As we flew, Leona shared with us everything she knew about Eldoria, the realm of the elves. Speaking of elves, the two races are called sun elves, characterized by white skin and golden hair, and moon elves, who have dark skin and silver hair, according to the terms used by the inhabitants of this world.
Leona also told us that elves, like fairies, are one of the most isolated races, with little contact with the outside world. When such contacts occur, elves often act relatively arrogantly, as they believe themselves to be a favored race by the gods.
Well, in their place, I think anyone would think the same way. They possess unparalleled beauty and a lifespan that, from the human perspective, is almost immortal. As for moon elves, although they are a bit more sociable than sun elves, they also share the same flaw, arrogance.
Still about sun elves and moon elves, Leona told us that the elven population is relatively small compared to other races. Apparently, besides elves having difficulty conceiving, men and women hardly have an interest in having children until they reach a certain age, which is around two hundred years.
But even so, most cannot have children, and after reaching that age, they lose interest in having descendants again. This seems to be a quite complicated situation, if you ask me. Because of this mentality, it seems that the number of sun and moon elves decreases every eight hundred years or so.
While these conversations were happening among us, I continued to fly above the forest that stretched below us. Although I asked Leona several times how Eldoria would look like, she always told me it would be more fun to see for myself since it's an extremely beautiful realm.
Another issue that was raised was how we would manage to enter Eldoria. As explained earlier, Eldoria is a relatively closed country, and only a few selected ones can enter. Apparently, not even Leona, with her princess status, could enter Eldoria without an extremely convincing reason.
Therefore, Leona's suggestion was that, first, we stop in the lower part of the country, which, in this case, would be the forest, to try to talk to the leader of the moon elves. Anyway, we didn't know where Eldoria's dungeon was. If it wasn't necessarily inside the realm, maybe we didn't even need to talk to the sun elves. Well, anyway, that was just my personal wish.
To be honest, I really didn't want to get involved more than necessary with the elves. I mean, any man would like to see an elf, of course, but they seem quite arrogant. I doubt we would get along well.
"Makoto, take a look"
While all these thoughts were going through my mind, Leona's cheerful voice reached my ears. In dragon form, I could hear sounds for miles, so even if the girls talked while I flew, I could still hear them.
Anyway, as soon as my eyes followed the direction Leona was pointing, I was amazed at what I saw. At the top of a meticulously carved small mountain, white walls stretched around, enclosing the kingdom within.
In the midst of this kingdom, an extremely large tree soared up to the sky. Somehow, it contrasted perfectly with the forest below. If I had to describe this sight, it would definitely be something out of a painting by a famous painter. That was the level of beauty in Eldoria.
"Makoto, we need to descend. The sky is heavily guarded by the sun elves, and if we enter without permission, we might end up having to face them"
Hearing Leona's words, I let out a small grunt and slowly began to lower my altitude until we reached the ground. Once landed, I spread my wings for the girls to disembark. After that, I returned to my human form and stretched momentarily.
Although it doesn't seem like it, whenever I revert to my human form, I feel a bit uncomfortable. Gradually, it feels as if my true form is anything but human. Well, I probably think that because the other forms are more convenient in various ways.
"Where do we go now?"
I asked while looking at Leona. In a way, she was being our guide. Hearing my words, Leona briefly looked around and then walked to a tree where something seemed to be carved.
"We're on the right track. I've visited Eldoria before, and the place where the moon elves reside is further ahead. Let's go"
Saying that, Leona started walking, and we followed her. We spent a few minutes walking through the forest before crossing a waterfall. While walking, I felt presences around us for some time, but just because they weren't doing anything, I didn't attack them either.
My assumption was that they were the moon elves since we were close to their city. As I thought about it, a dark-skinned elf, extremely handsome with silver hair, emerged from behind a tree.
"Stop right there. I ask that you identify yourselves now"
With this moon elf, there were two more elves positioned in the treetops, archers with their bows aimed at us. In addition, several other elves remained hidden around, including those who had been following us since the beginning of our journey through the forest. While pondering this situation, Leona took a step forward, placing her hand over her chest.
"I am Leona Anima, one of the princesses of the Anima kingdom. I believe my father has informed your leader about my arrival and that of my friends"
She pronounced confidently. The moon elf briefly surveyed the surroundings and then signaled to one of his companions in the heights, who disappeared momentarily and reappeared shortly afterward. This peculiar teleportation ability briefly surprised me, but I decided to put that question aside for now. A few moments later, the moon elf turned his attention back to us and nodded.
"Alright, it seems what you say is true. Follow me, I will take you to the leader"
With these words, he began walking, and after exchanging glances for a few seconds, we started to follow him.
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