
Konoha: The Template System

Kazuki granted the power of a template system leaves his mark in the dangerous ninja world, an arduous journey. {The Template "Tobirama Senju" has been extracted to 30%} Advanced chapters on P@treon.com/Gojo6666.

Tobi_444 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
144 Chs

Chapter 35 Orders

The forest was tannin-brown and the grass swayed continuously from the cool breeze, trees were skyscraper tall with twisted branches hanging down.

Amidst these towering trees a large area seemed to be cleared artificially, a huge clear field with signs of ninjutsu everywhere.

Only one shinobi could be spotted at the huge training field now, moonlight pouring over his silver hair and sweat drops on his forehead.

He stood still with his eyes closed and his upper body bare, and suddenly a change began to occur.

From his whole skin water was slowly bubbling out, the bubbles joining with the other bubbles slowly and getting streamlined.

After a whole minute or so the bubbles were completely gone and what left was a smooth water layer perfectly sticking to his body, the moonlight reflecting on it beautifully.


Opening his eyes to gaze at the beautiful layer of water covering his body perfectly, Kazuki spoke out in a relieved tone.

Water Armor, a B-Rank Jutsu requiring amazing chakra control as a little mistake would mess up the whole jutsu, water wobbling and getting destroyed.

Although it was only a B-Rank Jutsu but Kazuki didn't mind perfecting it, this layer of water on his body could save him from sudden attacks of shurikens and kunai's on the battlefield.

After all, on the battlefield with thousands of people fighting and weapons flying everywhere, a little carelessness could result in a fatal wound and this jutsu although not too strong but provided some safety at least.

"But this is not enough…I may already be a thorn in the eye of Sand and encountering someone like Kazekage alone could be devastating"

Muttered Kazuki with a wry smile on his face, against an opponent of the level of Kazekage the current him had no hope of winning.

He knows he has killed someone who Sand had invested a lot in and has also foiled their plan, they may already by planning strategies to deal with him.

"Well~ guess no choice but to keep training and get stronger."

Kazuki thought a lot and concluded that the only way to survive was keep training, unlock more template progress and get stronger, about his possible assassination or something worrying about it won't lead to anything.

Even if he can't win, he still had confidence to escape at least.

Kazuki who was about to start another round of ninjutsu training suddenly frowned sensing something, gazing toward the outskirts of the training ground.


From the woods under the dark sky two figures walked out, one man and one woman.

The woman had blonde hair and slightly pale face, her arms and legs wrapped in bandages and even on her forehead a bandage wrapped.

Next to her stood a boy at most a year older than Kazuki, light brown hair and hazel eyes with distinct blushes on his cheeks, a necklace with green crystal hung on his neck.



The whole village was bathed in the moonlight and the streets so late in the night were somewhat deserted, most already gone to sleep.

But the Hokage Building was brightly lit and the flow of shinobi going in and out as usual.

Hokage Office.

Sarutobi with right hand on his forehead leaned back on the chair, eyes closed.

On the sofa placed in the office especially for the elders sat Homura and Koharu, both silent as well.

The scroll with the latest news from Sand Front was placed on the table before Sarutobi, it's content's resulting in this silence in the room.

"Dan Kato is dead and even Tsunade would take time to recover completely, what do we do now Hiruzen?"

After sometime the shock brought by the news seemed to have lessened, Homura asking the most important question about the future strategies.

The ambush of Sunagakure has resulted in the sand front being left weak, if Suna attacks now Konoha will have a lot of causalities.

It wasn't the time to be sad and something to balance the situation at sand front needed to done.


At their question Sarutobi exhaled a large puff of smoke and opened his eyes, looking a lot older currently.

"Sand won't attack us any soon, they'll wait; why do you think they spread the news of what happened so quickly?"

Asked Sarutobi in a tired voice, his eyes seemed to be able to see already what was about to happen.

"You're telling me all this was to entice others to jump into the war!"

Said Koharu in a loud voice, just after a little thought, able to understand the purpose of Sunagakure.

"Damn! Damn them all!!!"

Cursed Homura with hatred for Sunagakure soaring even more in his heart.

"Call Sakumo back and order Uchiha and Hyuga to be on standby! Whoever jumps in, we'll be ready to fight back!"

Gave Sarutobi his orders in a determined voice. What he didn't want to happen was most likely going to happen, and crying over it won't do any good. It was time to bring out all the guns.

The orders of Sarutobi were conveyed immediately, and the two famed clans of the village got to work immediately.

Read chapters ahead on p@treon.com/Gojo6666.

(I'll upload two chapters tomorrow)