
Kobold's ascension to dragon lord with a system!

Reincarnated as a Kobold... One of the weakest creatures one may find in a dungeon sounds rather challenging no? Follow the adventures of Blake, who sadly dies in the course of his daily life only to discover upon awakening that he has been resurrected as a Kobold from his favourite video game. Blake quickly realises that he isn't like the others, having a system to guide him on his quest. Nevertheless, his adventure is far from what one would expect of being reborn into a fantasy world. Become a hero and save the world? No! This adventure is rife with danger and bloodshed, filled with peril and monsters that would see you dead! After all, if you're born a weak monster, isn't that how life is for you?

Lavalord115 · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Chapter 3: Training!

Blake found himself lying on a small bed of hay he had made for himself in a run-down hut on the outskirts of the village. The Kobolds were surprisingly good builders, having mined and built a small town in the walls and structures of the dungeon they called home.

It was always dark down in the dungeon, however, Kobolds had night vision so that was never an issue for them. It was also always warm, Still, they were a cold-blooded species meaning they stayed cool even in the heat of living underground.

None of the children were allowed outside of the village to explore the rest of the dungeon, given that it was also home to other monsters that would see you dead and most likely eat you or worse. Only the warrior's ventured out to explore, along with some of the hunters sometimes, however, not all of them always came back.

Still, there was plenty to explore and do. It was like any town or village with all of the ins and outs of what a small society had. Still, the day that Blake and the others were to be appraised was right around the corner now, meaning that his mundane life of stealing food and water to simply survive was coming to an end.

Blake was throwing a small ball against the wall and catching it once it bounced back to him, repeating the action over and over again to pass the time.

Sometimes Blake and the others would fight against one another outside to pass the time. It was every Kobold's dream to make it as a warrior during their appraisal. However, some were more suited to it than others.

Blake could hear the others going at it while he continued to toss his ball. So far Blake had won every fight he had, not meeting any that were able to match his strength or level. Thanks to his system and otherworldly knowledge.

However, that didn't stop Nev from testing his luck every now and again, wanting to become just as strong as Blake was.

"Hey, Drak come out and fight!" Nev yelled as he burst into the hut.

Blake sighed, knowing that he must have beaten everyone else again and decided he would test his luck against him.

Also, Drak was the name that Blake had been given as a Kobold, something that the others all called him too, however, he still referred to himself as Blake, not having gotten used to Drak yet.

"Really, Nev? Didn't we fight the day before yesterday too?" Blake asked, throwing his ball at the wall again.

"Yeah, but this time I won't let you beat me!" Nev yelled as he punched his open hand with his other closed fist.

"Yeah come on Drak show him what you got!" Some of the others yelled, cheering him on.

Blake knew that Kobolds took fighting very seriously and knew that he couldn't back down from a challenge without looking weak.

"Alright Nev, but I won't hold back," Blake said, getting a toothy smirk from Nev.

All of the others formed a circle around Blake and Nev as they roared and cheered the two on, looking forward to watching the two strongest of the group battle again.

Name: Blake

Race: Kobold Lv5 (10/400 Exp)

Health: 28/28

Stamina: 26/26

Mana: 22/22

Ability points: 4


Strength: 5

Agility: 5

Intelligence: 5

Unique Skill: Dragon belly.

Skills: Sprint. Quick hands. Sneak.

Blake had managed to level up one last time before he was to be appraised, wanting to boost his numbers as much as possible so that he could become a warrior.

After seeing what life was like for him and the other kids compared to how the guards and better off Kobolds had it. Blake had realized that strength was everything in the eyes of the Kobolds.

Blake looked over at Nev, seeing that he was still level 3, being able to read his level thanks to his system's ability to scan a target. If the target was weaker than Blake then the system would be able to see everything. However, if a target was stronger than Blake then he was only able to see its level. Something he had learnt the hard way one time he had been caught stealing by some of the guards with a level of 10 each, before they gave him a good kicking.

"Here I come!" Nev roared as he rushed forward, throwing a strong right straight at Blakes snout.

Blake easily stepped to the side, avoiding the attack before Nev pivoted on his heels and turned to throw a left hook, impressing Blake with his movements.

