
Chapter 245 - Evening meeting

I stayed for a while contemplating the black flame flickering on my finger. If someone asked me whether I wanted to test it or not, the answer would definitely be yes. However, without knowing the effects, I'd probably put myself in danger by trying. I mean, I almost lost my hand a few moments ago, right? Still, if someone asked me if I wanted to test it again, the answer would be yes.

(... But the name doesn't help much in figuring out what it does either. I doubt it's just an eternal flame. I mean, the color is black)

Putting these thoughts aside, I blew on the flame, making it extinguish quickly. It was ironic, considering the name. Anyway, I would have more opportunities to test these new abilities in the future, preferably in a place where I wouldn't be accused of a crime or something.

"We're back! Hey, Makoto, missed us, didn't you?"

While pondering that, Fujiwara's voice caught my attention. With a suggestive smile on her face, she hugged me from behind, resting her face on my shoulder. Besides them, Saemi, Aoi, Leona, and Ana had also returned. Interestingly, Ana was holding what seemed to be a bag of potatoes.

"Where did you get that?"

When I asked the question, Ana briefly blinked her eyes while watching me and then pointed to where the receptionist was. Well, actually, that makes sense. Also, the first floor is usually where people have their meals.

"Anyway, how did it go? Did everything go according to plan?"

Aoi nodded when I asked the question, and then shared the details.

"We managed to sort everything out, but I was unsure whether to request a separate room for you or if we should all sleep in the same room"

Aoi said with her cheeks flushed. Strangely, even though she's not so good with this kind of situation, she always seems to say things that can be interpreted in another way. She's just too cute. After that, she continued.

"But since the girls insisted a lot, we decided to all sleep in the same room"

Aoi said this while squirming, appearing somewhat shy. It was evident that she expected something specific to happen between all of us in the same room. Sighing, I turned my gaze to the girls once again. Upon realizing my gaze, they all averted their faces in other directions. However, that wasn't really relevant at the moment. With that in mind, I looked around trying to find someone in particular.

"By the way, where is that idiot Elf?"

When I asked that question, everyone's demeanor changed instantly, clearly indicating that something had happened. Before I could get up from the table to investigate, I was interrupted by Saemi, who, despite the others' grim expressions, sported a cheerful smile.

"Don't worry about it. Leona already took care of the problem"

Saying that, she pointed to a corner where the Elf was lying, apparently unconscious.

"... What exactly did he do?"

After asking the question, they exchanged looks for a few seconds, displaying displeased expressions. The one in charge of answering my question was Leona.

"During the registration process, he tried to persuade us to go to his room, so I kicked him"

Leona spoke as if it was no big deal, but nonetheless, I was sincerely surprised. This guy was much more inappropriate than I thought, besides being a jerk.

"I'm glad to hear that, but why do you all seem so angry? I thought women liked good-looking guys"

My question was sincerely out of pure curiosity, at least, that's how it worked in my old world.

"I prefer someone stronger than me; beauty doesn't guarantee strong descendants" 

Said Leona while crossing her arms, emphasizing her beautiful breasts. Besides, well, she was really right. Just because your partner is handsome doesn't necessarily mean he will be strong. Two strong people have a better chance of producing strong offspring, or at least that's what I think.

"I personally don't care about looks. Besides, I find you much more handsome and charming than him" 

Said Saemi, turning her gaze to the elf with anger on her face.

"I don't care either; I prefer to be with my dear" 

Said Fujiwara as she gave me a kiss on the cheek with a smile on her face. Ana, instead of uttering words, chose to settle in my lap while savoring her potatoes. On the other hand, Aoi just gave me a smile. We decided to place an order for dinner and then retired to our room. The room space was notably spacious, as expected, given the luxurious atmosphere of this place.

When it was time for dinner, we went down to the first floor, where we encountered again the annoying elf, who apparently had forgotten everything that happened since we entered the inn. Despite his annoying advances towards the girls, he seems to feel the consequences of the beating he received whenever his eyes meet Leona.

At least near Leona, his harassment gave a small truce. Still, during the night, I informed the girls that I would go out. So, wearing something that could cover my face, I teleported outside. The reason I'm using something to hide my face is quite simple, actually.

If they discover a human walking alone in Eldoria, it would probably lead to various problems. Besides, I somehow sneaked out, so I had to disguise myself; of course, before that, I asked the girls to cover for me in case that elf asked about me.

While walking through the streets of Eldoria, I couldn't help but admire the scenery, and when I say scenery, I mean not only the beauty of the structures of the place but also the undeniable beauty of the elves' race itself. No matter where I looked, everyone was extremely beautiful.

Even the older elves had a unique beauty that emanated from them. While looking around absentmindedly, I didn't realize there was someone a bit shorter than me in the vicinity, which resulted in a slight bump. Upon realizing this, I quickly extended my hand, surprised to notice that the person in question also wore something to cover their face, similar to a hood.

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