
Kobold's ascension to dragon lord with a system!

Reincarnated as a Kobold... One of the weakest creatures one may find in a dungeon sounds rather challenging no? Follow the adventures of Blake, who sadly dies in the course of his daily life only to discover upon awakening that he has been resurrected as a Kobold from his favourite video game. Blake quickly realises that he isn't like the others, having a system to guide him on his quest. Nevertheless, his adventure is far from what one would expect of being reborn into a fantasy world. Become a hero and save the world? No! This adventure is rife with danger and bloodshed, filled with peril and monsters that would see you dead! After all, if you're born a weak monster, isn't that how life is for you?

Lavalord115 · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Chapter 22: The right to rule!

The preparations had been made, with word spreading around the whole village that Blake had challenged Kolu to become the next leader.

Although it was an old Kobold custom and tradition, many people were shocked to hear the news. After all, something like this had not happened in a long long time, with Kolu's family having remained in power for generations.

On the other hand, many didn't see the problem, especially since Blake had saved the whole village from the Goblin hoard, something Kolu had failed to do. But that he had also evolved, and had a set of wings.

"He is the true dragon born, of course, he should lead us!"

"Chief Kolu has never steered us wrong before, why change now?"

"I say whoever is the strongest has the right to rule."

Everyone in the gathering crowd couldn't help themselves but bicker and voice their opinions while they waited for the grand elder to make his appearance.

Many of the warriors who had survived the battle also gathered around the fight arena, forming a circle with their spears as was the tradition.

All of them had witnessed Blake's amazing strength in the battle against the Goblins, knowing that no one, not even Chief Kolu could hold a candle to his ability now. Not being able to help but wonder why this battle was taking place.

"Welcome everyone." The elder spoke as he walked out onto the arena, causing the restless crowd to go quieter.

"We all know why we are here." He said.

"Today, we will witness the battle that will determine our next leader, in a battle to the death, as is the way of our clan."

The crowd suddenly erupted in cheers, wanting to witness both of the strongest in the clan go at it.

"I now give you the defendant. Lord Kolu!" The elder said, announcing Kolu before he walked onto the stage.

The crowd cheered for him, chanting his name over and over again as he made his appearance.

And now, I give you the challenger... Dark!" The elder said, announcing Blake as he walked onto the stage.

Blake was huge, towering over everyone as he let his wings only expand to half their full size, causing everyone to take in his power.

"You both know the rules. There can be only one winner and only one is allowed to leave this area alive." The elder said, getting a nod from both Kolu and Blake.

"So be it..." He said before walking away from the two of them to get clear.

The entire crowd went silent as the anticipation built between all of them.

"Let the fight begin!" The elder shouted, giving the signal for the warriors that surrounded the stage to point their spears at both Blake and Kolu, stepping closer toward them as a signal to fight.

"Looks like there is no avoiding it," Kolu said as he clutched his sword tight.

Blake had chosen not to use a weapon, knowing he had no need for one.

"I know I stand no chance against you. But that does not mean I won't go down without a fight!" Kolu yelled before he charged forward, raising his sword at Blake.

"I expected nothing less," Blake said with a smile on his face before he raised his arm, blocking the attack with the strong scales along his forearm.

Kolu pushed as hard as he could, only to be forced back by Blake, who looked as if he wasn't even trying.

Both Nev and Surge were in the crowd as they watched the start of the fight.

Neither of them knew of Kolu for very long, however, they both knew Blake and his abilities, having never been able to match him, being forced to watch as he grew stronger and stronger. Once Blake had evolved and defeated the Hobgoblin, saving the entire village single-handedly, they knew that there was no one else fit to rule the clan.

Many of the other warriors felt the same way, knowing that only the strongest of them could rule, as was their right as a Kobold.

"I won't surrender!" Kolu yelled, unleashing a barrage of strikes against Blake.

Once against Blake met his attacks with his arm, blocking them with ease before Kolu finished his sequence.

Everyone in the crowd was shocked by the display of Blake's power. Only blocking Kolu's attacks with his arm and not even bothering to use a weapon.

Kolu snarled seeing that his sword had broken after hitting the tough scales on Blakes arm, not being able to take the beating.

"This fight is over for you," Blake said deciding it was time to end things.

Kolu knew he couldn't do anything to change his fate, also knowing that surrender would be a fate worse than death.

"So be it. Just promise me... Promise me that you will." Kolu began to say.

However, Blake closed the distance in the blink of an eye, using the knife of his hand to cut clean through Kolu's neck, lopping his head off before he could finish speaking.

"I will do things my own way, old man." He said to himself before he flicked the blood from his hand.

The whole crowd was silent as Kolu's head hit the ground, unsure of how to feel at the sight of their leader's death.

Blake turned around to face them, knowing that he would be met with potential hostility on their end, but disregarded the thought.

"I am your leader now," Blake said, not waiting for anyone else to say anything.

"Long live Chief Drak!' Nev cheered from the crowd, causing everyone to snap out of their trance.

"Chief Drak!" Surge yelled, causing more to suddenly cheer his name.

All of the warriors that had been pointing spears at Blake and Kolu suddenly slammed the butt of their spears into the ground before they saluted him, placing their first against their chests.

"Lord Drak!" They all roared, showing that every one of them pledged their loyalty to him.

Commander Vatt also did the same. Walking out onto the stage with the head elder.

"Long live Chief Drak!" He yelled, further confirming his right to rule.

Blake looked over the crowd as they all cheered his name, letting their chants echo throughout the village.

Blake raised his hand in victory, allowing his wings to spread wide as a symbol of his right to rule.

[Quest complete. Become chief of the clan. You have been rewarded with 5000EXP and two skill points.]

[New ability. Leaders' spirit.] The system also said.

Blake lowered his arm and let his wings fold over his back, causing everyone to stop their cheering.

Expecting him to give a speech.

"We will not allow what the Goblins have done to us to stand. Chief Kolu could not protect you. He could not save you. Therefore I take it upon myself. I charge myself with the protection of this village and its people!" Blake spoke.

Everyone listened to his words without being able to hear so much as a pin drop.

"All hail Chief Drak!" Someone in the crowd yelled.

"Chief Drak!" More and more of them roared starting the chant.

Sometime later...

Blake had been led toward his new house, being gifted Kolu's house as it rightfully belonged to the chief of the village.

Commander Vatt had escorted him with some of the other warriors, even though Blake was much stronger than them.

"Thank you for your company commander, but I think this is far enough," Blake said, getting a nod from Vatt.

"Very well, Dra... I mean sir." He said, bowing his head low toward Blake.

Blake nodded and watched as he and the other warriors headed off, leaving him alone for the time being.

Blake turned around and took in the sight of his new house. He had never been inside the grounds of this one, considering it had always had guards posted on the gates.

Looks like things are finally coming together. Blake said to himself before he walked over to the front door.

Blake walked inside, seeing that it was much nicer than anything he had seen so far.

In Kobold's standards, this was as nice as it got, however to him, it seemed more like a normal house.

Much had changed in the last week since the battle against the Goblins. And there was still so much that needed to be done to get the village and its people back on track.

"I guess that can all wait for tomorrow," Blake said as he walked through into what he guessed was the living room, taking a look around the house.

"But for now, I will take the time to rest and plan. After all, things are about to get real."