
Kryptonite in steven universe

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Universal_01 · อื่นๆ
8 Chs

Chapter 1

7,000 years ago before the end of Age 1.

Mother planet.


Before the next generation of gems were created.

I shine part of the wall forming a humanoid shape, from which a gem came out but unlike the others it had a smaller shape compared to other holes around it

"I have a bad feeling" I immediately noticed the difference between his hole where he came from and the others.

Her gem was around her chest and checking it out she realized it was platinum and her skin white but she didn't give it much thought.


I look for where the sound came from and it was other gems that were about to come out of their holes.


The first one came out and immediately fell.



They kept coming out one after another.

Seeing their appearance I noticed that they were taller than me, they were robust unlike me.

At some point they all got used to it and started looking around.

At one point for some reason they all turned their heads towards me.


"Because it's different"

"Is it a quartz?"

They saw me and as I suspected from their reaction, I could tell it was DEFECTIVE.

I am afraid it will most likely be destroyed and I have just been created I will definitely not wait.

tap tap tap

I started to run as far as possible in the underground, no one chased me and there was no one watching so I could do it easily.

While I was running I noticed that everywhere I was going everything was full of holes as a result of all the gems created.

Find a kind of cave and enter.

Tap Tap

Upon entering you could only hear my footsteps.

While walking I found a rock that seemed comfortable so I sat on it.

"What do I do now?" I asked myself.


I heard myself speak and I couldn't help but be surprised since my voice was different from the others.


I can't describe it but I considered it a better voice at least for me.

"I will experiment"

................. .............

After making different sounds to experiment with I stopped to think.

what do I do now


'I'll try this'

I focused on my limb and tried to use a "common" ability, shapeshifting.

"It works it works it works"

She wasn't sure if she possessed the abilities of a common gem since she was "defective".

"Go Go"

I closed my eyes for more concentration when noticing a change.

"Oh" I said disappointed I felt like I was doing something but suddenly nothing.

"After all I am a defective" I said depressing myself even more as I opened my eyes.

"I'm just a silly fault-! Ohhhhhhhhhh!"

"I made it."

Opening my eyes, I noticed that my hand had turned into a rock.

Although it seemed insignificant, it was the first step to fool everyone.

´Ugggh I better forget about that´ I started to feel bad with the only fact of having to cheat on the diamonds but, at least that way it could serve them

"I better try something else"

I grab a small rock and slowly bring it closer to my gem.


Just listen to the crash sound with my gem.

'Let's see if my trick works' I closed my eyes and concentrated.

At some point in bringing the rock closer to my gem I feel the weight of my hand lighten.

Opening my eyes with excitement only to see:

"Why is it still there!" I opened my eyes only to see that nothing had happened.

Why did I feel the weight disappear?

I wonder why I felt that.


I'll try that later, I decided I'd master shapeshifting first and then try to access my gem slot.

How do I know all that, well I don't know, I guess that's how gems are.

................. .........

Time skip

I don't know how much time has passed.

In this time and managed to make my transformation last a few hours or days...

I'm not really sure but I think quite a lot.

I also managed to access my gem slot where I can store anything.

´From small rocks, medium rocks and more rocks....´

´Finally it´s time to execute my perfect plan´

Basically, I just have to use my transformation all the time when I'm around others.

And so I can serve the diamonds

"ha ha ha ha"

It's a great plan.

So with the perfect plan and my mastery with the transformation, I came out of the cave I was in........ for a while.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Universal_01creators' thoughts