

She winced as once again she forced the comb down her sturdy hair. It was one of the painful rituals she had to undergo whenever there was a meeting at their home. "Groom that mishap on your head. If the daughter of a Suzerain behaved like you did, what would you expect of the Plebs". Amira imagined the arrogant frown that would clone her mother's face as she fussed over everything and she laughed. Tortured minutes passed, she forced the hair in a band and she finally looked presentable, or so she convinced herself.

Hunger, it reminded her of where she needed to be in that moment. She hurried down the stairs toward the dinning and plopped on her seat. Her mother shot daggers at her. "Boots? What happened to your talaria?" her mother asked in an almost whisper.

"They cling on to my feet too tight mother"

Her father cleared his throat and Amira turned her gaze toward him "Sunlan father" she greeted.

"Sunlan" he replied. "We have guests. Seigneur Datos and his son Kul" he said as he pointed in their direction.

Amira smiled and nodded in their direction. She knew what the discussion was about. She was just eighteen of dotage and her mother had been in such a hurry to give her off to the next wealthy monarch she could find.

Staring at Kul, he wasn't at all ugly to look at. His hair was evenly cut and seemed to be soaked in gel. His eyes, a slight gray looked absolutely indifferent and unfeeling. She frowned. His nose, ever so pointy rested upon the narrowest face she had ever seen. He looked like he had elfish blood somewhere in his ancestry.

"Amira! Did you hear me?" her mother called out at her

"Sorry mother, what was that?"

"I said, Kul has come of age and is ready to take a consort. That is why he has come here with his father"

"Mmmhh" she murmured and dug into her meal.

"So, what do you say?" her father asked softly

"Nay father." she replied

Her mother shook with anger. It had become a habit for Amira to refuse everyone that came for her espousal. She swallowed her anger for her husband would permit not for a finger to be laid on his precious child.

Up in her quarters, Amira could hear her father's hushed discussion with Seigneur Datos. Peeping through her window, she could see them riding off, leaving a wake of dust behind. That was her fourth swain...