
KPOP FF The incredibles

A story of seeking REVENGE. A cute bickering couple a fun and romance but full of thrill

Lovely_Girl_9159 · วัยรุ่น
3 Chs


Mr Kim was sitting along with his brothers and business partners talking about some random stuff while their children's were playing happily.

The younger ones were playing with the younger son of Mr Kim's brother and one year old baby girl of Mr Kim.

Mr Kim's brother sejin and his wife jihye live with them along with their two sons and one daughter Kim jongin(11 years), Kim jennie (9 years)

And younger one Kim Felix ( 7 years)

While Mr Kim had two daughters and one son Kim y/n(13 years) Kim taehyung ( 10 years) and Kim yeri ( 3 year old).

These children were so close to each other coz they live with each other from the start. But their fun increases when their parents business friends bring their children to play with them . Mr Park son and daughter park jimin , park chaeyong Mr Kang son Kang Daniel , Kang seulgi  and Mr Wang son Wang Jackson Mr jeon son jeon jungkook jeon sanha And the son of the Kim's secretary Mr cha , Cha eunwoo was one year older than y/n. Those kids love to play with the Kim's but they didn't know that their fathers just want Kim's money except Mr cha who was a loyal man of Kim's.

One day when the Kim's children were playing outside while their parents were in living room having fun talk , Mr cha came in the children look at him and ran towards him.

Jennie ;

" Uncle Cha you are here look tae ruined my drawing" she complained while glaring at taehyung.


"No I didn't do it !" While he refused with a whining tone

Kai :

"Yah Felix that's my ball !!"Kai shouted while snatching the ball from Felix hand


"No I want it!" The younger one yelled back.

Mr cha look at the children fighting than he saw y/n came in the garden while holding yeri . He smiled at her that a kid was carrying a baby . She put her baby sister in the cot and walk towards Jennie and tae.


"Tae and Jenn stop fighting okay.and tae you ruined her picture right so say sorry to her quickly"the elder one said with a polite tone

Tae look at Jennie and then look down feeling guilty.


"Jennie ah!sorry the milkshake slip on it by mistake" he said with a guilty tone making Jennie eyes soften.


" It's okay tae now let's draw a picture together okay thanks star unnie."she said to tae softly and then thanks the elder one and they both run to the table and start to draw.

Mr cha smiled again . Y/n smiled but it soon faded as she heard Kai and Felix still snatching ball from each other.she take a bat and walk towards them.


"Guys calm down okay it's bad to fight . Felix Kai is older than you u should respect him.and Kai Felix is younger you should take care of him. Now hug each other and here take this bat and play together sharing is caring okay"the boys nodded and hug each other and start playing y/n then walk towards yeri and start to feed her mashed strawberries.

Mr cha admired the elder one smartness.she is still young yet mature she know about business too she know how to gather everyone she is a responsible child in such a young age.

Mr cha thought "one day you will be the reason of the Kim's great success and unity"

Children were playing when they heard gunshots coming inside the house .Mr cha quickly take the children and put them in one of the Kim's car asking the driver to drop them at his house. Y/n places yeri favorite toy beside her as Kai was holding her.


"Take care of the children till I came okay" she ordered the boy as he nodded then the car drove off.

Mr cha:

" Star you should have gone with your siblings and cousins"


"I'll . first we have to check inside "

She said as she walked towards the window which shows the living room she froze seeing the scene inside two men in mask were killing her parents mercilessly while her uncle and aunt's bloody body was on floor.

Mr cha walked towards her.he followed her gaze his eyes widen .Then he came to his senses and pulled y/n with him. But to his surprise she didn't argue back and just walk while looking down. He made her sit in the car and quickly drove away after informing the cops.

After 2 hours.

Everyone was shocked on the tragic death of Kim's brothers and their wives. Mr cha told y/n about everything that their parents are no more. She cried but then hold back her tears and comforted the younger ones.

Now they were at a hall where funeral was set up. Everyone were looking at the little girl with sad eyes who was sitting in a corner surrounded by her brother and cousins. Kai was hugging Jennie. Tae was crying in y/n embrace while Felix fell asleep due to crying and baby yeri that poor child didn't even know what happened she was playing with her toy silently. Y/n then remembered that yeri didn't eat anything and she will soon start crying and it's hard for her to handle crying yeri so she stood up before telling Kai that she is coming.

She then walk to the food table grabbing a bowl and putting mashed potatoes in it .she walk towards the hall when she heard some voices in a room . She peeked through it and saw his father's business friends were talking.

Mr Kang:

"I wonder who had killed him"

Mr Wang:

"Leave it that had made our work more easier"

Mr jeon:

" Yeah we just want the Kim's money and we don't need to pretend to be his friend anymore"

Mr park:

" Yes now we just need to take the elder daughter of Kim and obviously she is a child who is devastated by this tragedy so she can't say much .than we will make her to sign the property papers and yup the Kim's inheritance will be ours"

Tears filled y/n eyes as she heard their words she back off from there and walked towards her siblings then she hugged all of them tightly anger betrayal and pain filled in the heart of a thirteen years old girl .

Y/n mind

Those bastards my father and uncle trusted them and what did they do I know one of them is behind their death . I'll never let them take the hard work of Kim's so easily. I'll not let them ruined the future of my siblings they are forgetting that Kim's are always the incredible.

After few minutes the host started speaking . Y/n had told everything to Mr cha he was also very angry and he advised y/n what to do now. She nodded and went towards the stage as the. Host called her.she came up and grabbed the mic. Everyone look at the little girl with pitiful gaze.


"First of all I want to thank you all to show your support at this tragic situation and to be loyal to Kim's . And I hope you will always be loyal to us. Now as my father and uncle both have died. I and my siblings will be the heirs of Kim's empire.as she said that Mr Kang ,wang , jeon and park look at each other with shocked eyes while she glared at them making eye contact with four of them.

"And we will carry on the Kim's business I know what you all are thinking that we are not aligble for it now but we will be after few years till then Mr cha and the vice CEO of Kim's empires , who is my aunt brother Mr Kim namjoon will handle all the work but the companies and properties will be marked under our name and no one can buy and sell those properties untill the younger daughter of Kim's kim yeri turned 18. Till then I'm taking my siblings to America to manage the business their with my mother's sister Bae Irene.Hope you will understand and respect our decision . Thanks"

Everyone were amazed by the wise decision by the girl and her confidence . Mr Park then walk towards her with his three friends. Y/n turn around to see him as Mr cha stood beside her.

Mr park:

"Y/n I think you are rushing it u don't know about business you're a child- y/n cut him off by saying "I know what I'm doing Mr Park you should respect my decision as. I'm the current heir of Kim's"

She said while glaring at them they finally understood what she means and bow to her. She then glance at her friends looking at her and her siblings with pitiful gaze she give them a cold stare and turn to Mr cha


Uncle Cha my siblings are tired we want to go home and rest and we will leave for America in two days inform auntie Irene and uncle namjoon.Mr cha nodded as she carried sleeping yeri . And hold the baby carrier of Felix while rolling it forward . Kai beside her holding tae and Jennie hands . As they walk while y/n ahead of them as a lead .

Everyone look at those Kim's in amusement that how strong they are when it came to support each other .

And everyone except the fact that these childs will be pride of Kim's cause they're Incredible