
Chapter 86 : VS Meisei High II - Bench Arrangement

"So, is it finally my time?" Kagami asked in the bench, his face showed a big grin.

It was the intermission before the second quarter, and to be honest, the situation is not that bad for Seirin. They still have 5 points lead on the scoreboard, and Meisei has never taken over the score even for once.

28 – 33

That was the score that was written on the board. And compared to their last two games, the physical consumption today is not too bad. The slow intensity that was played by both teams didn't cost too much stamina for the players, and allowed them to save their energies. Even though they are desperate for a win, they still have to save their energy for the last game. That's why today's game is so much slower than before.

However, that doesn't mean they could be relaxed right now. No. They have two big problems, named Uchida and Tsugawa. Both Meisei's star players managed to tear their defense easily in the first quarter, helping them chase down the score. When Riko took a glance at their boxscore, she couldn't help but sigh.

Ayashe Uchida (PG) : 12 pts, 2 asts, 3 rbs, 1 stls, 6/12 FGM, 2 TOVs, 09:42

Hiroki Tsugawa (C) : 7 pts, 5 asts, 7 rbs, 1 blks, 3/3 FGM, 1/1 3PTs, 09:42

Even though she has already expected the outburst from those two, she didn't predict it would be this strong. Tsugawa managed to make Tsuchida, their best defender, look like a fool. And Uchida, even though he had a bad start, was able to grasp every opportunity that the captain created.

In the era of the Generation of Miracles, the combination of those two is really underrated.

With that in mind though, there is an idea popped into Riko's head.

"Okay, Kagami-kun. You can start in the second quarter. Kuroko-kun, you are out." She announced, triggering a victorious grin on his face.

"Yosshaa!! Finally!"

All of his teammates just looked at him with amused expressions. Even though he has a scary face, Kagami is really a big softie inside his heart.

"Alright, everyone! Focus!" She clapped her hands, gaining the attention of her players. "Kagami-kun, your main task is to prevent Uchida from breaking through our paint area too much in the second quarter. Keep your eyes on his off-the-ball movement, because he probably has the same speed or even faster than you. One moment you blink, he would disappear from your eyesight."

"Yes, Coach!"

"As for Tsugawa, Teppei, you are in." Now, the second-year power forward lightened up at what he just heard. "Your main task is to restrain Tsugawa from organizing their play. I know it is hard, but I believe in your capability. Can you do it?"

"Yes, Coach!"

"Put Mitobe-san too." Alex suddenly chimed in, gaining the players' attention. "Even though this small ball line-up is very effective in offense, we sacrificed too much in the defense. Because Tsuchida-san was being pulled to the high-post area, that made it easy for anyone else to attack the rim, because we didn't have any protector there. No disrespect to Hyuga-san, but being a power forward is not in his nature. He got attracted too much to the opponent's movement on the perimeter, and he couldn't cover Tsuchida-san's area. But with Mitobe-san and Kiyoshi-san on the court, that would be solved easily."

Hyuga just rubbed his head in an embarrassed manner when he heard Alex's evaluation. But Riko ignored it and hummed a little, thinking about what Alex just said.

"Well, your idea is merit." She nodded after a moment. "And Mitobe is better in the offense than Tsuchida, so it would help the team in the long run. Okay, Mitobe will replace Hyuga. Any more suggestions?"

"Put Koganei-san too." This time, not only Riko, but it also surprised everyone. "Why Koganei-kun?" Riko asked with a dubious tone. Even though he is a senior player, his ability is just ordinary, so she couldn't think of any reason to put him on the court. However, Alex just gives her a small smile.

"Riko-san, in a long tournament like this, you need to give everyone an opportunity, especially those who worked harder than everyone else." She answered her question patiently. "You might not notice this, but when I was appointed as the head coach, the first thing I did was to research my player's temperament. I believe, knowing your players better would help you run the team. For example, do you know Koganei-san is a helper member of the athletic team?"


Riko turned her gaze at the cat-like second-year player who rubbed his head sheepishly. Even though she still doesn't know where Alex would go, she decided to indulge in the conversation.

"Yup!" Alex nodded happily. "And he still stayed in shape and always ready to play even with all of the training in both clubs. My point is, you need to keep your eyes on your second unit and give them the chance they deserved. Let them play so they could also feel responsible for the team too and not feel like an outcast."

