
Konoha : to be an immortal sage

This a translation work, im just freely sharing the story after doing some retouch and correction, because the mtl will give you brain constipation. a transmigrator from another world finds himself reborn as Kirito, an orphan born outside konoha. With ambitions of becoming a strong ninja but no parents to claim as martyrs for a free pass into the ninja academy, Kirito's stuck in a bit of a bind. Money doesn't grow on trees, even in a world where people can walk up them this is an UA. Author: 晴子晴子晴子. This is a translation work. The original is an mtl that could melt your brain, so i decided to make it a lot more easy to read for the sake of your eyes, and your brain sanity. updates will depend on my free time, your power stones, and support. you can support me on kofi /lightofcertainity/, but that up to you to be honest.

LightOfCertainity · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
86 Chs

Uchiha future

As the three generations and Momoka reached an agreement, various specific measures for the Uchiha clan to participate in the Kyuubi inheritance action were released.

After a while, a secret order emanated from the Hokage Building, swiftly disseminating throughout the Uchiha clan.

Within the Uchiha clan's land, Chizuru family house, Homura Uchiha retrieved a scroll from the hands of an Anbu ninja. Upon opening it and perusing its contents, a smile graced his face. He then addressed the Anbu ninja in front of him, saying, "I have received the order from Hokage-sama. Please convey to the clan that the Uchiha must complete the assigned task."


Upon hearing this, the Anbu Ninja bowed and promptly departed.

Once the Anbu Ninja had left, Homura Uchiha called out loudly, "Come here."

The next moment, a Uchiha ninja materialized behind Uchiha Homura, respectfully addressing him, "Master Patriarch, your orders."

"Let all the upper ninjas and middle ninjas in the clan gather in front of the Naka Shrine immediately," Uchiha Homura commanded.

"Ha~" The Uchiha ninja acknowledged before disappearing in a swift teleportation technique.

" That kid is really not simple, and he actually succeeded. Very well, whether the future of the Uchiha clan can be changed depends on this Nine-Tails Inheritance ceremony," Homura Uchiha remarked, raising his head to the sky with a rare smile adorning his face.

In this moment, he felt a significant weight lift off his shoulders, allowing him a brief respite. Since assuming the position of Uchiha patriarch, he had navigated the clan's precarious situation with trepidation, aware of the pressure that came with it.

The Uchiha clan's standing in Konoha remained precarious. Despite their formidable abilities, they were marginalized, feared, and often met with hostility. Many within the clan harbored arrogance and disdain towards other ninja clans, oblivious to the internal crises brewing.

Homura understood the danger of such division within the clan. The prospect of a future rift with Konoha loomed large, threatening either renewal or destruction for the Uchiha clan.

As patriarch, Homura refused to accept this grim fate. While some envisioned a coup, he doubted its feasibility. Could the unpopular Uchiha clan truly lead Konoha, especially with their emotional tendencies outweighing rationality?

The future appeared bleak. Failure to seize control could spell extermination for the Uchiha clan, a future devoid of hope.

Such was the burden Homura Uchiha bore as patriarch, navigating the uncertain path laid out before the Uchiha clan with a sense of foreboding and determination.

He couldn't reconcile himself with the dire situation, and despite putting in wholehearted efforts, success eluded him. The cost was high; he even lost his son in the power intrigues, a person more precious than his life itself. However, a glimmer of hope emerged when he discovered that Kirito, someone his granddaughter Chizuru had encountered, became a disciple of Uzumaki Mito. Finally, the tide began to turn.

Kirito, the orphan, showcased remarkable talent, overshadowing even the most gifted individuals of his generation, including Nawaki senju and Uchiha chizuru. He seamlessly integrated into their circles, becoming a good friend.

Surprisingly, this child served as a bridge, offering a chance for the strained relations between Senju and Uchiha to ease. There was newfound hope that the Uchiha clan could potentially reclaim a prominent position within Konoha's high echelons.

However, what caught him off guard was the extraordinary rate at which the child grew. Before he knew it, the youngster had attained the power of a Jounin, and his hidden strength far surpassed what met the eye.

It begged the question: how did this child manage to sway the third Hokage ? In this world, strength was the ultimate language. Without sufficient prowess, it would have been inconceivable for someone like the Sandaime to permit the Uchiha clan's involvement in the Kyuubi inheritance operation.

It's regrettable that he succumbed to the trap of arrogance, failing to recognize the potential in the child early on. As a result, the child only had eyes for his granddaughter, disregarding him and the Uchiha clan altogether.

In the end, the Uchiha lost to the Senju, and he personally lost to Uzumaki Mito. Fortunately, his granddaughter proved to be more adaptable and didn't fall to the same folly as him.

"Hmph, it's truly shameful to rely on my granddaughter at this age to finally seize an opportunity," Uchiha Homura chuckled self-deprecatingly, casting a glance at Chizuru, who had appeared nearby.

Chizuru, upon noticing Uchiha Homura's gaze, snorted coldly, turned away, and headed towards Naka Shrine alone, refusing to acknowledge her grandfather.

Soon after, the Jonin and Chunin of the Uchiha clan rushed to the open space in front of Naka Shrine. This time, Uchiha Homura opted not to take them into the secret room beneath the shrine but met them directly there.

"Tribesmen, the Third Hokage has agreed to allow us to join the major operation in Konoha. Iwagakure and Kumogakure have mobilized troops to approach the border of the Land of Fire, pressuring us to join Konoha. The Third Hokage hopes we can go to the battlefield and border lines to provide support as soon as possible..."

