
Kobold's ascension to dragon lord with a system!

Reincarnated as a Kobold... One of the weakest creatures one may find in a dungeon sounds rather challenging no? Follow the adventures of Blake, who sadly dies in the course of his daily life only to discover upon awakening that he has been resurrected as a Kobold from his favourite video game. Blake quickly realises that he isn't like the others, having a system to guide him on his quest. Nevertheless, his adventure is far from what one would expect of being reborn into a fantasy world. Become a hero and save the world? No! This adventure is rife with danger and bloodshed, filled with peril and monsters that would see you dead! After all, if you're born a weak monster, isn't that how life is for you?

Lavalord115 · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Chapter 11: Battle with the Goblins!

Blake and the other Kobolds had formed a line consisting of all 8 recruits, two full-fledged warriors and the commander of the Kobolds himself.

"Hold!" The commander yelled, watching as the Goblin ranks were about to crash upon them, close enough for Blake and the others to almost feel the heat of their breath. 


Blake and the others at the front thrust their spears forward, impaling the first line of Goblins that had soared at them. Surge and the other two released their arrows, blasting through whichever Goblins they struck, releasing as many volleys as they could.

Blake could feel the vibrations that piercing through flesh and bone gave off, travelling down the shaft of his spear into his hand before he pulled the tip out, causing blood to splash onto his face.

"Die Goblin scum!" Nev yelled as he blocked an overhead attack from one Goblin with his shield before he thrust his spear through the monster's face and then pulled back, blocking another attack. Not seeming to be fazed at all by the battle.

Surge was letting shot after shot loose, firing arrows from the rear into the enemy lines, doing as much damage as he could from afar before he was forced to draw his sword and fight in close quarters due to the large number of Goblins trying to swarm them.

"Hold the line!" The commander yelled again, cutting one of the Goblin's heads clean off before he punched another in the jaw, breaking it with a sickening crunch.

Blake was right in the middle of the fight now and had no other choice but to cut as many down as he could if he wanted to make it out alive, putting aside his childish human emotions from his past life and letting his training take over, blocking and attacking, blocking and attacking, using his spear like a staff to block, trip and impale his foes.

"SQUKAKW!" One of the Goblins yelled, pointing at Blake before more charged toward him, seeing that he was clearly very skilled in combat.

"Fuck me, they never end!" Nev yelled, being pushed back from behind his shield as three Goblins were trying to get at him, all hacking and chopping at whatever they could.

Blake was close by and blocked an enemy thrust attack with the middle of his spear shaft before striking with the butt of his spear, and with one fluid motion using his right hand to glide the spear up before cutting the Goblin clean through his chest, dropping another to the ground before he spun around and sliced two mores throats.

[Side quest complete. Kill ten goblins.] The system suddenly said.

Really! Blake yelled as he rushed over to Nev, stabbing one of the Goblin in the back with his spear.

Nev pushed even harder now that only two were trying to fight him, knocking both of them to the ground before he smashed his foot into one of their faces and his spear into the other.

"Look out!" The commander suddenly yelled, causing everyone to look toward the danger.

A small storm of arrows flew through the air, hitting two of the Kobolds in the chest who had not been able to block them, knocking both of them to the ground.

Nev quickly dashed in front of Blake, using his shield to stop two arrows that would have hit him too.

"Take out those archers!" The commander yelled, knowing that they would be pinned down otherwise.

"Nev, your leg," Blake said, seeing that an arrow tip had hit Nev in the thigh just under where his shield reached.

"Those bastards..." Nev said before he pulled out the arrow, only drawing a small amount of blood thanks to his thick scales.

"CRQWWWKKK!" More Goblins roared as they charged toward both Nev and Blake, getting their immediate attention.

"I'll hold them off, you take down those archers!" Nev yelled before he charged into the fight.

Blake didn't have to be told twice as he stuck his spear into the ground and pulled his short bow from his back.

System activate skill, pinpoint shot and quick hands! Blake said, drawing an arrow back as he docked it.


With the use of his quick hands and pinpoint shot skills, Blake was able to use a new skill called rapid-fire, allowing him to shoot a bundle of arrows at a very quick pace one after the other.

"Why has no one taken out those archers yet!" The commander yelled, dodging an arrow that flew right passed his face before blocking a flurry of strikes from two Goblins one after the other.

"There are too many of them, sir!" One of the other warriors said, also doing his best to block the attacks from the large number of Goblins around him.

Surge had drawn his sword some time ago, being forced to fight in close-quarter combat as he overwhelmed the Goblins with his monstrous strength, breaking their bones with just the swing of his sword, using his large forearm to even block an attack like it was a shield.

Suddenly a barrage of arrows hit the Goblin archers, taking them down one after the other with hardly any time between shots.

"Sir look, Drak was able to take out the archers!" One of the warriors said as he snapped one of the Goblin's necks.

The commander had just finished off the two he had been fighting, being given a moment to pause and see that it was Drak who had pulled off the shot indeed.

"Impressive..." He said, laying his eyes over the battlefield, seeing that they were now down three men.

"This isn't looking good. There are still too many of them." The commander then said, not sure if they would be coming out of this fight alive or not.

Blake had now used up all of his arrows, being forced to throw his bow into the face of a Goblin that had charged at him, giving him enough time to draw his sword and thrust it into the creature's belly, gutting the creature as it held onto him, looking deep into his eyes.

