
Kobold's ascension to dragon lord with a system!

Reincarnated as a Kobold... One of the weakest creatures one may find in a dungeon sounds rather challenging no? Follow the adventures of Blake, who sadly dies in the course of his daily life only to discover upon awakening that he has been resurrected as a Kobold from his favourite video game. Blake quickly realises that he isn't like the others, having a system to guide him on his quest. Nevertheless, his adventure is far from what one would expect of being reborn into a fantasy world. Become a hero and save the world? No! This adventure is rife with danger and bloodshed, filled with peril and monsters that would see you dead! After all, if you're born a weak monster, isn't that how life is for you?

Lavalord115 · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Chapter 19: Start of the final battle!

The sound of the stalactites crashing into the ground sounded like thunder. The dungeon floor shook from the force and a huge amount of debris was kicked up into the air, blinding all those around it unable to see the aftermath.

"What was that?"

"I can't see anything!" Some of the Kobolds yelled out, coughing and rubbing their eyes from the dust.

Blake landed back on the ground, having to perform a forward roll to break his fall, trying his best not to land on any of the rocks that were now scattered around the village gate and square.

The Goblins were also confused as to what had transpired, unsure of who or what had caused the cave-in.

As the dust settled everyone who had been fortunate enough to survive got a look at the aftermath, seeing that many of the Goblins had been crushed and the gate had been sealed off, making it inaccessible to the large Goblin hoard outside of the village.

"No way..." Nev said, seeing that Blake had been the one who had done it, amazed that he was able to do something so crazy like this.

Blake could also see that only around 20 or so Goblins had survived the collapse of the stalactites, along with the Goblin leader who had now evolved into a Hobgoblin, using his system to identify all of them and their location.

Commander Vatt and Chief Kolu had also survived the collapse, being amazed that the gate was sealed and the Goblin army had been cut off. Still, it wouldn't matter as they saw that the Hobgoblin leader had also survived, knowing that he was strong enough to kill them all now.

Blake quickly opened his status screen, knowing that if he wanted to stand any chance against this Hobgoblin, he would have to give it everything he had.

Name: Blake

Race: Kobold Lv15 (1800/2200Exp)

Health: 94/118

Stamina: 90/116

Mana: 87/87

Ability points: 7


Strength: 23

Agility: 18

Intelligence: 15

Unique Skill: [Dragon belly.] [Steel bones.] [Spider thread.] [Spider venom.] [Poison resistance lv1.]

Skills: Sprint. Quick hands. Sneak. Claw attack. Punch combos. Kick combos. Block. Counter strike. Stab. Slash. Sword combos. Spear combos. pin-point shot. Rapid fire.

Ok... I guess everything is going into strength again. Blake said to himself, comparing his abilities to the Hobgoblins, seeing they were evenly matching in speed, but that the Hobgoblin had a strength skill of 28.

Name: Blake

Race: Kobold Lv15 (1800/2200Exp)

Health: 129/153

Stamina: 125/151

Mana: 87/87

Ability points: 0


Strength: 30

Agility: 18

Intelligence: 15

There... Now things should play out a little differently. Blake said to himself, knowing he was ready to take the Hobgoblin on, feeling his body become stronger once again thanks to his ability points, however, this time he felt a strange sensation in his back.

The Hobgoblin leader stood to his full height, taking one look at the large boulder that was now blocking the gate, making it next to impossible for the Goblins to climb over it. He could also see that many of the Goblins that had pushed through had been crushed by the falling debris, leaving only himself and a small number of Goblins inside the Kobold village.

Still, the Hobgoblin didn't seem worried, having gained a new level of strength and confidence thanks to his evolution that put him in a different league than the others.

The Kobolds were still in a state of shock as to what had happened, however, it didn't take long for the surviving Kobold captain to take action, seeing that there were still Goblins inside of the village.

"Gather yourselves men, and form a line!" He shouted, trying to get any who could still fight to muster at the front, thanking his lucky stars that the collapse had happened when it did.

Many of them did, picking themselves up and forming a spear wall, similar to a phalanx, aiming themselves toward the Goblins, taking one final stand.

The Hobgoblin leader watched as the Kobolds tried to rally, causing him to snarl before he gave the order for his men to attack.

"Kill them all!" He shouted, pointing his club in the Kobold's direction while doing so.

The Goblins squawked and howled as they charged, doing as their leader commanded heading right toward the phalanx with their swords raised.

"Hold the line men, this is our decisive moment!" The captain yelled, knowing that with Commander Vatt and Chief Kolu down, everything was up to him now.

Suddenly the Hobgoblin leader charged forward, speeding passed the other Goblins like a bullet train with his club raised toward the Kobold phalanx.

"ARGHH!" The Hobgoblin roared, smashing his club into the Kobolds, knocking them out of formation with one mighty swing of his club, proving that his strength was too much for them to handle.

"Your village will burn!"

"Your woman and children will become our slaves!" 

"And you, you will become our food!" He shrieked, using his club to smash more Kobold warriors through the air like children, causing the others to coward back, clutching their spears and weeping for their lives.

"We can't defeat him!"

