
Kung Fu Panda 3: Movie Novelization

Everyone’s favourite panda is gearing up for a brand-new adventure in this bodacious retelling of Kung Fu Panda 3! When Po’s biological father lands on his doorstep, Po is shocked. At his father’s urging, he returns to the Panda Village where he was born. And, after a few days of awesome feasts and incredible parties in the village, Po begins to wonder if he should ever return to the Valley of Peace. But while Po parties with his newfound family, a terrible power is approaching—an evil villain known as Kai has been stealing the powers of every kung fu master he meets…and his sights are set on Po. Relive the action, adventure, humour, and awesomeness in this novelization of Kung Fu Panda 3!

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16 Chs

Chapter 13: Valley Of War

Back at the Jade Palace, Master Shifu, Tigress, Viper, and Monkey stood in the garden of statues, looking out over the valley. Crane and Mantis had not returned, and they were worried.

Even more worrisome were all the messages they were receiving from throughout China.

Another one flew in, attached to an arrow.

Monkey jumped in the air and grabbed it. He landed next to the others, removed a red piece of parchment, and read it.

"It's from the Eastern Province," Monkey reported.

Master Shifu took the arrow from him and set it in line with the other arrows they had received.

"Master Lizard, Master Ox, Master Eagle . . . all of them. In every village from the sea to here. Every master in China has vanished," he said.

"Maybe they are all at a party?" Monkey suggested hopefully.

Tigress and Viper looked at Monkey.

"Monkey," Viper said in a disapproving voice.

Monkey shrugged. "I didn't get invited either."

But they all knew the truth—even Monkey.

"Kai has taken their chi," Master Shifu said. "We are all that stand between him and the knowledge Oogway left in our care."

He looked at Tigress. "The villagers, evacuated?"

"Done, Master," she replied.

Master Shifu paced around the garden. "Crane? Mantis?"

"Still nothing," Tigress reported.

Then Viper cried out, "Wait! It's them!"

They could see the silhouette of Crane high in the sky, with the tiny Mantis perched on his back. But as the warriors got closer, they saw that they were both green and glowing.

Master Shifu's heart sank. "No . . ."

Jade Crane dive-bombed them, and the four warriors ducked just in time to avoid him.

Jade Mantis leaped off Jade Crane's back and they both landed in the middle of the statue garden.

Behind them, through the smoke, Kai himself appeared. He marched forward past the two jombies.

Master Shifu's eyes narrowed. "Kai."

Kai's entire body was glowing with incredible chi as he looked up at Oogway's statue. Master Shifu and the rest of the Furious Five blocked his path.

"Nice. Very tacky," Kai remarked.

"How dare you set foot on these grounds!" Master Shifu said angrily.

Kai snorted. "Look at you pathetic fools. Groveling at the feet of Oogway."

"You are not fit to speak his name," Tigress said, her eyes like two burning coals as she glared at him.

"I am not fit, little kitten?" Kai asked. "I fought by his side. I loved him like a brother. And he betrayed me. Well now I will destroy everything he has created!"

He hurled his chain blades at them.

"Go!" Master Shifu yelled.

Monkey, Viper, and Tigress jumped out of the way just in time. Kai's chains whipped like huge, angry snakes with minds of their own.

Monkey jumped and leaped over the chains.

Viper moved so quickly she was a flash in the air.

Tigress bounded at Kai, delivering a brutal blow that knocked him to the ground.

"How's that for a little kitten?" she asked.

Kai's eyes glowed green with rage. Behind him, Jade Crane and Jade Mantis jumped into the battle.

Jade Crane flew into Tigress, knocking her off Kai. Master Shifu jumped in and unleashed a furious attack.

"I will not let you destroy Oogway's memory!" he yelled.

"Why not?" Kai asked, blocking a blow from Master Shifu. "He destroyed mine."

While Master Shifu and Kai battled, Monkey managed to catch Jade Mantis in his hands.

"Mantis! It is me! Your bestie!" Monkey said.

But Jade Mantis was completely under Kai's control. He used his amazing kung fu strength to fling Monkey back and forth, pummeling Tigress.

"Sorry, Tigress!" Monkey apologized as the two collided.

And then they collided again. "Sorry!"

And again. "Sorry!"

Master Shifu jumped up to deliver a right heel kick to Kai—and then froze in midair.

He had spotted the Oogway amulet around Kai's neck.

Kai used the moment of weakness to send Master Shifu flying into a stone wall.

Tigress ran after him.

Kai held out his hand, pointing at Jade Crane and Jade Mantis.

"Bring them to me!" he commanded.

Jade Crane dragged Viper behind him, and Jade Mantis dragged Monkey.

Neither of them could escape from the grasp of the jade masters.

Tigress and Master Shifu watched in horror as Kai sucked the chi from Viper and Monkey. They both shrank and turned into jade amulets!

Tigress moved to attack Kai, but Master Shifu held her back.

"No! You must warn Po!" he told her.

Kai lashed his chains around the Oogway statue, sending Tigress and Master Shifu flying backward.

"I will show you the true power of chi, brother!" he said. "Ye-aaaaaaaaah!"

With a mighty pull, he ripped the statue from the ground.

"No!" Master Shifu cried.

Kai swung the statue around and smashed it right through the Jade Palace, carving through the scroll room. Then he let go. Oogway's statue flew off the mountain, and the scrolls—centuries of wisdom—were scattered by the wind.

The statue fell from the steps, shattering in the valley below.

Master Shifu sank to his knees in despair. So much knowledge . . . lost.

"Oogway, forgive me," he said.

The sound of Kai's mocking laughter made him look up.

Kai grabbed Oogway's amulet. "Hmm . . . what do you say, Oogway? Do you forgive him?"

"You may have destroyed the Jade Palace, but you will never succeed," Master Shifu said. "There will always be someone to stop you."

"Who, the panda?" Kai asked. "His chi is strong, but it won't be enough. He will meet the same fate as you—"

"No!" Master Shifu cried.

"—and so will every panda in that village," Kai said.

Kai shot out his hand, sucking in Master Shifu's chi. Master Shifu shrunk into a jade amulet.

Tigress gasped in horror.

"Po, I hope you're ready," she whispered.

Tigress glanced down to see the scroll with Oogway's story at her feet. What luck! Now she could find Po.

She only hoped she would find him before Kai did.