any powers, but he was confident that he could guide her.

As Kai continued to process the memories, he began muttering to himself about the awakening of Fullbringer powers and some of the techniques he had seen, such as High-Speed Movement, Object Affinity, and Power Transference.

"High-Speed Movement," Kai muttered, "is the ability to move at incredible speeds, rivaling that of a Soul Reaper's Shunpo or an Arrancar's Sonido. This allows Fullbringers to close the distance between themselves and their opponents rapidly, giving them an advantage in battle."

He continued, "Object Affinity refers to the unique bond Fullbringers have with certain objects, which they can manipulate and imbue with their own spiritual energy. Each Fullbringer has their own unique object, and the more personal the object is, the stronger the bond and the greater the power they can wield."

"Power Transference," Kai whispered, "is the ability to transfer their own powers or the powers of another Fullbringer to someone else. This can grant new abilities or enhance existing ones. But it's a delicate process, and the Fullbringer must have a deep understanding of the powers they are transferring and a strong connection with the person receiving them."

Kai knew that the awakening of Fullbringer powers was a difficult and potentially dangerous process. There was the risk of losing control or causing harm to the person whose powers were being awakened. But he believed that with his newfound knowledge, he could guide Orihime and Tatsuki safely through the process.


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