
Chapter 17: Permission to go to the main library.

William's POV

" you are doing great young master, if you go on like this you will finally be able to feel the sword aura," Ray said as he was happy about my progress in sword art. Ray is my teacher and he is a famous knight in my father's battalion. He has inspired many knights as well as the young people, who desire to be a knight.

He has been teaching me when I was five years old. From basics to complex fundamentals he has taught me many ways of the swords. Although he is a Spartan teacher who always seeks the perfect performance of his students and he doesn't care about the ranks between the commoners and the Noble, he treats his student equally.

This is the main reason he is respected and loved by all even my father respects him. When I was four, my father introduced him to me, that he will be my teacher and I was wondering why because he was a Noble and I had heard very bad rumors about his Household regardless, if my father introduce him to be my teacher then I can't complain because I know my father's skills and he is strong if he said that person gonna be my teacher then he has got some skill on his sleeves.

After learning from him for year's I do understand why my father chose him, he got the skills and pride of being a Knight.

"Good job young master after three years or maybe less you are gonna be the youngest sword master who can wield a sword aura and I am gonna be a proud teacher who had a wonderful student. Hahaha...Master gonna be so proud of you, young master," he said while patting was back and by the looks of my training and my progress, I can't be happier than before which also means I can finally surpass him.

" Yes!! teacher, I won't let you and my father down. I will strive to be a higher level of my sword that will surpass everything." I said with confidence.

" Good, Good I will wait for that day young master. Now the training is over, you can go now. It's time for the Rookies to train."

"Yes!! teacher and like always thank you for your teaching today. See you, tomorrow teacher." I said while giving him a slight bow and went to see Rose.

Rose has turned six and started to learn magic with Birdbrain who had invaded our house six years ago and claimed that he was Rose's Guardian. I can't believe that thing to be my lovely sister's Guardian.

If it wasn't because of the timely invasion of Anna during our fight he would have been dead that lucky bastard remembering that incident makes my blood boil.

After walking through the corridors I was finally able to reach Rose's room. there I see my sister standing in a daze.

"Rose?? what happens to you?". I called her few times but was no avail. I finally yelled her name then she was able to come off her stupor.

" Huh!!! Big Brother when did you come here?." asked Rose as she was confused about when did I enter her room.

"I was here for few minutes and I tried to call you but you didn't respond to me," I said while my eyes not leaving Rose " And if something happens to you, I will send that Birdbrain's head off his shoulders," I mumbled.

"Huh!! did you say anything Big Brother?."

" Yes, I did..... today you look cute as always my dear sis. So, did you make any progress in your magic my dear sis?." I asked her as I was relieved that she didn't hear me say that sentence.

"Un...I made some progress on that but I am still striving for more." Rose's said with a bright smile on her face. And then made a sad face and said" But Isaac won't let me study more magic. He said I won't be able to do it and didn't teach me more."

" Huh!!! that Birdbrain did that...so, tell me what you want me to do. Do you want Big Brother to kill him?" I said with a smile.

" No, I don't want Big Brother to kill him but I want the permission from brother to let me go to the main library of our house."

"you don't want me to kill him but permission to go to our main library?." I asked her I was uncertain about it and it was the perfect moment to get rid of him but whatever my sis wishes are important.

" Okay I will give you the permission you needed to go to the main library and I want compensation for letting you go there," I said while holding my excitement inside of me.

"Okay, I will give it to you...so give me the keys to the main library Big Brother," she said with a smile.

"So...you are not gonna ask me what kind of compensation I want?." I asked her to be sure.

" No...I won't because I know what my dearest Big Brother wants..hehehe..." she said while giving cute giggles.

" So, what do I want my dear sis.?."

" My dearest Big Brother wants me to go out with him to market right," she said while being shy.

"Damm, my sister is too much cute...I won't let anyone take away from me." I said while giving her a big hug and pinching her cheeks.

" Bwg Browther...its hwrts..(Big brother...it hurts)."

" Oh, I am sorry my sis but you are soooo cute and I can't help it to pinch your cute cheeks," I said sheepishly. " And here is the key to the main library and come to dinner on time otherwise mother gonna be worried sick for you ok my dear sis." I reminded her as she tends to overlook when she is submerged in reading books.

"Un...I will remember but if I forget you know where to find me right Big Brother."

"Yes, I know, now go otherwise you will be late."

" Then I am off to the library," she said as she happily skipped off. I don't know what should I do with my sister I wonder.