
Knives and Brass Knuckles

Street urchin, Nathaniel finds himself in the middle of a power struggle. what he has heard and seen sets him apart. Because of this he is invited to war hero, Henry Rachet's house. Once inside, he finds chaos and trust. As forces emerge against him, his new family rushes to his aid.

C_L_Spearhead · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs


Nathaniel stopped next to him, "What is this store?" He asked, awe filling his voice as he saw staffs and swords hanging on the walls.

Gene smiled, "It's a little of everything, only the best get to come back here. Mr. Rachet is the founder. He and Trish started it, Trish is the manager now. You just met her." Nathaniel nodded, Mr. Rachet was the founder, that's why Connor and Gene were so familiar with the shop. He had thought they were just regulars, but it was more than that. They were patrons.

Gene evaluated the shoes, looking serious. He walked past the metal boots, moving to the combat boots. Gene looked at Nathaniel's feet, then back at the boots.

"What do you think, Pel?" He asked, grinning at the phoenix that had once again settled on his shoulder. The phoenix nuzzled his neck before hopping into the air, it flapped its wings in front of a pair of lace up boots, they were short, the soles smaller than the others.

Gene smiled, grabbing the pair, "I think that's it."

Connor held the door open, three bags thrown over his shoulder. Gene and Nathaniel exited the store, waving goodbye to Trish.

"Now, onto the next store!" Connor smiled, walking with an extra hop in his step. Nathaniel looked at the mall standing in front of him. He looked at Gene and Connor, then squared his shoulders. Time to go shopping.

Nathaniel yawned, leaning against a wall. He watched Conor search through some suits, holding a dark red suit and black shirt. Connor turned to Gene, "What do you think? This will be the first gala where people see both of us, I don't want them to confuse us."

Gene smiled, "You're going with the devil look." He looked at the black suit he had put over his arm, a couple ties with it.

Connor shrugged, "I just want people to know what they'll get with me." He threw the suit over his arm, starting to walk to the check out, "I think it's a good look. Hopefully it'll make people think twice before messing with you or Christin."

Gene nodded, "I like it." He looked at Connor, "Sorry you can't cut your hair, I think I'll be able to soon." He shrugged, "I don't know why it's so hard."

Connor shook his head, "Long hair's good." He looked at Nathaniel, "I'm just glad ours isn't as curly as his."

Nathaniel blushed, fingering the ringlets that were in front of his ears, he hadn't had fully curly hair in a long time, he had forgotten how they took up so much space.

"I think I'll need a haircut." Nathaniel smiled, placing his black suit on the counter, "There's more than I remember." He gestured to the voluminous curls.

Connor shrugged, "It's a nice look, Kiara usually cuts our hair, we could go to a hair salon just as easily though." He nodded to the girl behind the counter, "Good afternoon miss." He smiled at her, sliding the suits closer to her. The girl was wearing a blindfold, a Thanal on her shoulder. The Thanal was a fluffy four legged creature, the face of a snake with the fluff and body of something like a chinchilla. It watched the three boys, it's eyes having a hint of grey light. The girl was seeing through it.

The girl smiled back, starting to scan the clothes. As she looked down Nathaniel could see blue roots starting to grow out, so her black hair was dyed, not natural. She had to be some type of fey, but Nathaniel wasn't sure which. Probably someone with fairy heritage. The girl scanned the items, the Thanal not looking away from the three, "Are you boys getting ready for your proms?"

Connor laughed, "Not today, just a family outing I'm afraid." The girl nodded, her Thanal looked at Nathaniel. Nathaniel smiled, before looking away. Searching around them, a man stood behind the three. He was jumpy, his hands in his coat, but his arms shaking. He was shaking his leg, then wiping his forehead with a handkerchief before shoving it back in his pocket.

Nathaniel frowned, he had seen men become like that often on the streets. It was always a good sign to avoid them. He shifted, tapping Gene and gesturing to the man, keeping his movements small. Attention could set the man off.