"Fuck me you are only ugly bastard!" Blake yelled, pushing the creature off of him and flicking its blood from his sword.

Meanwhile, Nev had charged into the middle of the battle, using his shield and spear like some kind of tank.

However, even with his thick scale-like armour, the Goblins chipped away at him, hacking and slashing with their rusted blades, wearing him down until one of them finally caught him in the side of the knee with a powerful chop.

"ARGH!" Nev roared as he felt his leg buckle from the force of the attack, dropping him to his knee and leaving him wide open for attack.

Blake was fighting with his sword now, slashing and hacking at anything that got close to him, having long forgotten the act of mercy as he allowed his Kobold instincts to take over.

[Incoming attacks, left and right.] The system said, warning Blake of any attack coming his way.

Blake kicked one of them in the chest, knocking the creature crashing into more, knocking them over like bowling pins. However, Blake had been forced to duck and then block an attack with his forearm, letting the tough scales act like a shield and deflect the rusted Goblin blade away before he thrust his own sword through its eyes.

As the Goblin fell, Blake caught a glimpse of Nev, who had fallen onto his knees and was about to be cut down.

"Nev lookout!" Blake roared as he spun around to dodge another Goblins advance before he wrenched his spear from the ground and threw it with all of his might.

The spear sailed through the air at great speed before it hit the Goblin in the chest, taking the creature off the ground with the force of his throw.

Nev had been sure it was all over, watching as the spear impaled the Goblin. "You bastards!" Nev roared, pushing through the pain as he let his Kobold rage ability burst to life, allowing him to raise his shield to block another attack from one of the other Goblins and counterattack with his own spear.

The battle was drawing its end now, with the Goblins swarming the commander and other warriors, taking down two more of the recruits with their overwhelming numbers. Now only the commander and his two warriors, Surge, Nev and Blake remained.

They were surrounded on all sides, watching as the beady eyes of the Goblins glared at them, wanting nothing more than to rip them apart, having forced the group together with all of the fighting.

"What should we do sir?" One of the warriors asked, seeing their backs were against the wall.

"We fight until the last." The commander said, unwavering in his conviction.

"SQUKA!" One of the Goblins yelled, causing the large group of them to halt and quickly make way.

Before recognising their commander advancing on them through the throng, Blake had initially been confused about what was happening, until he laid eyes on the much larger Goblin that walked toward them.

Blake had seen that the Goblins were only between levels 5 and 7, meaning they were not that strong at all. However, their sheer numbers gave them a large advantage, even if they were rather weak.

"Hkawu..." The Goblin leader said, glaring at Blake and the others.

However, this one is stronger... Much stronger... Blake said to himself, seeing that it had a level of 14.

"So... You want a fight eh?" The Kobold commander said with a smirk, knowing exactly what the Goblin leader was up to.

Blake also knew that the Kobold commander had a level of 15, making him the strongest in the whole village and clearly on par with this Goblin. However, with all of the fighting so far, Blake would bet that the commander was tired, while this Goblin was fresh, not sure how this would play out.

"You wanna fight me! Then bring it on!" The commander yelled, rushing toward the Goblin leader with his sword raised.

In addition to being taller than the other Goblins, the leader seemed considerably meaner and had more muscular mass. Nevertheless, it grasped its own sword and deflected the commander's blow, forcing a struggle of power between the two of them as the blades collided.

The two of them pushed each other away before engaging in a flurry of strikes. Twisting and whirling around as they each gave it their all.

All of the Goblins cheered from their side, while Blake and the others cheered from theirs.

"Come on commander! That Goblin has nothing on you!" One of the warriors shouted.

"SQUAK!" The Goblins roared, jumping up and down as the battle continued to press on.

The commander's swordsmanship was truly in a league of its own, quickly putting the Goblin leader on his toes thanks to his quick strikes, powerful defence and incredible reaction speed. Still, the Goblin leader was no pushover and clearly had more stamina and strength than the commander, taking advantage of this as he was forcing the commander to burn through his stamina.

"GAKK!" The Goblin leader snarled, slashing down, then left, then right, putting just enough power into its attack that the Kobold commander was unable to redirect them.

The commander blocked the Goblin's last attack, pushing his weight into his parry this time, resulting in knocking the Goblin off balance and leaving it open for an attack, presenting the commander with the winning strike.

"You're mine!" He roared, lifting his blade with both hands before going for the finishing blow.

However, just before he could strike, the Kobold commander was unexpectedly shot by an arrow in the shoulder, which caused him to falter and stumble to the ground while holding his sword to support his weight, creating silence from everyone who watched.

"Commander!" One of the warriors Kobold roared, charging forward with his sword raised.

The Goblin leader looked furious, shouting in a fit of rage at his men before he turned his attention to the Kobold warrior.

"Die you cheating scum!" 

But the Goblin leader was much stronger than this Kobold, easily grabbing his wrist to stop his overhead attack, twisting its arm with a sickening snap of the warrior's elbow.

Before anybody was able to react, the Goblin leader thrust his blade into the Kobold's belly, twisting it around for good measure, causing the warrior to spit up blood. The Goblin leader looked him in the eyes and snarled before finally allowing him to drop to the ground, turning his attention toward Blake and the others as he intended to kill them all one by one.