
Knull In Young Justice

First wife - Ishtar, 2nd - Cheshire, 3rd - I have no idea. The mc will have kids so be warned, alot of slice of life, lovey type, with drama and fighting. 3 love interest, not really sure but I already have two in mind. but the mc is obsessed with one character in particular. I own nothing, and I don't own the cover art. It all belongs to their respective creators.

BlackMoon2 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
14 Chs

Chapter 6 - Family Matter..

[Future 5 hours after the mission to Cadmus]

(Ishtar pov)

"This is ridiculous.." I spoke in an annoyed tone, pulling 5 men behind me to the location my team had set up, throwing the lackeys of the failed villain to the ground as I looked at batman go over information on his wrist computer.

'Ehhhhh!' While annoyed I had a job to do, I had done it as fast and safely as possible, the faster I did so, the quicker I could slip away to see the problem at Cadmus, but as I walked towards my team. Scream let out a beast-like roar, her form vibrating over my skin as if agitated.

"What is it? what Is wrong scream?" I turned my back to my team, not wanting them to see the true form of scream, as well as trying to calm her as I spoke in a low tone.

'No! we must go! they... They!' Scream went on, her voice yelling at me, her form becoming more unstable by the second. 'They are in danger! We must leave now!' No matter my words, scream yelled, her words full of worry as they echoed out to my team.

"What is going on Lady scream? I wasn't aware your suit could do something like this.." Bruce who was not the type to beat around the bush, walked up to me with the others, his eyes sharp as he watched scream detach and speak to me.

"Something is wrong at Cadmus, I don't know what but I can feel it." I didn't have time to worry about this secret, I couldn't because scream was trying to force my legs to move.

"Whats your connection with cadmus, ever since you're outburst at the headquarters I've been trying to figure it out, what exactly are you lady scream, and what's your connection to Cadmus?" Batman spoke to me, he was always critical of me, always questioning me to no end about my origins.

"Always the cautious one aren't you Bruce, and while I would love to go back and forth with you right now, you must go there's a problem I'm telling you." I was trying to control scream, my legs moving on their own slightly as I tried to force her to stand in place, trying to explain this severity of the situation.

"Not before you tell me what's going on and what that thing is attached to you." Batman spoke back unmoving in his decision, watching us screams face that came from my back, transformed into its original form, her sharp teeth pointed at him as his hand moved to his waist.

"There is no time! we must go! let him question us as much as he wants later! We must go!" Scream yelled, her form taking over my body, my nails growing, my mouth a mess of teeth, my hair becoming wilder as tendrils hung around my body.

"I don't think so.." Batman said, and without warning pulled batarangs from his waist as he threw them at me, my arm morphing into a shield as they stuck to it, exploding as I didn't move an inch.

"What the hell are you doing Batman?" The Flash ran over, seeing the explosion, his eyes going back and forth between the both of us as he questioned Batman.

"She's not in the right State of mind, just immobilize her." Batman gave his orders to the confusion of The Flash, his eyes going slightly wide as I looked around the shield, my long teeth drooling slightly as he made a surprised face.

" I don't have time for this, you may think of me any way you like." ignoring the surprise look on their faces I turned taking off, the ground cracking as my feet pressed into it pushing as I moved.

"Barry go, I'm right behind you!" Aquaman spoke taking off with Batman in toe, The Flash giving them a nod as he rushed towards me, my tendrils spreading like a liquid around me, feeling him rushed across it as a tendril looped his leg picking him up and slamming him into the ground.

"If you weren't holding back with your speed, I would have never been able to do that, I'm sorry but your not stopping me." I spoke as I looked down at Barry, giving him words of apologies as I took off once again, my leg kicking out as Aquaman grabbed it, trying to lift me as my tendrils were sent into his leg. I flipped myself over him dragging him with me as I slammed him into the ground as well, taking off once more.