This…. This is the first time someone pointed this problem to Riko. She doesn't know why she forgot about the bench players. Maybe because she really wanted to win? Well, nothing wrong with that. But that doesn't matter. Whatever her reason is, she neglected her bench players, and for that, she feels guilty about it.

"Okay, Alex-san. You convinced me." Then, she turned her head to Koganei. "Do I need to put Furihata-kun and Izuki-kun on the bench?" She asked hesitantly. But now, Alex shook her head.

"No. You need at least one player who has already started to stay on the court. Having all five players coming from the bench would disturb the rhythm too much, which was the recipe for the disaster. You can still give the other chance in the third or even fourth quarter."

"Thank you, Alex-san." Just by now, Riko was convinced that Alex is really a great addition to the team. Is that what the so-called wisdom and experience of the adult is? That's scary…"

"Anoo… Coach…" Koganei suddenly raised his hand hesitantly. "What is my role? What should I do on the court?"

Once again, Riko turned her head to Alex. Because it was her idea, she should know what to do about him.

"Well, you can stay on the high post and disturb the rhythm between those two main players," Alex answered while pointing her finger at Tsugawa and Uchida. "Just keep your eyes on them. Your basketball instinct is your best weapon. You will know what to do when you are there."

"Yes, Alex-san!"

Riko let out a deep sigh as she saw how Alex communicate with the players. For sure, she is still inferior compared to the adult.

"Okay, everyone!" She clapped her hand once again. "The referee is about to start the game, so let's end this discussion. Furihata-kun, you will stay on the court, and Izuki-kun, sit on the bench. Is that okay?"

"Yes, Coach!"

Furihata has better endurance compared to Izuki, so the change is reasonable.

"And for the last thing, I want you to dominate the game. Keep scoring! Widen the gap! I want the fourth quarter to be garbage time! So, put your focus on the game, and go back with the win on your hand!"

"Yes, Coach!"


A minute later, the referee blew the whistle, indicating the second quarter would be started. This time, it started with the ball in Meisei's possession.

"Okay, everyone! Focus on your opponent! Don't let them go easily to our area!" Kiyoshi shouted, having his eyes on Tsugawa. Meanwhile, Furihata is standing on the wing side, staring at Nobu, Meisei's shooting guard.

'His shooting volume in this tournament is low, but his three-point percentage somehow hit 75 percent, second only to Midorima in this tournament. I cannot let my guard down around him.'

However, unexpectedly, the ball is still going to Tsugawa's hand in the high post. Meisei's captain didn't dribble the ball immediately but waited patiently for his teammates to get into their position.

And a second later, Tsugawa took a step back, ready to pull up a mid-range shoot over Kiyoshi.


His teammates shouted from the other side, as the second-year power forward jumped at the same time. He extended one of his arms high, trying to block the shoot directly. However, the ball didn't come into the air. Instead, it went between his legs, as Tsugawa bounced it as a pass for his teammates.


Kiyoshi cursed inwardly as he was being fooled by Tsugawa. This center is really crafty!

"Nice pass, Captain!"

Uchida who came from the corner area caught the ball and pulled up a mid-range shoot immediately, not giving Kagami and Koganei who are closest to his position any chance to close the distance.



"Nice shoot, Uchida!"

"Sorry! My bad, my bad!"

"Don't mind, Kiyoshi!"

Everyone tried to cheer their teammates after the score, forgetting one thing very important. When the Meisei players lowered their guard, Furihata grabbed the ball for the inbound pass immediately and shouted,


For a moment, his sudden shout stunned the entire gym. But a second later, when he threw the ball far with a quarter-back style pass, and Kagami is running alone in Meisei's area, cheers bursts from the audience side.

"Oooh! This is their infamous play!"

"We forget about it because that red-haired brat was injured in the last game!"

"Come on!"

Kagami showed a big grin as the ball arrived comfortably in his hand. And without anyone guarding him, he leaped forward, extending his arm which had the ball high for a tomahawk dunk.


"COME ON!! THIS IS SEIRIN!" Kagami roared excitedly, which was followed by a round of applause from the audience.

30 – 35


Author note:

Sorry, not too much basketball played in this chapter. Next chapter, I will make it full of action. Also, If you want to support me more, you can visit my Patreon page on patreon(.)com/ZetaFaes

You can also read this fanfiction up to chapter 106 on that page. Thank you! :)

-Zeta Faes-