
Knight of Vengeance

A story which started with love would never end the same way..... Endings are painful ..... But everything has to end at some point of time... Then will pain of losing a loved one will it ever end or would it lead to something tragic... Wait and see.......................

Drake_OutLander · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

2 . The Household of Baron Golden Heart

As the fate of the twins has been decided by the foolish king the cycle of life started to spin and make the twins get sepereated onto two two paths of life.

Authur who has a small talent would be adopted by a low rank noble was the kings order as there is a low rank noble who has no male heir to guard his title or his baronage.

He had been taken in by a kind family of nobles called the golden heart.

The head of the household baron Uther Pendragon who has a single spouse who he treasured despite of her inability to give birth to a male heir.

All in all I auther von fallen has been striped of my family name and was given the household name of pendragon which I'm quite happy to have cause I don't need to have that old geezers name who abondened me.

But the household is too noisy there is an older girl here who is 4 years older than me

by the way my current age is 8 as I started to notice many things like even though they adopted me as their heir no one in the baronage views me as one except the family which is quite annoying.

Aurther don't stay outside the house all day mother is worried about you.

don't tell me what to do Grace your all nothing but strangers to me you only took me in cause you guys have no choice but to hear the kings order after all I have no talent right.

who said that my son has no talent???

(we can see an old man with a shiny golden armor with slight blood on it approaching auther)

old man who said I wanted to be your son you are all nothing but pawns for me after I'll become strong I'll rebel against the king and reclaim my right to throne.

(we can hear a beautiful voice approach the gang of three)

who is it that is saying about reveling and pawns at lunch time???

as the voice nears baron Uther he starts to cover in fear and slips on authers name and wanted to escape but a beautiful slender hand holds his golden armor in place.

Darling did I not tell you to never approach the kids after hunting beast all the blood sticks on my garden did I not make myself clear.

Sorry! rebecca I didn't mean to but I just

what do you want to tell darling???

(we can see a dangerous glint in her eyes)

Nope nothing Rebecca

(As mother Rebecca turned towards Auther)

Did I hear my son just spouting nonsense???

auther who had eight years in the household knows one thing for sure is that he can mess with any one in the house except mother Rebecca who used to be an ex gold rank in sword aura anyone might think that the household depends on Uther but the strongest in the house is mother Rebecca and Uther is just a lucky man who proposed to the unbending iron headed woman.

auther dear did you just say iron headed woman.

No mother ! mother is the sweetest person in the world and the most gentle person how can I dare to insult mother who's as glorious as rising sun.

Enough with the flattery auther get ready and come to the dining hall let's all eat and darling don't you dare show me your face until the next day got it.

Uther Pendragon :o(╥﹏╥)o got it

(everyone gathers at the dining table except uther who is doing wall chair right now)

as in any household the lady of the house is the back bone and the commander so no one mention about it her except for giving him a silent prayer.

while eating mother Rebecca mentions Auther

you said you.wanted to hunt some beasts right.

yup mother am I now allowed to hunt magic beasts.

nope auther darling you are now of 8 years so I can show some lineance and allow you to hunt some wild animals.

But mothers wild animals are easy prey so...

so do you have a problem auther did I hear you say so..

nope mother I'm happy you had given me permission.

(we can see authers despirited face)

auther as the one who raised you I want to say you are my son whatever happens your talent does not matter even if you are weak you are my son if any one opposes mother would beat them.

Thank you mother but I want to get stronger..

Auther you have a weak constitution accept it and learn at your own pace.

I know my own weaknesses mother....

Don't be down Auther big sister will come with you.

what do you think you can help with grace

I might be a girl auther but I can hunt wolves too..

Mother Rebecca tell her to stay at home I wanna try to hunt alone.

Nope can do Auther grace would follow you she's stronger than you.

Ah....what a drag.....

(in the gale forest we)

grace can you leave anything for me to hunt why are you killing all of them.

Auther they might harm you let's start with a boar for a good start.

why should I listen to you grace after all I'm someone you hope dies right you might even be elated if I get killed right.

Auther you are my brother and I would never hurt you nor would I try to kill you.

oh...then grace do you think I don't know what you did when I was 5 years you tried to kill me with poison but I got saved by mother Rebecca because of her miraculous healing skills and the Time you pushed me down the strairs and do you I came unprepared I know from the start why you would come with me to hunt or why you would come to protect some one you loath except you Want to get rid of them without proof.