

Sean William Dixon, a cold-blooded atheist, ruler of the underworld, and the CEO who dominates, can get anything he wants, including women. But why can't he get this girl's heart? He doesn't know what's wrong with him. So why couldn't he subdue a weak woman like her? His had not touched his cold heart for so long, so quickly melted by an ordinary girl like Olivia Maddison. To carry out his father's mandate before he died, Rose was determined to go to Prancis to find his father's family. But does Olivia know that her intentions will end in a destiny?? The Fate that changed the lives of both shook the cold ruler's heart. Will Sean be able to win Olivia's heart? When Fate is faced with two opposing lives, can Olivia survive in it?

sakurai_yuki · สมัยใหม่
5 Chs

Who am I to you?

At the hospital, Sean was waiting at the emergency room door. The feeling of worry showed on his face, which only demonstrated a cold, untouchable side.

"Master Sean, calm down. I trust that Miss will be fine." Aunt Maria tried to calm Sean down because it was the first time Aunt Maria had seen the other side of her Master.

2 hours later,

"How is she, Doc?" Sean immediately stood up to see the doctor coming out of the Emergency room.

"Due to a heavy impact on her head, there was slight bleeding in the brain. Luckily the patient was immediately taken to the hospital, so it was not fatal. Currently, Miss Olivia's condition is stable. After this, the patient will be immediately transferred to another room. Excuse me." The doctor walked past Sean.

In the VVIP ward, Olivia is lying with an IV in her arm. Sean came with light steps so as not to wake Olivia, who still had her eyes closed.

He sat on the chair beside the ward and looked at Olivia with a complicated look. There were a few feelings that Sean had never felt when he saw Olivia's shady face.

"Wake up. If you are like this, I will feel guilty." Says Sean. 'Don't break my heart with your stubbornness, Olivia.'

Just stare without doing anything. Sean is a heartless man by nature. Being able to give attention and empathy to women alone has developed in a relationship.

As Sean's gaze was only on Olivia with his complicated thoughts, Aunt Maria interrupted from the other end of the door.

"Excuse me, Mr. Sean, Mr. Kendrick is looking for you because there is something to discuss." Aunt Maria lowered her head and spoke quietly to avoid disturbing the patient.

Sean turned to Aunt Maria. "Hn. Take care of Olivia while I'm gone."

Aunt Maria nodded in understanding. "Yes, Mr. Sean, I will take good care of Miss."

Before leaving, the urge came from nowhere until Sean had the thought of kissing Olivia's forehead. "Get well soon. You still owe me an explanation."

Sean walked out of the room, feeling that he was still there.

On the other hand, precisely in the front area of ​​​​the hospital, Kendrick was waiting while leaning against the sidecar with a severe face.

Sean also frowned, "Kendrick, I hope you don't call without important notice."

Seeing his master coming, Kendrick, leaning back, immediately stood up and bowed his head.

"Sir, you'd better see Wilson immediately. He's found clues about what happened 15 years ago. And there's been news recently that D' Miguell's company is preparing a new project." Kendrick reports.

"Hn. I will be seeing Wilson. Soon cooperating with Miguel's company was taken over by his second son— Alvin. I believe Alvin will accept this cooperation."

"But isn't Alvin an enemy to watch out for? So why would you choose to cooperate with the enemy?"

Sean smirked. "Always remember, use your enemy's hand to hit another enemy. There's no need for us to get our hands dirty just for useless people."

"Then, won't Sir introduce me? Who is that strange girl you brought home?"

An imaginary intersection appeared before Sean heard the question that seemed to be a joke.

"Don't ask too many questions. Listen to me, Kendrick! Put a guard around this hospital. I have a feeling the enemy will be after Olivia."

"Why do you care so much about that girl? Is she that important to you?"

"It's nothing. As usual, I just found a new toy. And I'm confirming something about Olivia. So, therefore, look for everything that has to do with her." Sean ordered at the end of his sentence. He left in the prepared car, followed by the escort car to meet Wilson.

Kendrick, who was still standing there, smiled faintly. "Sean, it turns out that your words and your heart say otherwise. The first time I've seen Sean feel worried about a woman." Kendrick muttered. Even though his status was Sean's feet and hands, he was Sean's friend and companion. However, his job status made him have to remain obedient to his Master when talking about work.

Kendrick then prepared the remaining bodyguards to guard the hospital area.

In the treatment room, Olivia began to wake up. She slowly opened his eyes and dimly looked around, looking for something that seemed missing.

"Miss, who are you looking for?" Aunt Maria realized what Olivia was thinking. She was sitting in a chair next to the ward.

"No, Aunt, it's just that I felt Mr. Sean was beside me. Am I just dreaming? But never mind. Don't worry about it, Aunt. Maybe I'm wrong."

"Didn't you feel the slightest bit that Mr. Sean cared about Miss?"

"I don't know, Aunt, sometimes I think like that too. But seeing what he did yesterday, Mr. Sean can't pay attention to me. All I have is one of his toys. I don't know how long I can get away from him."

A sigh escaped Olivia's lips. She looked up at the hospital ceiling while contemplating a few things.

"Miss may think so. But in all life, Auntie has served Mr. Sean. But, from the past, Sir has never shown any concern for any woman. And Miss is the first woman Master brought into the house."

Olivia immediately smiled faintly and held the face that had received a hard slap from Tiffany.

"Auntie doesn't need to comfort me. But, then, who was the woman yesterday who came to the mansion and said she was pregnant with her child?"

At once, Aunt Maria was confused, at a loss as to how to answer. "About Miss Tiffany, who came yesterday. She—she's just one of Mr. Sean's friends. Miss Olivia doesn't need to care."

"Huft… I don't care about women like Tiffany. But I'm one of those people with a fate like that."

"Impossible. Master no—"

"Shhh… never mind, Aunt. You don't need to defend him. Maybe there's a reason why he can be so arrogant and annoying, especially when I ask where her family is. He's like—avoiding."

"Miss Olivia realized it. Mr. Sean did have a dark and complicated past. That's what made him cold and arrogant.

'Actually, what have you been through to be like this, Sean?! I know you always act cold and arrogant to cover up your deep sadness.'