
KNY: Floret Grace (Hiatus, due to lack of interest)

An Ancient Demoness has risen from her imprisonment... what will she do?

Uni_Desires · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs

Chapter 02: Who are you..?!

The Demoness walked slowly along the path, the moonlit night enveloped the skies. The Demoness looked the same as always. As she walked along the barely treaded path, flowers grew in her wake. Preexisting plants became more nourished, and the ground was practically soaked in the nutrients needed to survive for a plant.

For nights she walked, and when day approached she created a small cave into the ground to stay the day away. Before starting the travel all over again at night, her steps slowly approaching a small village.

As she approached the village, a group of people had gathered at the gate. Clad in black clothing and katanas on their left sides. At the front a middle aged man, maybe around 35, stood in a flame haori. 

As the Demoness approached, the people became alert and drew their katanas. The man in the flame haori unsheathed his katana and stepped forward to speak. 

"A Demon approaches, like the crows have said. Careful, she might have a blood ar-" The man was cut off when the man was forced to dodge a wooden stake.

"Hah, like that'll kill me-" The man stopped himself when he noticed most of the people he brought with him weren't able to dodge the attack, as multiple wooden staked shot from the ground and impaled the humans' hearts with uncanny percision.

The Demoness slowly raised her left hand, a dozen vines and branches sprouting around her on the ground. While her right hand flicked her finger as a wolf made of wood leapt at the remaining men with katanas.

"Flame Breathing, First Form: Unknowing Fire!" The man shot forward and attempted to cut through the Demoness' defenses. However a branch shot out and easily stopped the blade in it's tracks while a vine shot out to attack him.

The man leapt back to dodge and when he looked over to check the state of the rest of his men, he found them all torn to shreds.

The man growled before shouting, "I am Shinjuro Rengoku, the Flame Hashira and I will not be dishonored by you!"

"Oh my~ Such a vibrant man you are..~" The Demoness finally spoke, her voice silky smooth.

A set of five vines shot out from under Shinjuro, attempting to restrain him.

"Flame Breathing, Third Form: Blazing Universe!" Shinjuro swung his blade in a downward arc, cutting through the vines before attempting a charge forward.

"It's been awhile since i've seen humans fight, such exquisite swordsmanship~" The Demoness spoke with a soft voice as several more vines shot out and formed a large 7 foot Gorilla.

Shinjuro readied his katana before speaking, "Fight me with honor, not hiding behind your constructs!"

The Demoness giggled before replying, "Why should I bother fighting you? After all a strong man such as yourself will surely overpower my petite frame?"

The vine gorilla charged Shinjuro. Leaping forward and punching at the vibrant hashira with it's left fist.

Shinjuro slashed at the blow, cutting maybe an inch into the fist of the vine constructed gorilla but not making much further before pulling out and attempting to dodge.

The gorilla swung out with it's right fist suddenly, hitting Shinjuro square in the chest. Sending the man flying backwards as the gorilla stayed in place like a guardian.

Shinjuro rolled as he landed to minimize the impact, however the gorilla construct had made a serious blow on him as multiple of his ribs were shattered by the single powerful blow! 

"Damnit! I will not lose here!" Shinjuro quickly got up, ignoring his injuries and getting into a stance.

Shinjuro started slicing into the air, forming the shape of a flaming tiger! "Flame Breathing, Fifth Form: Flame Tiger!" Shinjuro rushed at the gorilla, who was standing infront of the Demoness. A flaming tiger enveloping the Flame Hashira as he went straight through the gorilla construct with ease!

The demoness raised an elegant eyebrow at the jump in power before raising her hand.

Shinjuro appeared in the next split second, swinging his sword at the Demoness' neck. A flaming tiger still enveloping him and empowering his movements.

Then it stopped..

The blade was halted by the Demoness.

Holding between two elegant and petite fingers was Shinjuro's katana.

Before Shinjuro could physically react, the Demoness struck his face with a slap. Sending him flying to her left by about 20 feet from the powerful slap.

Such a blow would've put a dent in solid steel, however Shinjuro managed to reinforce his muscles this time using breathing techniques before the impact. Saving him from a horrible death with just a slap.

"Awh, such a shame my slap didn't turn your head into blood mist~" The Demoness softly questioned while more vines and branches appeared around her ready to defend herself again if needed.

Shinjuro spat out blood, the left side of his face was bruised and bleeding. With his left eye fully shut from the damage done to the side of his face.

"Damn-it.. Who the hell are you?" Shinjuro managed to spat out with some difficulties.

"Oh~ Not many people have survived this long with me going easy, so i'll atleast give you a name.." The Demoness once again spoke with a soft voice.

"My Name is Hana Ito.." Hana spoke, revealing her name. 

Shinjuro grabbed his katana and was about to make another go for her head, when vines encircled him and restrained him.

"Damnit! Let me GO!" The Flame Hashira struggled in his restraints, however he was now at the mercy of Hana.

"Since you've been so kind as to demonstrate this generation of human's worth, I shall let you live.." The woman pointed at the corpses of the dead slayers. Absorbing them and turning them into stone.

"I bid you good night, Shinjuro Rengoku.." Hana Ito kindly told the Flame Hashira, before departing the village and back into the night..