
Komi San can't communicate

Reincarnated as najimi to cuck thadano. They are all 18+ No hate for NTR, I am just doing it for fun and it's kinda more exciting then fucking vanilla.

Raidyourpussy123 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

First meeting and ground work

After knowing I was getting reincarnated I was happy till I found out it was KCC a slice of life anime with a charm and IQ upgrade as skills, along with a weird pleasure skill.

Waiking up I saw that I was in a strange girly room, oh god have I been reborned into a girl. I looked to check in my mirror and saw Najimi, oh thank god so I am just a trap, not the best option but not the worst. Hmmm if I am here already might as well conqueror some girls.

Komi-san is my number 1, the hardest probably so to get her I will have to get rid of tadono or whatever his name was.

Heading down I met my family, and najimi has 2 smoking hot lesbian mom's, didn't expect that, one is a traditional house wife but is very religious type and a entitled person almost like a Karen, the other is a bossy and demanding business secretary with an arrogant attitude focused on her work, also both of them have huge boobs and are certainly hot but still lesbians, looks like I was a son of the previous wife of the secretary before she died and the dad was never there from birth as I don't relate to them, we have never got along because of how I behave and now I go against their values, is what I got from najimis memories, eh well forget it. Also I have a little sister that I get along with but can't be asked right now.


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From now it should be the start of first day and I need to quickly get to komi first.

The family was surprised with my early wake up but ignoring them I went to school.

Reaching there i saw thadano, then realised komi wasn't too far behind so I quickly followed them and as thadano was finishing up with his shoes and komi starting, I got in between them and blocked his shit while pretending I was reaching for a locker so in the end he didn't see her and instead just left, also my locker was here, strange. Now that thadano was gone I said Hi to Komi in a familiar najimi voice and got the usual response, a lot of shaking and scary eyes and then she ran.

Inside the class the weirdest thing happened I was swapped seats with thadano and a prmt appears.

System :

Fail meet

Reward - changed seats

Nice so I acctualy have a shot at this.

The rest of the day went the same as the anime. And then I also deliberately got knocked out, waking up I saw her meowing just as the usual in the anime.

However unlike thadano, I said. "oh komi-san, I didn't know you can make such cute noises".

Immediately causing her to runaway. But before she can get far I said, "I get it Komi-san, you can't communicate can you?" and she stopped and again we went through the whole process before she admitted.

She looked to embarrassed to speak so I said, "How about we write on the board if you want to say anything."

She asked me questions on how I know, I said I guessed as I was a childhood friend and some generic bullshit.

We then talked through the board and unlike thadano she was more comfortable, as I apparently was now a girl and an old friend.

And again she said her dream was 100 friends, to which I said, "Oh that's a easy one, I have a million fb friends, if you want I can be your first one you know and get you a thousand friends." she could only nod and get shy but before she could run, I gave her a hug, which she got scared of and like a cat ran away, and I shouted." ah sorry komi San, I tought we were friends ", which caused her to stop again and look worried. She wrote," do friends hug each other?", "YES and a lot more, don't worry I will guide you through them all because I am your first friend.", I said which caused her to blush and be a little happy.

She then stood still and wrote okay to a hug, which I gave her a long one of I smelled her hair throughly and her firm breasts pressed on me were so soft. However only after 5 seconds she got embarrassed and left to gym. I followed for the lesson.

Next morning came and she was still shy but was able to say a weird good morning.

For the day I talked to her about how to make friends and kept saying how hard it was and other stuff to push her self of steem down, I told her it was too hard if she never went up her self so how about I get her friend, the rest of the time I kept hit her self confidence and making weird facts about friendships, like how you are supposed to hold hands if I asked her to or hug when I ask, she was embarrassed about them but I said if I can't even do that, how was she going to get friends. Thereafter she would cling to me constantly as only I would speak and whenever possible I would hold her hand or ask for a hug, which she allowed for a gradually longer length and due to height differences my face is on her chest a lot, if I wasn't a supposedly trap she would have never done this. Also for some reason I get a message for a +1 corruption.

Now time for her first friend I got her to go after agari, the same stuff happened and she somehow agreed to be her dog, which shocked komi but I reassured her you are still friends, just a different kind one and she was happy to have another.