"He's too strong!" Some of the others said, starting to waver with others even thinking about running for their lives.

"Keep a hold of yourselves men!" The Kobold captain yelled, knowing that his men's morale was but a hair length away from snapping.

However, the Goblin commander broke through the line of Kobold warriors before he snatched the captain up by his neck.

"You will be the first to die!" The Hobgoblin yelled, snarling at the Kobold.

Everyone watched in terror as the Hobgoblin snapped the Kobold captain's neck, making it look like a twig he was finished playing when he dropped him to the ground.

"N-No..." Kolu said, trying to claw at the ground as he watched what happened.

He could feel that his sternum and most of his ribs had been shattered from the kick he took. leaving him coughing up blood and wheezing for air.

"S-Sir... You cannot move." Commander Vatt said, not looking much better off than Chief Kolu.

"I-I have to stop him... I-I W-Wont let him destroy my village..." Kolu said, still trying to claw his way across the dirt.

The Hobgoblin threw the kobold captain to the ground like a doll before he turned to look at the others.

"Kill them all!" He roared, ordering the rest of the Goblins to attack, seeing no point in him doing anymore now, knowing that he had broken them enough.

The Goblins shrieked before they charged at the broken Kobolds, clawing and slicing at them while they tried to either run or fight them off, feeling all of their morale leave their bodies.

The Hobgoblin leader turned his attention toward the large boulder that was blocking the entrance to the village, looking at it up and down before taking his club and smashing it against the boulder, creating a small crack in the middle.

Nev was still watching from the side line having seen the captain killed and the Goblins attack the remaining Kobold warriors, massacring them.

"I can't just stand back anymore, I have to do something!" Nev yelled as he charged in head first toward the others.

The Goblins were making light work of the other Kobold warriors seeing that many of them had lost the will to fight for their home.

"This fight isn't over yet you bastards!" Nev yelled, picking up a sword that was led on the ground before plunging it into one of the Goblin's faces, causing blood to spray into the air once he pulled it out.

"Come on you cowards! Fight until the last man!" Nev roared, making sure that every one of them could hear his words before he rushed forward in a mad frenzy, using his rage to fuel his strength before cutting down another two Goblins.

However, there were too many of them and Nev was quickly surrounded by spear tips and swords, all threatening to hack him to pieces.

"Bring it on!!!" Nev yelled, feeling more anger than he had ever felt, trying his best to fight them off all by himself.

Suddenly a blur of red and black swooped passed Nev, taking him and the others by surprise as all of the Goblins that had surrounded Nev were decapitated at the same time, causing blood to gush onto the ground, leaving Nev stood alone.

"You are right, Nev. This fight isn't over yet." Blake said, alerting Nev and the others to his presence.

"D-Drak..." Nev said, taking in the sight of his friend standing before him.

Blake's body had grown slightly bigger with his muscles becoming stronger and more toned thanks to the increase in his strength. However, what stood out the most was his large wings, now spanning his whole upper body.

The other Goblins looked at Blake, surrounding and watching him with their beady eyes, snarling before they dared to make a move.

Blake simply moved his head to the side, dodging a spear thrust before he grabbed the shaft and pulled the Goblin within arms reach, gripping it by the throat with a tight squeeze.

Blake lifted the Goblin off the ground, watching as it squirmed and kicked its legs while it choked.

The others growled at the sight of one of their own before they all jumped in to help and attack Blake.

Blake threw the Goblin into the other Goblins, knocking them over like bowling pins before he dashed forward with one flap of his wings, using his sword to bring a quick end to them one after the other in a frenzy of strikes, leaving the Goblins unable to do anything before his overwhelming strength.

The last few that were still alive having witnessed what had just happened quickly turned tail and ran, heading back toward their leader as they feared for their lives.

"D-Drak..." Commander Vatt said as he watched from the sidelines, not believing how strong he had become in such a short amount of time, still being unable to move having had his leg crushed by some falling debris.

"This battle isn't over yet, gather yourselves and tend to the wounded!" Blake shouted, wanting the others to stay out of his way, knowing what was to come.

"Y-Yeah..." The other warriors said, not arguing with him before they got to work.

The Goblins ran back over to their leader who smashed his cub into the boulder again, making the crack a little larger.

The Hobgoblin looked surprised that the other had run back over to him in fear, wondering what they were so afraid of before he turned around and got a good look at Blake.

"Wings..." He snarled, gripping his club tighter at the sight.

"You... You are the one who killed my son!" The Hobgoblin shrieked.

With a powerful step, the Hobgoblin launched forward off of the ground, breaking it beneath his foot with the force he used to propel himself toward Blake.

Blake stood strong and raised his own sword, using it to deflect his attack matching the monster with the same amount of strength, taking the creature back a little.

"Why you!" The Hobgoblin roared before he took his club in both hands, swinging it as hard as he could toward Blake's side, expecting it to break him in half.

However, Blake stopped the attack with one arm, seeing that his strength stat currently outranked the Hobgoblins, using a mix of his steel bones and newly upgraded strength to easily stop the Hobgoblins attack with his forearm.