Gene nodded, he pulled out his phone, putting it to his ear. He turned to Connor, "Dad's outside. He wants to see you and Nathaniel." Connor looked at Gene, attention sliding to the man behind them.

He nodded, posture tensing a moment before he relaxed."You've got this?"

Gene nodded, his hair falling in front of his eyes before he swept it out of the way, "I'll finish up here and meet you outside." Connor nodded, slipping his hand into his pocket.

He stepped away, gesturing for Nathaniel to follow him. Nathaniel did so, waving to the girl and her Thanal. Nathaniel then turned and walked out of the store. Connor kept walking, his pace fast until they were out of direct sight of the store. They stood in front of a dark store, a for sale sign on the window. Nathaniel shivered, not liking the aerie feeling coming from the store. Connor stood in front of him, pulling something metal out of his jean pockets.

Nathaniel looked back at the store Gene was in, green light flashed, smoke billowing out from the doors. Nathaniel stiffened, Gene was in there. Connor clicked his tongue, yanking a second metal object from his flannel pocket. He slipped this one on his hand, they were brass knuckles.

Connor turned to Nathaniel, giving him the other object, "This is for if you get in trouble." He looked around, "I need you to go get a police officer, one for fey. I need to stay here and make sure Gene's okay. If you need to use the canister, point the red end at your enemy and press the button." Connor waited until Nathaniel nodded, then he turned and ran back to the store. He plugged his nose, then ran into it.

Nathaniel watched him for a second before moving, he had to go get help. He looked at the canister in his hand, he stuck it into his pocket before turning and starting to run down the hall. If he remembered correctly, malls had a security guard on each floor and wing, there were 3 wings and 2 floors, so he should be able to find one fast enough. Nathaniel shivered, someone was watching him. Then again, who wouldn't watch the boy sprinting through the halls. He just had to hope they were friendly eyes.

Nathaniel scanned the halls for cameras or the security guard. His gut boiled as he rehearsed what he would say. Marcela's, the store name was Marcela's. He bit his lip, he would have to be loud to get anyone's attention. Wasp flashed through his head, he knew he had been on the bus. If he yelled, Wasp could find him. His feet felt heavy as he ran. He was alone, an easy target. Nathaniel gripped the cylinder in his pocket. Connor believed in him.

Nathaniel watched the people walking by him. Three boys talking, a mother and her kids. People streamed by Nathaniel, glancing at him, but then looking away. Couches ran along the middle of the halls, some shops were built into the ceiling, catering to flying customers. Fire extinguishers lined the halls for if some fey got out of control. Nathaniel glanced at the cameras that lay outside each store, wondering if someone was watching him on it.

A man walked ahead of him, he wore a blue button up short-sleeved shirt and Nathaniel could see an earpiece in his ear, the cord connecting to a radio on his shoulder. The man turned his head as Nathaniel approached. Nathaniel slowed to a stop next to him, breathing hard.

"What's the matter?" The man asked, steadying Nathaniel.

"Robbery at Marcela's." Nathaniel gulped, his breathing speeding up. He felt the attention of everyone around turning to him. He started panting harder. Wasp would find him. Wasp would find him and he wouldn't be able to escape again. He wouldn't be able to thank Cole, or Connor, or Gene, or Ollie for their help and concern.

The guard crouched down, his hands on Nathaniel's shoulders, "Are you okay?"

Nathaniel took a deep breath, the guard had to go help Connor and Gene, he couldn't waste his time here. He nodded, "I'm okay. My brothers aren't." He took another breath, "They're in Marcela's, a fey came in and started explosions."

The guard straightened, looking in the direction Nathaniel had come from, "You said Marcela's, right?" He asked, his voice rising in alarm. Nathaniel nodded. The guard pulled out his radio, "I'm gonna need some people at Marcela's, we have a fey robbery." Nathaniel relaxed, he did it.

Here's this chapter! I hope you like it! If you're looking for a story with more supervillains I would encourage you to read The Cons, it's really good with great supervillains and heroes!

C_L_Spearheadcreators' thoughts