Kobold had a unique choice of whether to attack with their knuckles, claws or even fangs. Giving them lots of options to hurt and wound an opponent.

Blake had not choice but to block the attack with his forearm, feeling their scale like armour clash against one another, also giving them natural protection like armour.

Nev didn't stop there though as he lifted his right knee and smashed it into Blakes stomach, hoping he had landed a powerful blow, forcing Blake to double over from the force of it.

Nev quickly dropped an elbow onto his back, knocking him to the ground before slamming a strong football kick into his chest, knocking him across the mud before Blake rolled and landed on his back.

"He did it..."

"No way... Nev won?" Some of the others said, not believing what had just happened.

"I did it... I really beat him!" Nev yelled, punching the air in victory and excitement.

However, Blake stood back up seeming rather unfazed by his attack as he dusted himself off.

"W-What no way." Nev said, seeing that Blake didn't seem bothered at all.

"Thanks Nev, I had a crank in my neck I was struggling to get rid of. I think you just got it for me." Blake said, taking the piss a little with a grin.

Blake could see that his HP was reading a steady 22/28 points. Seeing that those attacks hadn't done much at all, even though he had let him land three of them for free just to test the water with his new increase in level.

Nev took a fighting position as he growled, not happy that Blake was making him look like a fool.

"I'll show you!" Nev yelled, rushing in again as he let his anger get the better of him, this time extending his fingers so he could use his claws to attack.

Blake waited for the first attack, wanting to see which direction Nev would attack from, guessing right as he watched the first attack come from his right hand, knowing that he was going to throw another wild swing with his left next.

Blake ducked under the first attack and jabbed Nev in the nose, using it to put him off balance and distract him. Nev threw the blind left just as Blake had predicted and he made his move.

Blake blocked the left attack with his right forearm, stepping on the inside of Nevs body before he used his left elbow to smash it into his mouth, knocking Nev off balance even more before he hooked his foot with his tail and tripped him.

Nev dropped to the ground and felt a heavy pressure pin him down on his chest, looking up to see Blake standing on him with one leg with his claws raised for the finishing attack.

"Ahhh... Fuck." Nev said with a large sigh, knowing he had lost again.

"You did much better this time." Blake said with a smile before offering his hand to help him up.

"Whatever." Nev said, taking his hand and standing up.

"Wow that was a great match you guys!" Varka yelled as she ran over to them.

Nev sighed again before he placed his hands behind his head.

"Man, Drak, you just keep getting stronger and stronger." He said before he rubbed his jaw.

"That elbow got me good."

"Sorry Nev." Blake said with a smile.

Kobolds were very proud and loved a good fight and challenge. However, it was very rare for a fight between Kobolds to result in death. Something Blake respected about them.

[Congratulations. You have earnt 200 exp for defeating Nev.] The system said, letting Blake know.

"Come on you lot, lets eat!" Blake yelled, getting everyone's attention before they all cheered again.

"I've got something special in the works today." Blake then said before he took a seat and grabbed a small stick on the ground.

"So, what's the plan today?" Eggi asked, almost rubbing his hands at the thought.

"I couldn't help over hear some of the adults talking when I was in the market this morning. They said that the elder had placed an order for a giant rat carcass to be delivered to his place for a small gathering tonight.

"No way Blake, are you mad?" Varka said cutting in.

"We can't steal from the elder."

"Why the hell not, you know the rules, as long as we don't get caught its fair game." Nev said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Oh man, you sure are one brave bastard! Only you would come up with a plan to steal from the elder, Drak!" Eggi said as he snickered away, being both scared and excited at the same time.

"Come on, when else are we going to get to eat a giant rat?" Blake said, looking at the others as they stood their in their rags.

"I for one am sick of left over bones and scraps." Blake said, waiting to see what the others said.

"I'm in." Nev said, not even thinking about it.

"Me too," Eggi also said.

Verka sighed knowing that this was a bad idea, but nevertheless gave in at the mouth watering excitement of biting into a huge chunk of giant rat meat.

"Good. Listen up, there is only one way we can pull this off without the guards noticing." Blake said, getting ready to explain the plan.