He briefed them on the Third Generation's secret order, which immediately excited all the Uchiha ninjas present, sweeping away their previous discontent with the village and the Hokage.

Upon hearing they would be transferred to the front line and the border defense line for support, many began gearing up, their faces reflecting excitement and satisfaction with the entrusted task.

Despite watching other village ninjas achieve greatness on the battlefield and listening to their tales, they had been relegated to village security duty, silently ridiculed by those unaware of the truth. Now, they finally had the chance to prove their mettle on the front lines.

As Uchiha, their hearts had long been unsettled, yearning for the opportunity to go to the battlefield and erase the shame of being deemed cowardly.

Now, with the chance to showcase their talents, they aimed to demonstrate the strength and bravery of the Uchiha clan to the village. The prospect thrilled them.

"A bunch of pompous idiots."

Standing in the corner of the crowd, Fugaku Uchiha observed the excitement around him with a sneer in his heart. A trace of displeasure unconsciously crept onto his face. These individuals had never experienced the horrors of the battlefield, yet they reveled in the idea of going to war.

Fugaku, for the first time, recognized the arrogance within his clan. They lacked a genuine respect for the harsh reality of war. He pondered how such an attitude might jeopardize the Uchiha clan's future.

"If all the clansmen are like this, the Uchiha clan will have no future."

Fugaku found himself contemplating how he could contribute to saving the Uchiha clan from its own arrogance. While lost in thought, he sensed someone watching him.

Glancing in the direction of the patriarch, he immediately lowered his head, standing up with a serious demeanor. An undercurrent of anxiety colored his gaze as he surreptitiously observed Homura Uchiha.

Like other Jonin in the clan, he too had fallen prey to the patriarch's illusions before. The feeling of powerlessness during those moments underscored the terrifying strength of their leader.

In an instant, over 50 Uchiha Jonin, each possessing the fully mature Sharingan, found themselves ensnared in the illusion, unable to break free quickly. Contemplating the potency of the illusion, he didn't see Homura Uchiha regarded Fugaku Uchiha, currently thinking.

Homura couldn't help but think, "This child is very special..."

On this stage, Uchiha Homura carefully observed the expressions of the clansmen. Most displayed excitement and joy, while a few remained expressionless or indifferent. However, a seemingly inconspicuous child standing in the corner exhibited a range of emotions, a rarity among the tribesmen—sadness.


The Uchiha clan members that quickly assembled at Naka Shrine after Homura Uchiha announced the personnel arrangements. Uchiha ninjas dispersed, swiftly completing various battlefield preparations and forming ninja squads with familiar faces.

Meanwhile, in the depths of Konoha Prison, in the new office of the Root leader, Danzo fumed while staring angrily at the latest information in his hands. The content detailed the Uchiha clan's decision to gather a substantial number of ninjas to support the battlefield and various borders.

"Idiot, idiot, big idiot! Making such a foolish decision."

Danzo couldn't contain his anger. He tore the information to shreds, kicked over the desk in front of him, and unleashed punches and kicks, venting the burning rage within him.

He hadn't expected the Third Hokage to be so short-sighted, releasing the Uchiha clan, this perceived evil beast, just to exert pressure on the border defense line.

Releasing this "evil beast" would prove difficult to control. Danzo understood the Uchiha clan's power. While war posed a significant danger to other ninjas, for the Uchiha, it served as an accelerator for them to grow stronger.

Despite the potential downsizing due to the war, the birth of a Kaleidoscope Sharingan ninja among them would be immensely valuable. Every Kaleidoscope Sharingan ninja was destined to become a shadow-level powerhouse, with influence surpassing a hundred jounin. The power of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan could be compared to the power of Wood Release, almost reaching its level.

Uchiha Madara, relying on the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, had once fought on par with the strongest shinobi of the warring era, hashirama senju. Although he eventually lost, it was a testament to the formidable nature of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Now, Sarutobi Hiruzen, his former classmate, had disregarded their teacher's instructions and recklessly released the Uchiha clan. In Danzo's eyes, it was a foolish move.

The once-teacher's decision to appoint Sarutobi Hiruzen as Hokage now seemed misguided.

The ANBU ninja concealed nearby witnessed Danzo's outburst with a mixture of rage and nervousness. It was rare for him to display such a lapse in composure, causing everyone to tense up, subconsciously reaching for the handles of their ninja knives.

Simultaneously, they couldn't help but feel angered by Danzo's disrespectful words, knowing full well whom the "idiot" remark was directed towards.

They were furious at Danzo's lack of restraint, especially given the precariousness of the situation. His irrational behavior posed a real danger, and there was a risk he might attempt to confront the Sandaime in his current state.

Their task was to keep a watchful eye on Danzo, ensuring he didn't leave the prison premises. However, they were under no illusions about their ability to restrain him, considering the presence of numerous other ninjas with similarly abnormal inclinations secretly guarding Danzo.

Fortunately, Danzo's anger didn't escalate to the point of complete recklessness. After wreaking havoc in the room, he eventually ceased his destructive actions, sitting on the ground with his head bowed in silence, lost in contemplation.

Despite his outward calm, the powerful chakra fluctuations emanating from him, coupled with his heavy breathing, and the oppressive atmosphere in the room, served as constant reminders of his intense agitation.

"Hiruzen, you will regret this, and the Uchiha clan... they won't get away with this."

Danzo's voice, laced with hatred, was barely above a whisper as he concealed his face in the darkness, his eyes betraying a sinister gleam.