Later I visited agari in the library, she was reading her book and after saying hi she shreiked a little but calmed down after noticing it was me. We did some polite exchanges and then told her I was her best friend which she was convinced by as she saw her hanging only around me and then I said if you are going to be her dog, maybe you should me mine, I mean it would be more fun and how close we were and zeroed on her insecuritys once in a while, which she could only crack under and then accept.

Now that she accepted, I took her to a corner of the library and told her to squat down like a dog, which she was embarrassed doing at first but remembering komi she did it and then I pet her while saying good doggy repeatedly and then stopped, she raised her head and said, "is that it?", which I asked what else she want but got embarrassed and ran away.

My next plans will have to be for:

Yamai - closer with komi

Yadono - get her with komis weakness

First I went to yamai and asked her if she wanted to be closer to komi, she immediately dragged me somewhere and threatened me how but I would not crumble to that, and told her, I was her best friend as we are child hood friends which she believed as so was she but then I said, she would not be a friend like you as you are beneath her, completely crushing her and then exciting her as she tought of her as a goddess anyways. She asked, "then why did you call me here and it better not be to bellitle me", "I know, I also know you probably followed me and know I identify as a girl but you may not be her friend now but if I coax you enough maybe she would take you as a friend.", "you would do that for me." she asked delighted. "of course if you accept a proposal. You see I might have become a girl but I still have a few interests in them and wanted to try kissing with a girl, you are pretty popular so you must have had a lot of them and if you let me i have a reward along with it for you. "I said. She immediately stopped and thought for a long time and refused as she was still a girl and even if popular highschooler she hadn't kiss yet. However I added in," what if its a indirect kiss from komi San, you see we shared a can of drink today and had a shared kiss, if you let me kiss you, you can share the indirect kiss and close you eyes to imagine its her.", immediately she rethank with multiple emotions like jealousy and excitement with a lot of drool and in the end said she first wanted to talk with her and I said okay. Even with me in the middle, komi couldn't say a word. In the end this somehow still raised the brilliance of komi in her eyes.

She then dragged me down to a secure place and tought for a while before just as she was about to kiss me I stopped her, not yet I thought, komi first. She was puzzled and I said, "I already washed my face so there would be no point and the next time I'll come to you if I have to." and she was kinda relieved about it as it was a big decision.

Following days I would make as much contact as possible with komi and in the library I would give agari newer and daring commands like down and roll just like a dog but with every time she followed she would I would compliment her and give her a pat or a little scratch on her chin and I could tell slowly she was starting to like it more and more and even in general she would watch me and try to gain my approval.

Next for komi San, it had been a few days now so I told her how about a home visit, and she tought for a while and along with a long of emotion shaking she eventually accepted and we got to her place, the meeting went the same and her mom was the same as before, we went into her room had a few words, looked through her pictures and then I brought up the question, "komi, do you want to become better friends with me?" to which she replied with a nod and I said, "are you sure, we can become best friends but you can really have only 1 best friend, you see I have a lot but I am willing to choose you as my best one even though I have a lot of options and even funner friends while you only me and aragi." making it look like I was taking pity on her and she realised this and wanted to say no but I laughed and told her I was joking and would love to be her best friend but I also put the seed of doubt in her head, now she would try harder to keep me as her friend. Hearing my laughter she calmed down and wrote she would love to be best friends, "Okay but as a best friend you have to listen to more of what I say okay, and to commence into becoming best friends we apparently need to do something simbolical", she agreed but asked what in her notepad.

Then I brought up my cellphone and pretended like I was searching but really I made a fake vlog stating like to become best friends you should have a kiss between girls and a fight between boys, and how the kiss would not count if done with same sex as first kiss. This was obviously a bonus blog but I showed it to her and immediately she started shaking from shock and embarrassement.

"it's fine if you don't want to, I am technically a boy and it doesn't say anything about boy and girl" I said, but she shook her head and wrote, "that's not true, I think you can be whatever you want", "really thank you, how about this we can start with a cheek kiss and when you want we can become best friends with a correct kiss." which she reluctantly agreed to and so as I knew she would be too ashamed to do it herself, I sat next to her and gave her a peck on the cheek, which got really embarrassed again. I then took a selfie, one normal and one with a peck. I then said goodbye and headed Into the kitchen to say goodbye, komi didn't come as she was too embarrassed to even look at me.

Going down I accidentally crashed into Komis mom and as she accidentally spilled juice on me as she was bringing it up.