
Kobold's ascension to dragon lord with a system!

Reincarnated as a Kobold... One of the weakest creatures one may find in a dungeon sounds rather challenging no? Follow the adventures of Blake, who sadly dies in the course of his daily life only to discover upon awakening that he has been resurrected as a Kobold from his favourite video game. Blake quickly realises that he isn't like the others, having a system to guide him on his quest. Nevertheless, his adventure is far from what one would expect of being reborn into a fantasy world. Become a hero and save the world? No! This adventure is rife with danger and bloodshed, filled with peril and monsters that would see you dead! After all, if you're born a weak monster, isn't that how life is for you?

Lavalord115 · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Chapter 17: Goblins attack!

"Archers, fire!" The commander yelled, watching as a large volley of arrows shot into the ranks of the Goblin horde, hitting the numerous Goblins in a variety of places, dropping most of them to the ground or killing them on the spot.

The goblins were in such numbers that those killed by the arrows were only trampled underfoot by those who followed them as they poured through the gate towards Blake and the others.

"Lose! Fire at will!" The commander yelled, seeing the massive number of Goblins charge in for the kill.

So many of them... How the hell did we miss them? Blake asked himself, knowing they must have been marching toward the village during their sweep of the perimeter.

"Hold the line!" One of the captains shouted, leading the shield wall with his spear pointed through the middle watching as the Goblins charged toward them.

The Goblins charged into the spear wall, pushing and pressing the large mass of bodies against the Kobolds, who tried their best to pierce and kill as many as they could without breaking formation.

The archers at the back continued to let loose their volleys of arrows, Surge included as he had a bow to hand, having joined the archer's ranks trying to shoot as many arrows as he could into the Goblin horde.

"How are there so many of them!" Kolu yelled, watching as the Goblin's ranks broke around the flanks of the shield wall, clashing with the remaining Kobold who only had swords and made up the rear line.

Blake found himself in the shield wall toward the flank, watching as the Goblins tried to rush around them.

"Shit, to the right!" He yelled, breaking formation before he thrust his spear into the gut of a Goblin who jumped over its comrades toward him, going for the kill.

However, Blake beat the monster to it and stabbed the green Goblin in its belly.

The other Kobolds crashed into the Goblin ranks, turning the battle into a free for all as the shield wall fell, having been flanked on both sides, leaving them with no other choice than to fight with everything they had.

Blake's spear had gotten stuck in the Goblin's belly, having hooked against its spine most likely, forcing Blake to draw his sword and continue on the attack.

Thanks to his system Blake could see that the Goblins only had a level of between 7 and 9, meaning they were no challenge for Blake as he cut them down one after the other.

The only real problem was that there were so many of them. And no matter how many Blake cut down, more continued to surround him.

Nev was in the same situation; after being in the shield wall, he was suddenly thrust into the midst of the conflict, where he was outnumbered and overpowered by the goblins' hordes.

Surge had also run out of arrows, deciding to draw his sword and rush in to meet the Goblins head-on. Surge ducked under a Goblin sword swipe that was aimed at his head, ducking down, Surge thrust his sword into the Goblin's abdomen, not lingering as he pulled the blade out of its gut and moved on to the next, clashing against a stronger foe.

Commander Vatt and Kolu, the chief of the Kobold watched from higher up the hill as the Kobold warriors did their best to hold the Goblins back, doing a good job so far, even with the advantage in numbers leaning heavily on the Goblin's side.

Still, only so many of them could fit through the gate at once, giving the Kobolds a chock point to defend against them, allowing them to hold just enough that the Goblins couldn't push further into the village.

Blake had lost count of the number of Goblins he had killed, having cut down so many that he now found himself on the front lines, pushing forward through the Goblin's ranks, leading the charge with the other Kobolds following his prowess, unable to ignore his amazing combat ability.

"Follow Drak!" One of the captains yelled, not being able to deny his power as he watched him cut down five Goblins with ease, not even breaking a sweat.

With Blake's large strength stat, he wasn't finding it difficult to cut through the Goblins, seeing that those who had even been able to defend against his speed, were clearly unable to handle his power, even breaking one of their swords with his own.

Kolu and Vatt watched from their command point with both of them seeing that Drak was the one who was leading the charge and not any of the captains.

"He's pushing them back by himself?" Vatt said, watching in astonishment as Blake continued to cut through the Goblin ranks, hacking and slashing without stop, covered in their blood like he was a demon.

Blake's hard scales and steel bones ability were also helping him tank any damage that the Goblins tried to do to him, being able to stop their weak attacks without having to even block them.

The weaker Goblin's swords simply bounced off of his arms and legs, not being able to break through his tough scales, as if he was wearing natural armour.

With the combination of the skills he had so far, Blake was like a typhoon of death, moving around at great speed with the boost from his wings helping, cutting through the Goblins again and again before he finally reached the gate.

"Keep fighting men! We can't let Drak do all the work!" The captain yelled, rallying the others to press forward with him, cutting down any Goblins that had gotten past Blake.