"No..." The Hobgoblin said, not believing its eyes before Blake kicked him in the face, landing a perfect roundhouse to the side of his head sending the monster crashing into the ground.

The Hobgoblin hit the dirt before pushing himself up, clearly enraged that Blake had humiliated him like that, spitting out a rock from his mouth before turning around to face Blake again.

"Not had enough yet, eh?" Blake said before he punched the Hobgoblin in the face, sending him flying back as he crashed into the larger boulder that was still blocking the village gate.

Using his wings, Blake flew through the air and thrust his sword through the Hobgoblin's stomach, twisting the blade in his belly once it was in, causing the creature to howl in pain.

"This is for all the Kobold you killed!" Blake yelled, pushing his sword into the monster's body harder.

The Hobgoblin suddenly grabbed Blake's wrist, somehow overpowering him as he forced Blake to pull his sword out of his stomach.

"What in the?" Blake said, not believing his eyes, using everything he had to try and push it back in.

[Warning... Hobgoblin rage has been activated.] The system said, warning Blake as it displayed his stats for him, showing Blake that the Hobgoblin's strength stat had increased above his own by five points to 35.

"ARGHHH!!!!" The Hobgoblin roared, letting out a deafening scream, forcing Blake to hold his ears from the pain and let go of his sword.

Suddenly the Hobgoblin slammed a punch into Blake's jaw, this time sending him flying through the air with the force.

Blake could feel the power behind his punch, knowing that if not for his steel-bone ability that punch would have broken his face.

Quickly Blake flipped in the air and pushed off the ground with his right arm, using his wings to boost him into the air. However, the Hobgoblin didn't give him any time to get his bearings, jumping into the air and grabbing Blake around the waist pulling him down.

"What in the!" Blake cried out, not being able to get free before he felt his body smash into the ground, getting power bombed into the ground like a ragdoll.

Once again Blake's steel bones had saved his life, but just because his bones were made of steel didn't mean that his organs were, having taken one hell of an impact, causing Blake to feel sick as he coughed up blood.

"S-Shit... That's not good... His strength is no joke." Blake said as he saw the Hobgoblin's red eyes glowing through the dust, knowing he was about to attack again.

[Warning, impact coming from above.]

Blake kicked off the ground and flipped backwards into a handspring, narrowly avoiding the Hobgoblin's attack, watching as he crashed into the ground with both feet aiming to crush Blake.

"Spider thread!" Blake yelled out, shooting the thread from his fingers like he was Spider-Man again, aiming to wrap the Hobgoblin up and immobilize him as he shot as much thread as he could at the monster.

"What is this!" The monster yelled, trying to break free from the spider web that Blake had wrapped him up in, ripping his right arm free before pulling it off his body, continuing to do so until Blake couldn't shoot anymore.

"Shit..." Blake said, seeing that the thread clearly wasn't that strong to hold him.

Next plan! Blake thought as he watched the hulking monster charge at him.

Blake dodged a huge hook by ducking under it before he punched the Hobgoblin in the ribs with a double counter shot, seeing that it didn't do much before he used his wings to propel him to the right, dodging another powerful punch and this time kick out the Hobgoblins knee, trying to take out the joint.

However, the Hobgoblin moved much faster than Blake had anticipated, even the system couldn't keep up with him and he grabbed Blake's face with his large hand, slamming Blake into the dungeon floor and ground his face along the dirt before throwing him through the air.

Blake yelled before he crashed into the ground not far from Nev and the other Kobolds who had been watching the fight. His head was pounding and his body felt as if it had been run over by a truck.

"Wait, I know what that feels like..." Blake said remembering that time he got hit by one before he tried to pick himself up, slowly climbing to his knees.

The Hobgoblin could see that Blake was half dead now, calming down as he walked over toward him.

"You fought well. I can see why my son lost to you." He said, standing over Blake.

"Son?" Blake asked, getting a strange look from the Hobgoblin.

"You speak our words?" The Hobgoblin said, looking at Blake strangely.

"Well... A little." Blake said, knowing he didn't have any strength left.

Nev and the others watched in terror, having let their hope get the better of them again with Blake's appearance, somehow believing he could win this fight and save them.


"NO! DRAK!" Nev suddenly yelled, getting everyone's attention.

"You can't let it end here, Drak! You just can't... You are the strongest guy I know! Hell, everyone is depending on you!" Nev cried, not losing faith in his friend's strength.

"You never lose Drak. I know you can do it... I know you can win!" 

"You have to win!"

The others all watched as Nev cried out for his friend, not wanting to watch him get beaten anymore.


"You can do it Drak!"

"Don't lose to that monster!" The others all yelled, following Nev's lead as they once again put all of their trust and hope in the young Kobold.

Blake could hear their words and cries for him, feeling a strange sensation in his body, giving him the strength he needed to stand up.

"Foolish Kobold. This fight is over!" The Hobgoblin yelled, having listened to enough of their strange words.

[New skill available. Evolution.] The system said, showing Blake the option on his display screen.

[Would you like to evolve?]

Blake smiled before he looked into the Hobgoblin's eyes.

"No... It's only just beginning."