
Kregerta's Hero

In a world dominated by various magical techniques, the adventures of Shigeki Chaser, who, with his innate curse, idolizes the greatest emperor of the time and sets his goal to become the head of his empire.

Yunaruii · สงคราม
3 Chs

Chapter 2: Takashi Clan

Shan System: Those who are above the Emperor, under his command, or who have won 5 or more than 5 wars themselves, conquered empires, whose magic cannot be duplicated and is too powerful for normal people to handle.

Sometimes, because of their antiquity, the stories of these Shans have become legendary among the people.

Chaser thought of Samura's appearance as described in the legends. Then he looked at the face of Yalezir standing in front of him. From the inside: Samura is nothing like Samura.

- "You don't resemble him at all."

- "Is there a living human being who could resemble Samura-sama?"

- "You're right."

- "Anyway... I'm not in such a favorable situation right now, I'll see you on Sunday"

- "See you later."

When Chaser saw people who were descendants of even Samura-sama, he thought his chances were even worse. So his first order of business was to buy a cheap spell book with the money he had left and learn magic. 

As Chaser wandered down a shabby, market-like street, he spotted a place where he could find some old but good quality spells. 

Of course he was going to check it out. Upon entering the shop, he felt as if the negative energy had been lifted. And in contrast to the positivity of the shop, a book that emitted negative energy caught his attention and he wanted to look at it. 

On the cover of the book he saw the words "forbidden spells". A strange adrenaline rush ran through him, he was about to turn around when the owner tapped him on the shoulder. Chaser immediately panicked, not only because there were forbidden spells on the cover of the book, but also because the man had touched him and all the creatures around would hurt him. 

He rushed to close the door of the shop and took a deep breath. When he looked up, he realized that no creatures had come there. The man came up behind Chaser and got close to his ear.

- "We don't do curses here, son, you can rest easy."

Chaser went to the checkout counter to buy the book with a slight look of confusion mixed with fear. Chaser's money was almost half the price of the book, but the man said he could sell it. 

He said that the book had been here for years and that people had not been able to buy it because they knew it was a crime to possess a banned book. So he found a willing seller and sold it for less than half the cost of the book. 

Chaser turned his back and left the store;

- "Be careful," called the old man behind him.

Chaser wanted to go to a place like a plain by a river to work on the book and as he turned the pages of the book of forbidden spells, one spell caught his extreme attention, Black Magic. 

He thought that Black Magic would be compatible with his constitution and aura and that it would make him stronger, so he immediately looked up the necessary ingredients;

1- Taking the life of someone you hate

2- Losing a loved one

Chaser was surprised to see the substances. But he had already lost someone he loved. 

The only difficult item was item 1. And Chaser knew exactly what to do about it. What he was going to do was to take revenge.

For a long time, the Shigeki family has been leaving legacies of positive energy and having children with positive energy. It had been like this since "his" time, it was going to continue and it would continue because of "his" seal. 

But there was a breaking moment in this absolute destiny, and the one who broke this destiny was Chaser. Chaser was born with negative energy and even rejected his heritage of ice manipulation. 

He was even born with the opposite, fire manipulation. At first this was not a problem for his mother, but as time passed, his father, Arima-kun, started to have a problem with it because they wanted to be a noble family like Takashi and Chaser was a big obstacle to that. 

Arima talked about it when Chaser was 17 and asked him to leave home at 18. Of course, there was no question of him not leaving. 

Knowing that he would probably be slaughtered in his sleep if he said he wouldn't go, Chaser of course chose to go, but he had to leave the Shigeki building before he turned 18.

But he had a younger brother whom he was always jealous of. Unlike him, his younger brother had not been born with such a curse and had instead achieved the highest level of ice manipulation. 

Arima always shunned Chaser and preferred to take care of his younger son. In fact, Chaser's will to live increased when he saw his brother's happiness, but decreased when he saw his father's exclusion. He was depressed. 

And that day... Kenju, Chaser's younger brother; he and his older brother used to train all the time, but Chaser would never fight back and Kenju would never touch Chaser. 

But one day Chaser realizes that Kenju feels weak because of this and lets him touch him. Only to regret it later. The Shigeki family all lose consciousness and sanity and attack and kill Kenju. 

When they regain consciousness, all they see is Chaser treacherously burning Kenju. Chaser's entire family went after him as a murderer, and before he turned 18, they kicked him out and even reported him. Chaser was angry, regretful and sad about this situation. He wished it hadn't happened.

But about 3 months later Chaser went into the fight again and realized that the same thing had happened. He realized that he was cursed here and that's why everything was happening. And because he couldn't imagine his family's perspective in the same way, he held a grudge against them, just like they did. 

It was Friday, and Chaser was standing in front of the door of the Shigeki building, having lost all his senses, both because of what his family had done and because he wanted to learn black magic so that he wouldn't lose his life in the arena.

His aggressive aura was noticeable from the outside. As soon as the guards' hands went to their weapons, they were dead. 

Of course, the Shigeki family had left all front gate security to these guards, as they had not been killed in years. Chaser had successfully gotten inside and was looking for his father. 

As he was walking around the building, he came across a maid dancing happily to music. He passed by the maid without killing her, but the maid was stupid and tried to hit Chaser with her broom. 

When he raised his broom to hit Chaser, his body broke into too many pieces to be counted by human eyes, just like he did to the guards. On his way downstairs he encountered the internal guards and asked Chaser his name. Chaser said his name was Shigeki Chaser and extended his hand and the man said it was nice to meet you and extended his hand forward. 

As they shook hands, Chaser used his fire manipulation and left the security guard where he stood, not even leaving ashes, not even giving him time to writhe in pain. Chaser, thinking that maybe he was practicing, made his way to the garden and entered a long corridor. 

At the end of the corridor he saw his uncle and uncle. Chaser waited for them to center the corridor. When the time came, he breathed fire from his hands so that the whole corridor burned. 

Chaser was now no different from a killing machine. This killing machine had its eye on his father who was training in the garden. The battle he really wanted was about to begin