
Love from the circus

The Greatest Showman AU-

*A/n: Just finished watching the greatest

showman, Phillip and Anne's relationship really

struck a cord so now I'm imagining it as our

favorite blue raspberry boi"

(Narrator's pov)

Somehow...someway...(F/n) Worthington was now

the business partner of the Xavier Circus for the

gifted. The decision was to good to pass up, and

far to entertaining to let it slip from her fingers.

(Y/n) wanted an escape from her boring everyday

lifestyle in this ruthless society and in her eyes the

Xavier Circus was the perfect escape.

"Come along Ms. Worthington, you mustn't dawdle.

There's some special performers Id like you to

meet.", Mr. Xavier smiled as he watched the young

woman examine everyone of his performers in


The (e/c) eyed woman smiled and quickly jogged to

catch up with her business partner. Soon they were

in an upstairs balcony watching over the circus, (Y/

n) watched as the crowd cheered for the brilliantly

unique performers but then something caught her

eye. Or should I say someone.

A very unique trapeze performer swung high

enough to meet her eyes, in that moment

everything seemed to stop and she found herself

enchanted by the blue skinned performer with a

devil's tail. His skin was beautiful, his gorgeous

raven hair shined like onyx, his yellow hues bright

as a sun, and his smile with cute elongated fangs

shined brighter then the stage lights. Your breath

was caught in the back of your throat as you took

in each and every detail of his handsome face and

slowly but surely time resumed like nothing. You

watched as the blue performer swung back to

center stage and in a puff of smoke disappeared

and then reappeared in the center of the ring.Charles...w-who would that be?", you asked

unable to look away from him.

"That there is Nightcrawler, he's from Germany

and one of the best trapeze artists in my circus.

Come, I'll introduce you.", Xavier smiled.

Soon you were both once again downstairs as

performers slipped into their stage changes

and continued the show, Charles smiled as

Nightcrawler and Rogue made their way backstage.

The blue performer smiled seeing the familiar (h/c)

haired woman he locked eyes with before.

"Kurt, Rogue, meet the newest addition to our

family. This is (F/n) Worthington, treat her well."

"Hallo mein frau.", Kurt smiled taking your hand

and softly kissing your knuckles.

"Nice to meet you, my nme's Rogue. This blue

devil here is my younger brother, Kurt.", the

auburn haired woman smiled.

"I apologize if my appearance scared you, frauline.

I know I'm not exactly the easiest to look at.", Kurt

laughed nervously scratching the back of his neck.

You giggled and flashed him a small smile, "Eear

not Mr. Wagner, I was more mesmerized by your

appearance then fearful,"

The young raven haired mutant smiled at your

kind words and you could tell from his tail wagging

around that he really seemed fond of you. You

smiled back and bowed politely to them both, that

was night you fell in love with the circus and it

all started with you falling in love with one of the


(A year later, present day)

Yellow hues watched over vour sleeping formcarefully before disappearing into another room.

Today was a big day for Kurt, he'd make his first

appearance as the new ring master and finally get

to see you preform for the first time. So much has

changed the past year but with you by his side he

couldn't be happier. The first time he laid his eyes

on you he knew he wanted to be with you the rest

of his life and even if society shunned you both

the love he had for you was to powerful for him

to leave. Kurt could still recall the day he finally

admitted his feelings to you backstage after a

performance, when your parents tried to take you

away, when you were attacked by a thug because

you protected one of the younger performers, even

when he finally saw you cry for the first time. You

were his everything, his angel from above.


The blue mutant smiled as he turned towards

the sleepy woman standing in the doorway. He

wrapped his tall around your waist and pulled you

into a tight hug, you smiled lazily when his soft

blue lips pressed against your forehead. His kisses

were always a great way to wake you up, (y/n)

smiled and stretched in his arms. Kurt purred as

her soft lips started to pepper kisses over his face

and ears. The loving couple smiled and started to

prepare for the very important day. Regardless of

what was to come, they would do it together.

(At the circus)

"Al right everyone listen up!", Wolverine hollered

getting everyone's attention.

Wolverine was always the best at getting everyone

pumped up and excited for a performance. The

whole group was ready for the show, everyone

except Krt. His tail drooped down against the

floor and the louder the cheers the more nervous

he seemned to get. He jumped to your touch as you

gave him a reassuring pat on the back, Kurt was

memorized by your beauty in your uniform. A

gorgeous black leotard decorated with (f/c) jewels

in a variety of swirls starting fromn your hips down.

You smiled and took Kurt's hand to calm his nerve,

his blue tail wrapped around your waist gently as

he pressed a kiss to your lips.

"Nervous my love?", you smiled cupping your hand

Over his cheek.

"Very, mein engel."

You hugged your blue love tightly and whispered

something small in his ear, your music started to

play and with one last kiss you were on stage. Kurt

watched from behind the curtain as you took your

position, he gasped quietly feeling his hat be placed

on his hat.

"Can't be a ring master without the whole look Elf.

We'll do great tonight. Don't you worry.", Logan

smirked ruffling Kurt's black and blue hair.

The gifted individuals of the Xavier Circus watched

as water formed and danced around the once noble

woman they had come to love. This was (y/n)'s gift

and tonight with the lights dining on her she was

even more gorgeous then before in Kurt's golden


"The show must go on.", Kurt smiled as he adjusted

his hat and ported into the middle of the stage with

his (h/c) haired beauty.

This was no ordinary love, this was a rare love that

no one could break, this was a love only few could

understand. This was a love straight out of the

circus where dreams are born and lived. Even if

society turned their backs on your love, all you two

ever needed was each other. The blue devil had

found his Angel.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

DaoistUS9wltcreators' thoughts