
Kobold's ascension to dragon lord with a system!

Reincarnated as a Kobold... One of the weakest creatures one may find in a dungeon sounds rather challenging no? Follow the adventures of Blake, who sadly dies in the course of his daily life only to discover upon awakening that he has been resurrected as a Kobold from his favourite video game. Blake quickly realises that he isn't like the others, having a system to guide him on his quest. Nevertheless, his adventure is far from what one would expect of being reborn into a fantasy world. Become a hero and save the world? No! This adventure is rife with danger and bloodshed, filled with peril and monsters that would see you dead! After all, if you're born a weak monster, isn't that how life is for you?

Lavalord115 · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Chapter 24: Trial fights?

Blake stood in the mess hall with Nev and Surge as he offered them the opportunity to join his squad for a new mission.

"We're in." Both of them said, without hesitation.

Of course, both Nev and Surge couldn't resist the offer and snatched it from him, wanting anything to get out of the new chores they found themselves doing around the village.

"That goes for all of you, I want only the strongest warriors to join me on a new quest!" Blake shouted, getting all of the other's attention in the hall.

"Spread the word, any warriors that want to join me are to meet on the training grounds later today," Blake said, getting a nod from the other warriors.

"Yes sir." They said.

With that Blake turned back around to face Nev and Surge.

"Follow me you two." He said, getting a nod from both of them as they started to follow him before Nev quickly ran back and picked up another bone of meat to take it with him.

Later that day...

Blake had taken both Nev and Surge to the training grounds where they awaited the other warriors who wanted to join Blake's team. Soon enough more and more of them turned up, just as he had expected.

"Looks like we got a good turnout after all." He said to himself, seeing that 20 other warriors had turned up, thinking they had what it took to join the new chief's squad.

Blake had already decided that he needed only five people in total, meaning only three spots were left open since he wanted Nev and Surge to join the team regardless. Still, he would make them work for it, knowing that they could use the training to become stronger.

"Alright, I can see that those who turned up today have the guts to join my team. Now, the only fair way to decide which of you actually have what it takes is with a trial by combat." Blake said, causing all of the warriors to get serious.

Both Nev and Surge were also excited, seeing that so many of the other older and more experienced warriors had also turned up, meaning they could give it everything they had against them.

Using his system, Blake could see the levels of all of those who had gathered, seeing that they were all pretty strong, with some looking battle-hardened with facial scares and everything.

Seems the highest level is around 14... Blake said before he spotted one other. That guy looks tougher than the rest too... Blake thought, seeing that he had a level of 14 while both Nev and Surge only had a level of 12 at the moment.

"Should be interesting," Blake said to himself.

"Alright, let's start the first fight, you two," Blake said, pointing at Nev and another of the warriors who had a level of 13.

This should be kind of an even fight... Still, it will give Nev a chance to show me how strong he has gotten after the battle with the Goblins. Blake thought, remembering that Nev had indeed fought hard during the battle, and even killed many Goblins with his own hands.

"Okay," Nev said as he took a breath and walked into the middle of the circle that the others had formed.

The other warrior did the same, seeming a little more confident than Nev was, thinking that he was only a new recruit who was lucky to survive the battle against the Goblins.

"This fight will be with only your fists. Weapons of any kind are not allowed in this fight, is that understood?" Blake said as he crossed his arms over his chest, getting a nod from both of them.

"Good. Now, when you are ready you may begin." Blake then said, watching as the two of them took a fight stance.

"Here I come kid!" The older warrior yelled, not wasting any time as he charged at Nev with his right hand raised, aiming a punch right at Nev's face.

Nev saw the punch coming and stepped back, avoiding it before he threw his own perfectly times right cross, landing it swiftly on the Kobold's jaw at a perfect 30-degree angle from above.

The older warrior's body went stiff before he dropped to the ground with a thud, going limp, having been knocked out cold.

"N-No way!" Some of the others said, not believing their eyes at what Nev had just done, bursting into murmurs.

"Wow..." Blake also said, not having expected that result as he checked Nev's level and stats more closely compared to the other warriors.

Name: Nev

Race: Kobold Lv12

Health: 80/80

Stamina: 75/75

Mana: 3/3


Strength: 16

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 5

Name: ???

Race: Kobold Lv13

Health: 45/60

Stamina: 50/55

Mana: 2/2


Strength: 12

Agility: 8

Intelligence: 4

Blake could see that despite Nev's level, he had some how increased his strength by a large amount compared to the other Kobold's, something that would indeed give him an edge in this test.

The only question is how did he get so strong despite his level... Blake asked himself, wondering aloud.

[Answer... It would seem that the Kobold called Nev is growing stronger due to spending ample time with you.] The system suddenly said.

Is that so? Blake said, finding that interesting.

"Winner, Nev." Blake suddenly said, watching as two of the other warriors helped pick up the loser and drag him off so he could rest out of the way.

"Very well, the next fight will be you, against... You." Blake then said, pointing at Surge and and another warrior who also had a level of 13.

Surge nodded, not showing any sign of fear before he walked into the circle, being followed by the other warrior he was about to fight.

Blake did a quick scan of Surge's stats, wondering if he too would have abnormal stats for his level.

Name: Surge

Race: Kobold Lv12

Health: 90/90

Stamina: 85/85

Mana: 3/3


Strength: 18

Agility: 9

Intelligence: 5

Wow... Surge has more strength but less agility. Looks like the two of them are getting much stronger than I thought. Blake said as he looked at the display screen before he took a peek at the others warriors.

Name: ???

Race: Kobold Lv13

Health: 70/70

Stamina: 65/65

Mana: 3/3


Strength: 14

Agility: 8

Intelligence: 5

Blake could see that this warrior wasn't as weak as the other one, hoping that he would put up a better fight so he could see what Surge could do.

"Alright, the same rules as the last match apply to this one, now give it everything you have." Blake said, giving the go ahead for them to start the fight.

This time it was Surge who charged in for the attack, letting out a powerful roar as ran toward the other warrior, closing the distance between them in an instant.

The Kobold warrior jumped back and threw a perfect round house kick aimed at Surge's head, creating a loud smacking sound as his foot connected with Surge's face.

He landed it. Blake thought while he watched, wondering how Surge would take the hit.

However, Surge didn't even look bothered by the attack and simply pressed his face into the warriors foot with a smile forming on his face as he did.

"Got you!" Surge suddenly yelled as he grabbed the Kobold's foot with both hands, getting a tight grip on his ankle and calf muscle, surprising the other warrior.

Surge suddenly pulled the Kobold warrior into the air, using the strength of his entire body before he flipped him over his head and slammed the poor Kobold into the ground, knocking him out cold while he still had a grip on his foot.

"F-Fight over, Surge is the winner." Blake said trying not to laugh a little as the poor bastard had been treated like a ragdoll.

Well, I guess I was worried about these two for nothing... Blake then said in his mind while looking at the two of them.

Looks like I wasn't the only one who got stronger, Blake thought as he was looking forward to seeing how the other fights would go.