
Ladder of Destiny - Martial Spirit Bonding

Ladder of Destiny, Martial Spirit Bonding is a satirical cultivation fantasy novel co-written by brothers Brent and Joe Rost. On the Jangchi continent, cultivators must bond martial spirits, powerful remnants of the past, in order to increase their own strength. Born powerless in a world where martial strength determines everything in life, Li Kang is cast out from his clan for having no potential. Determined to prove his clan wrong, he must venture into the unknown to bond a martial spirit and forge a powerful destiny for himself.

Joe_and_Brent_Rost · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

Chapter 13 - Martial Spirit User

Surprisingly, the enemy was not a Suhn clan elder as Li Kang had originally predicted. Smaller factions such as the Li and Suhn clans could only be depended on to have a handful of Meridian Crystallization level cultivators. Instead, the man wore a tight green head wrap and face mask. He had bandages wrapped around his arms as well as a thin, wiry sword at his waist. A silver broach with the crest bearing a skull impaled by a lance was his only identifying feature. Briefly a thought crossed Li Kang's mind,

I'll have to consult Master Guansho's book to figure out his faction, that is if I can make it out alive. The mysterious figure smirked, and darted to the left, causing Li Kang to lose him again. With his ki sight activated, it was simple to follow the tracers as the bandit circled around behind in a devious move. Intending to sever arteries in an instantaneous attack. However the rogue cultivator could never have expected a Bone Strengthening stage to have acquired ki senses, so he was wholly unprepared for Li Kang's sudden turn, viciously plunging ahead with the twin daggers. Time seemed to slow as the bandit made a shocked expression before snapping his fingers.

"Iron Titan: Unbreakable Fortress Wall." He grunted. Suddenly a red shield appeared, rebuffing even the attack of the grade one heavenly treasure items. For even cheat items and powerful treasures depended on the user's level being high enough to unlock their full potential and abilities.

Damn! So that's the power of a Martial Spirit User! Li Kang was shocked, in disbelief that a martial spirit ability was enough to stop even a coveted and powerful cheat weapon. This was the immutable truth, in this world strength reigned supreme. Ultimately no matter his buffs, cheats, and wits, there was almost no chance to defeat an opponent an entire stage ahead. Especially while not yet at the pinnacle of the Bone Strengthening stage.

Having been unexpectedly rebuffed, the bandit cautiously retreated in order to further analyze his opponent. In actuality, Li Kang was not strong enough to defeat a bonded spirit user, however, his opponent had been caught off guard by his unexpected abilities and was not certain of Li Kang's true level.

Making up his mind, the rogue leapt into the air, beginning to spin and glow with red lightning. Behind him, the outline of his massive spirit familiar began to form, the Iron Titan.

Unfortunately for the bandit, using this moment of indecision to his advantage, Li Kang dove into the fast moving white rapids and was quickly swept away down river.

What a shame that I had to lose the gold and elixirs, but against a Meridian Crystallization stage expert, the best I can manage is to escape with my other treasures. Besides, I was able to gain the dagger of Charity, as well as the most powerful elixirs and pills which I conveniently kept on my person.

Lost in his inner monologue, the mighty currents slammed Li Kang headfirst into a sharp boulder, knocking him out cold with a resounding crack. His limp body was thrashed as the river carried him swiftly, eventually washing him up battered and bleeding, but not seriously wounded, several miles upstream.