"You guys need to stop holding back, immobilize her, yes, try not to do it with too much force, but there's a reason she is placed on missions with wonder woman, her strength is real." Batman gave his words, it was true that I was not as strong as Wonder Woman but when it came to tactics and flexibility, I had learned many from my father.

The back and forth in our exchange didn't take long, when we reached the forest I had slipped away, sinking into the shadows of the trees as most symbiotes could do, my body hurt from fighting but I still push myself forward, I need to get back to the city to find out what was going on and what had drove scream to act out so violently.

"Faster!" scream said coming out of my body again, her words still erratic but this time I understood. seeing the swirling of a red mark on her face.

"Please don't tell me, anything but that.." my words fell pushing myself even faster, the veins within my legs bursting slightly as they repaired themselves, scream attaching my flesh together so that I could push forward.

Minutes seem to move like hours, the pit in my stomach, the unending nauseam of the situation overcoming me many times, my mind trying to reach out many times to Muaka and Carnage alike, to no answer at all. the beating of my pounding heart echoing in my ears, almost as if it was reverberating out to the world around me.

My steps finally bringing me into the city, rushing forward more and more as I finally made it to the place where Cadmus should be standing, only to see a pile of rubble, with kids laid on the ground as I rushed to check on them.

" Aqualad, Robin, Wally, but where.. where is he? they're still breathing, they'll be fine." rushing over to the kids I flipped each one over checking their vitals, I was happy they were still alive but my mind was a mess as I looked around for my son.

"What exactly is going on here, lady scream?" it seemed that my mind would never be allowed to rest, when I was going to move in order to find my son, I heard a voice full of self-entitled Justice, my eyes turning back as I watched Superman float down from the sky.

"It would seem she has a lot more explaining to do.." Batman to gave his opinion, him, Aquaman, Green Arrow, and the Flash floated down on a construct made by Green Lantern. all around me, various heroes floated down, Wonder Woman, Red Tornado, Martian Manhunter, Shazam, Hawkman and Hawkgirl. many of them floated down looking at me with serious eyes, but my eyes were fixated somewhere else.

"No.." Will I can feel the collective confusion, and unanswered questions fill the back of my skull, I could do nothing as I look between the rubble. the space between where I was looking at the pieces of cinder block that still had a ceiling.

"Let go of him now! I said let go Knull!" standing Within the Ruins, his figure could be seen, tall and ganting. his long hair blowing in the wind, the symbol of Crimson on his chest ever bright in the darkness, as his long arms and long hands held Muaka.

"I said let go now!" rushing forward with no real plan, I sent out tendrils that were met with his own deflected away into the ground, my arm rearing back as I punched out only for him to grab my fist, his face turning to me as his hand gently caressed my face, his long tongue coming out licking the smoothness of my skin as I looked up into his eyes.

"It's been a very long time.. Ishtar, why would you want to break up the bonding with my son so soon, are you not happy, our little family has become whole once more." his words echoed in my mind, his very touched-making scream recede into my body, his eyes looking into me and then out to the world around him.

"Please.. Please let him go Knull, I'll do anything." once more like in the past I pleaded with Knull.

"Let her go, I have no idea what's going on here, but that's not how you should handle situation." to my surprise it was Batman who looked into the ruins, his hands at the ready as the rest of the superheroes looked in.

"I think you should do as he says.." Superman gave his peace as well, his once daunting figure looking so small next to the height of knull.

"One a human, the other smells like a Kryptonian.. an amazon, a Atlantean, a martian, a Green Lantern, and magic users, they're all here." Knull spoke, sniffing the air as he smiled, his words are going out to people as some looked surprised by this.

"This will be fun, later.. for now you should tend to our son, I will see you again soon." Knull said, gently placing me down as well as Muaka, my hands wrapping around him with great care as I watch knull reach down his hand, his caressing so loving as I turned my head away, unable to see passed the warmth he gave me as he melted into the shadows.

"You have a lot of explaining to do." Batman's serious voice spoke out to me, his eyes looking down at me but my only worry was my son, they would have their answers.

"I guess.. it's a better time than never."