
Kobold's ascension to dragon lord with a system!

Reincarnated as a Kobold... One of the weakest creatures one may find in a dungeon sounds rather challenging no? Follow the adventures of Blake, who sadly dies in the course of his daily life only to discover upon awakening that he has been resurrected as a Kobold from his favourite video game. Blake quickly realises that he isn't like the others, having a system to guide him on his quest. Nevertheless, his adventure is far from what one would expect of being reborn into a fantasy world. Become a hero and save the world? No! This adventure is rife with danger and bloodshed, filled with peril and monsters that would see you dead! After all, if you're born a weak monster, isn't that how life is for you?

Lavalord115 · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Chapter 6: Warrior training begins!

Both Nev and Blake had settled into their new accommodation as best they could. While Blake led on his bed he found he had plenty of time to mess around and configure some settings regarding his system, realising that he had not really explored what it was capable of.

After all, his time here so far had been spent on surviving, with him not giving much thought to what his system could actually do for him other than just allow him to level up and put skill points where he wanted.

System... Can you explain what your functions are for me? Blake asked, speaking directly to the system inside of his mind.

[Certainty.] The system answered.

[I have many abilities, being able to scan and identify objects, people, animals and monsters. I can also detect said things within a certain area.]

Blake listened closed to the information.

So that is why I was able to see what direction those guys attacks were coming today? Blake asked.

[Yes. I am able to identify threats within a certain range from yourself and alert you to the danger.]

Interesting... Blake said, thinking of its potential uses.

"Drak, you still awake?" Nev asked, walking over to his bed space.

"Yeah, what's up?" Blake asked.

"I think we should take these guys on now before they try and gut us in our sleep," Nev said, eyeing up the leader of the group who was also looking at the two of them.

[New quest. Defeat the leader of the new recruits! Reward 300 EXP.] The system suddenly said, getting his attention.

Of course... Well, I did ask you to update me about these things after all. Blake thought.

System, what are the chances these guys are going to attack us in our sleep? Blake asked, wondering if his system could work something like that out.

[Calculating...] The system responded.

[There is an 88.7% chance that they are going to assault you in your sleep.] The system said.

Is that right? Blake asked, knowing there was no other choice.

"Ok, but follow my lead," Blake said, looking Nev in the eye.

"Alright, listen up you bastards!" Blake suddenly roared, getting all of the other's attention.

"Who the hell does he think he is?" The leader said with a low snarl, also getting up from his bed space.

"I challenge the strongest among you!" Blake said, already knowing who it was thanks to his systems display showing him.

"You dare challenge me, after the crap you pulled today newbie!" The large Kobold bellowed.

"What's the matter, are you afraid you will lose in front of all your little sheep, shit head?" Nev said, crossing his arms over his chest, further adding to the Kobold's rage.

"Take him, Surge!"

"Yeah, beat him into the ground!" Some of the others yelled, already knowing they didn't stand a chance against him.

Blake's plan to call out the leader had worked. This way he would be able to fight him one-on-one, and as Kobold tradition stated, the winner would be the one making the demands.

"Fight...Fight...Fight!" The others chanted, having made room and moved all of the hay beds out of the way as they formed a circle around the two combatants.

Blake could see that this Surge fellow was rather large for a Kobold, standing over him as he glared with a wicked look in his eyes. He also had a large scar down his face giving him an even more intimidating look.

However, his level said otherwise as Blake compared it to his own.

Name: Blake

Race: Kobold Lv6 (90/600 Exp)

Health: 33/33

Stamina: 31/31

Mana: 27/27

Ability points: 5


Strength: 6

Agility: 6

Intelligence: 6

Unique Skill: Dragon belly.

Skills: Sprint. Quick hands. Sneak.

Blake hadn't checked his stat screen for a while now, seeing that he had levelled up to level six, making him stronger than all the others in the room, seeing that they were only between level 3 and level 4. All except for this Surge, who was currently level five.

System, run a quick check on this guy for me. Blake asked, wondering how far the system could go in reading someone else's stat.

[Running check now...]

Name: Surge

Race: Kobold Lv5

Health: 33/33

Stamina: 31/31

Mana: 3/3


Strength: 6

Agility: 4

Intelligence: 3

Blake could see even though his level was one below, his strength and stamina were still the same as Blakes, seeing that his strength stat was also at six like his own. However, both his agility and intelligence were lacking, meaning he was only good at one thing.

"Time to get this fight started and smash!" Surge roared, charging in head first toward Blake with his hands raised like some sort of wrestler.