Both Surge and Nev were also trying their best to live up to Blake's power, pushing and attacking with everything they had to try and reach him, watching his skill with awe.

Blake had reached the gates of the village, not realizing he had pressed so far, now being able to see the large number of Goblins that were still rushing toward the village, still keen to spill as much Kobold blood as possible.

This would be a good time to test out my spider thread ability... Blake thought, getting ready to use the skill to help block the gate off.

Suddenly, a powerful blow from a club hit Blake in the jaw, taking him by surprise as it lifted him into the air and sent him flying back before he crashed onto the ground stunned.

"Drak!" Nev yelled, watching as he was sent flying, rushing back toward where he landed to help his friend.

"W-What the hell was that?" Blake said to himself, feeling his brain shaking from the attack.

"Kill these Kobold bastards!" A gruff voice shouted, coming from the gate's direction.

Even commander Vatt was shocked, taking a hard look at the Goblin responsible for the attack.

"Make them pay for killing my son!" The gruff voice yelled again, pointing his large club forward for the Goblins to charge.

Blake realized that it was in fact the Goblin that he could hear shouting, having forgotten that he could understand their language thanks to his dragon belly ability.

Surge was now at the front lines with the other Kobold warriors as they battled the Goblins in a vicious clash. However, now that Blake had been knocked out of the fight the rest of the Kobolds weren't fairing so well.

Especially now that the Goblin leader had joined the ranks, crushing one of the Kobold warriors with his club before he smashed through two others, making them look like nothing before his power.

Surge could see the strength that this Goblin possessed, knowing that he probably didn't stand a chance. Nevertheless, Surge charged toward him, raising his sword before he thrust forward trying to piece into the Goblin's chest.

However, the Goblin leader stepped to the side and dodged Surge's attack, using his free hand to grab Surge's face before he slammed him into the ground, driving his head into the dirt.

"A weakling like you dares to challenge me!" The Goblin roared.

Of course, Surge couldn't understand the monster. In fact, Surge couldn't understand anything at the moment as everything was spinning and black spots had started to appear in the field of vision.

The Goblin leader stood tall as he looked down at Surge with disgust before tightening its grip around its club.

"Weaklings like you should just die!" It yelled, lifting its club to deliver the finishing blow.

"ARGH!" Commander Vatt yelled, rushing forward as he cut through many of the Goblins, turning them into Swiss cheese before he reached the Goblin leader, meeting his attack mid-way through and clashing with him, looking into his eye, seeing that the other one had a large scare down it.

"Nobody kills my recruits!" He yelled, pushing the Goblin back before the two of them locked themselves into another clash.

"Drak! Drak, are you alright?" Nev asked, trying to help Blake up.

Blake's vision was just about returning to normal as he sat up, remembering what had happened.

"That's right... That bastard hit me." He said, slowly getting up to his feet.

"Man, I thought you were done for after taking a hit like that to the face," Nev said, amazed that he was still alive.

Truth be told, Blake had his steel bone ability to thank for his survival, taking a quick look at his stats to see what was going on.

Name: Blake

Race: Kobold Lv15 (490/2200Exp)

Health: 94/118

Stamina: 100/116

Mana: 87/87

Ability points: 7


Strength: 23

Agility: 18

Intelligence: 15

Unique Skill: [Dragon belly.] [Steel bones.] [Spider thread.] [Spider venom.] [Poison resistance lv1.]

Skills: Sprint. Quick hands. Sneak. Claw attack. Punch combos. Kick combos. Block. Counter strike. Stab. Slash. Sword combos. Spear combos. pin-point shot. Rapid fire.

Looks like that attack didn't do as much damage as I thought... Blake said, seeing that his HP points were still relatively high.

He could also see that he had seven ability points to play with, meaning that if he needed, he could boost his abilities even further to finish this once and for all.

Meanwhile, commander Vatt was engaged in a fierce battle with the Goblin leader, with both of them fighting tooth and nail against one another, seeming evenly matched in their strength and skill.

The other Goblins and Kobold were also still fighting around them, with neither side daring to interfere in their battle.

Vatt could tell that this was no normal Goblin, feeling his strength and skill being above the last one he had thought, also seeing this one was much more experienced.

The Goblin smashed its club into Vatt, who ducked under the attack, knowing it would be silly to try and block such a large and powerful weapon with so much weight behind it.

Instead, the commander ducked under the attack, using his impressive footwork to get around the side of the Goblin before he thrust the tip of his sword toward the Goblins ribs, hoping to pierce its heart.

However, the Goblin was much faster than it looked, being able to change the direction of its attack with an overwhelming amount of strength to shift the club mid strike, taking the commander by surprise as the club smashed into his side, breaking his humerus bone from the force.

"Ark!" The commander cried out, hitting the ground and rolling to his feet in pain.

Somehow he had managed to keep hold of his sword, taking another defensive position as the Goblin dragged its large club along the ground toward him, snarling with a toothy smirk.

"Time to die, Kobold bastard." Or as the commander heard it. (Qwatt hati ko basta!)