
Lady Kagome

Kagome runs from Inu Yasha thinking he betrayed her. She ends up running into Sesshoumaru thinking her life has literally gone to Hell. Despite her travels to find the shards of the Shikon no Tama, her journey is about to get much more fickle than ever.

Nile_Flores · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
34 Chs

Chapter 7

Kagome made her way back to her room, only to literally run into Sesshoumaru.

"Oops! Sorry," she said, and then looked up.

She noticed his top was torn, and blood was across the chest, revealing 5 deep claw marks. Her eyes grew wide.

"How'd this happen?" she asked, lightly touching his wounds.

"Woman, you will cease that. InuYasha came for you. He is still here," Sesshoumaru growled.

'InuYasha did it to him,' she thought to herself sadly.

"I don't want to go with him. Please, let me clean this. It is partly my fault," Kagome insisted, her eyes tearing up.

Sesshoumaru sighed, rubbing his temple out of frustration. He truly hated when women cried. It unsettled him to no end and made him feel weak. He was suppose to be an untouchable demon lord, and yet it took a woman's tears to bring all that down.

"I will permit this. I have already requested the items required. You will clean and bandage my chest, and then go to the dining room. You will tell InuYasha your wishes," Sesshoumaru stated, then beckoned her to follow.

Sesshoumaru's room was quite large with black silk draperies and a huge canopy bed. Even some black banners hung from the ceiling. Kagome was quite shocked, as she thought since she had always seen him in white with red attire, that his room would be the same.

As Sesshoumaru had mentioned, a table with bandages, herbs, and a bowel of warm water already awaited them. Sesshoumaru stripped down to his pants, his chest entirely exposed. Kagome's face immediately turned more than ten shades of red. She had seen the chests of several men, including InuYasha's but his was not as perfectly formed as Sesshoumaru's. Where InuYasha had muscles, he was still lithe and boyish. Sesshoumaru had a body that spoke of his arduous training, and literally showed why he was known as the 'Killing Perfection.'

'He is hot! Oh no! Bad Kagome! I can't think of him like this. He isn't fond of humans in that way.'

"Girl, are you going to stand there and gawk?" Sesshoumaru asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"You know, Sesshoumaru, it would be nice if you'd call me by my name. It's Kagome," she sighed, and then started deftly sponging the blood from his chest wounds.

"I suppose you've earned it," Sesshoumaru said, then winced as she continued cleaning his wounds.

"Sorry," Kagome said, a bit teary eyed.

'She's crying for me?'

"Why do you cry, Kagome?" he asked.

"I caused you pain, and I'm the cause for this. I'm a terrible guest," she answered, her bangs covering her eyes.

"Do not worry yourself, Kagome. What is done has passed. You cannot blame yourself for the half breeds lack of control over his temper," he replied, his voice softening.

He lifted her chin with his fingers and looked into her eyes, wiping her tears from her face. He noticed how her eyes switched between either more grey or more blue, seeming silver. It was rare to find humans with that color. Kagome's eyes were not even shaped like normal humans of Japan. The shape reminded him of his journeys to the west into the Germanic and Gaulic tribes where they held no slant and their eye was more open, like the demons.

'Such a strange color for a human. She should have been born a demon.'

He took in a deep breath, filling his nose with her scent.

'No mere human has such a divine scent. Ah! I must not think like this.'

Kagome became uncomfortable under his scrutiny, and tried to shy away from him, but he noticed, and let go of her chin so she could continue.

Kagome finished bandaging Sesshoumaru's chest, then hobbled towards the dining room, leaving Sesshoumaru to his own thoughts.

He remembered the first time he saw her, in his father's tomb. He remember how she took the Tetsusaiga and handed it to his brother. He had been angry yet amazed how she was the only one that could pull the fang from the stone. She had been barely out of her childhood, yet very much with a womanly figure. She was not ugly, nor he had thought ever been. Even humans could be beautiful, which he would not deny that. He was not one to lie to himself or others. He remembered the encounters with her and his half brother's group, as it grew to its current number.

'A ragtag group. A half dog demon, a demon kit, a demon slayer, a monk, a demon cat, and a priestess. But I cannot complain. My own entourage is just as motley.'

Sesshoumaru hoped that Kagome was indeed the key to destroying Naraku. He planned to invest a lot of his time in training her to discover her full potential. Since he had heard from her, that she was from the future, he assumed that fighting was not a way of life anymore, or perhaps Japan had a sufficient force that people lived in comfort. For her age, if she had grown up in the feudal era, she would have been extensively trained from the age of seven summers, if found that she had powers in ties with the Jewel of Four Souls.

It was rare to find a priestess with power as most were only assistants to priests. The last priestess was the priestess Kikyo and she even retained some power upon her resurrection as a clay doll. Sesshoumaru figured that the power was only because of Kagome, as it was a part of Kagome's soul that resided in the doll. He had sniffed that out long ago upon approaching her, when Inu Yasha and his group had battled against Menomaru, in his ultimate form as Lord Hyoga. Within the clay, dirt, and death, was definitely a small scent of Kagome. He knew what the priestess Kikyo had smelt like in life and it was nowhere near that of Kagome's scent, which was fairly odd. He knew from experience, that usually reincarnations tended to carry the scent of their incarnate. So it was that the priestess Kikyo had stolen Kagome's soul, and her refusal to pass back on into the afterlife, was proof of her crime.

'Kagome will need all of her soul to destroy Naraku,' Sesshoumaru concluded.