Blake smiled and charged back at him, meeting him head on as the two interlocked their hands in a contest of power.

Surge, although bigger was surprised that Blake could match his strength, seeing that he was holding him back even though he was giving it his all.

"Why you!" Surge yelled, cocking his head back after a moment realizing he wasn't going to be able to push Blake back.

[Headbutt inbound.] The system suddenly alerted, letting Blake know of the incoming danger.

Blake tucked his chin into his chest and thrust forward, letting Surge smash his head into the strongest part of Blakes, forcing the two of them to let go of each other and stumble back.

Thanks system... Make sure you let me know everything with as much advance as you can give me. Blake thought, watching Surge carefully.


"Why you..." Surge said, feeling the lump on his head already forming.

"I'm going to crush you!" He yelled, charging back in like a mad man with his claws raised.

Blake dashed forwards, activating one of his skills, sprint as he did to give him a boost in speed, surprising Surge as he got around him, skidding onto his knee faster than he could react.

"Now fast hands!" Blake yelled, using the skill to increase his hand movement speed, except instead of using it for pickpocketing and stealing, he was using it for punching.

Blake smashed four perfectly placed punches into Surge's centre line, attacking him like he was in some sort of wing chun movie.

Surge took damage from the attacks, stepping back slowly as he tried to hold in the pain and overcome it with rage.

"How you like my Jackie Chan shit!" Blake yelled, with no one else having a clue what he was going on about.

However, Blake wasn't done there and instead looped his tail around Surge's ankle and pulled his leg from under him, sweeping him hard before he crashed onto his back.

The others around them were shocked that Surge was losing so bad, while Nev simply smiled, knowing that Surge never stood a chance.

What we looking like for hit points here? Blake asked his system.

Name: Surge

Race: Kobold Lv5

Health: 19/33

Stamina: 26/31

Mana: 3/3

Not bad, but he isn't finished yet. Blake thought, watching as the larger Kobold stood back up.

"I-I'm going to kill you... You bastard!" Surge roared, letting his anger boil over and consume him.

[Incoming boost. Kolbolds rage in affect.] The system said, alerting Blake to it.

Blake didn't flinch as he watched Surge's stats change with his strength increasing by two points thanks to this ability called Kobold's rage.

Not only did his strength and stamina increase, but his agility did too, making his faster and stronger.

"Wow!" Blake yelled as Surge was suddenly on him, gripping his upper arms around the biceps as he held him tight, lifting him into the air.

Blake couldn't use his arms so instead used his legs, slamming a strong knee into his face, forcing him to let go before he spun around and used his tail to also smash him in the face like a whip, going for his eyes.

Surge let out a shriek in pain while he held his face, not being able to see thanks to Blake's tail hitting him in the eyes.

Blake took advantage of this and dashed behind him again before he gripped Surge around his waste, locking his hands together.

"Time to finish this!" Blake yelled, bracing his core and bending his legs before he lifted Surge up over his head, using all of his strength finally bending his lower back pulling the large Kobold with him, suplexing him right over his body with perfect form and smashing Surge's head into the ground, ending their fight with one final move.

[Quest complete! You have been awarded 300 EXP!] The system chimed.

Everyone was speechless, all except Nev of course.

"Alright, Drak!" He yelled, punching one of the others in the arm while he celebrated his friends victory.

Blake slowly stood back up, seeing that Surge was still out of it after his attack with only 6HP points left.

"If anyone else wants to challenge me, now is your chance!" Blake said, making sure to stand tall and proud like a real warrior would after his victory.

None of the other Kobolds even dared to look him in the eyes, each of them avoiding his gaze as he looked around the room.

"Good. I think we will call it a night." Blake then said, walking back over to his hay bed with the others quickly clearing a path for him.

"That was awesome, Drak!" Nev yelled in excitement.

"I mean, I would have loved to crack a couple of skulls myself, but seeing you take that big guy down was satisfying enough for now." He said, crossing his arms over his chest.

Blake couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm sure we will get plenty of time to fight tomorrow."

"Yeah... Better turn in for the night." Nev said, heading over to his own bed.

Blake took another look around the room, seeing the other Kobolds still trying to wake Surge up looking panicked.

System, what are the chances they will attack us in the night now? He asked.

[There is now only a 1.99% chance that the others here will attack you in your sleep." The system said.

I'll take those odds. Blake said before he rolled over to try and get more comfortable, calling it a night.

"I guess the real fighting starts tomorrow..."