

In the hospital, the doctors work on him like there's no tomorrow. They were surprised to see Alexander to be still alive with all his condition. They reset all his bones through surgery. They stitch up the heart from the bone puncture. The lungs was also patch up. They can't believe the recovery of the organs that was healing itself. They believe that Alex is healing himself with magic unconsciously. Hours gone by and all bones are resettled, the organs were healing themselves so the just patch and stitch the ones that has holes in it. It was a open heart surgery, so they place back the chest plate bone and put some glue. They stitch the chest muscles then the skin. He was full of stitches from the neck down.

Even with his healing power, he can't get rid of scars.

When everything was done, he was put into the recovery room with what looked like he is in life support. His heart and lungs are still healing and needed help. He also on a catheter so the pee will go to the bag. You see when you go unconscious, your bladder control and anus sh*t control is uncontrollable. So he is wearing a small size adult diaper to you know...take a dump

The parents came and saw him, but just like Stefania, Mary just collapse and pass out cold. Joachim felt his heart drop seeing all his injuries. He was now asking why he agreed to let him join the knight order if all he sees is his heir dying all the time. Then and there he decided that he will ground him for years until he is grown up. He can't take his knighthood away since the king bestowed it upon him. But he is grounded to stay within the kingdom for 6 more years until he is 18years old. He will demand this to the king and he will ask that he will mainly work on designing and making gundam, not go out of the kingdom and the battlefield.

An hour later, Mary woke up and started crying and caressing his cheeks.

Mary Ann Serratti: "Huhuhu...My baby huhuh...what happened to you huuuhuu😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭.

The door opened and entered Stefania, when he saw Alexander with the life support also with all the scars and bandages and double with the mom crying historically she fainted and pass out again.

Adeltrud and Archid helped Stefania to a seat. And they sat with her. The twins don't get along with their father and stepmother. They have their own mother back home. They are her for Alex, since Alex was Thierry playmate , best friend and brother that was helpful and mature that got them out of trouble many times. Even if they are the same age, they treat Alexander as an older brother because he's more mature.

The healing factor was acting up and healing him at an alarming rate. After a day, he woke up but still in pain all over, he could barely move. He has tube going in and out everywhere.

He then saw his mother holding his hands asleep. She was crying all night long. I put a little strength on my hands and sh woke up then looked at him.

Mary Ann Serrati:"M-My be baby huhuhuh😢😢😭😭😭!"

She hugged him which caused some pain, but he withstand it. Hugging someone you love especially mothers is something big to him. He will live 250 year and other people only live up to 80. So he is getting all the doses of motherly love as he can.

But when he saw his sister running towards him, all he can think of is "oh-oh". Stefania rushed towards her brother and gave him a deep hug. Both girls were hugging him and he's trying his best not to utter a sound. Archid saw the face of pain he was on, he was about to say something but Adeltrud beat him to it.

Adeltrud:" Stop! Stop! Can't you see you two are hurting him. His bones and muscles are still tender. Stop!"

Adeltrud was pulling Stefania out. Both mother and daughter suddenly stopped hugging him. They don't know what got into them. It was a reaction everything they see Alexander. They let go of him.

Mary Ann Serrati: "I'm so sorry son, are you okay.. I don't what has gone over me. Mother instinct I think..."

Sefania: "I'm so so sorry. Is it painful. Hehe, like mother like daughter... you know how it goes."

Alexander: "Don't sweat it, I love it and hate it at the same time. Thanks Addy, you save my from the world of pain."

Adeltrud: "Well, since your okay, me and kid have to return to our duties in the knight order. We'll visit you whenever we can. We also have to go home and explain to our mom why we didn't come home last night."

Addy and Kid left since there's nothing they can do but wait until recovery. They feel awkward with the stepmother there. They can only accept Stefania and Alexander, but the parents is a no. After they left and say goodbye. Alexander told them to call the doctors and remove the tubes on his nose and mouth,also take the catheter out since it's uncomfortable.

The doctor were against it, so they use their magic to see how his organs were. It's like an ultrasound except they can see in their mind the total picture perfect view of all organs. They were mystified, dumbfounded. All the organs have healed correctly, the bones are still healing and have some cracks on it. So they decided to do what the patient wanted. The tubes and the catheter came out, but was advised that the bones are still cracked so the bandages stay.

It was a wearer and painful process, since everything is tenderly painful. When the tube in his nose came out, he felt they are taking his brains out. And when they took the tube out of his mouth, it feels like throwing up with pain. The catheter was a weird sensation. He got a hard on for some reason. Both mother and daughter cover their eyes during the process. They probably throw up hearing his chocking sounds during the process. Hearing the pain made them feel like that too. Both were heartbroken, Alexander went through this whole ordeal. And when Stefania found out that it was for her silhouette knight. The guilt bothered her, seeing her brother like this because of his promise to her. So she decided to take care of him and not leaving her sight. She decided to graduate early and be a knight runner in the Silver pheonix. She will ask the king if she has to.

After some time, maybe a week. Alex was in full health but very weak. With the new reset bones and muscles again. It was stronger than before. So he has to learn to walk again. And control his motor function. Stefania was there every afternoon after school to help him out, and his mother was there from mornings til the afternoon since she has duties being a marchioness. His father only gets update from his wife about his condition,since he got a fiefdom to look after and is taking all his time. By the time he finished, visiting time in the hospital is over. So he is sad about it. He can only visit on the weekend on his day off.

The physical therapist, have all this mechanisms he has to go through. They go to the gym and started weight training.

Alexander:"This gym is missing a thread I'll and a bicycle machine. I'll invent or fraudulently copy the designs of bicycle and offer it at a good cheap price, since all the metals in my ware house is free. And I have rubber and oil for the gears. Then I after awhile I'll invent or reinvent the motorcycle. But I gotta make or suggest to the king about roads and highways above the houses to prevent traffic jams."

Alexander is thinking to modernize the kingdom, since it's so king Arthur century. At least they have indoor plumbing, which he knows that Ernesti probably suggested it to his majesty to keep waste away from the kingdom. The roads are paved as well.

After the gym he went to the cafeteria with his wooden wheel chair that was so uncomfortable. He then instructed his repair bots to build him a wheelchair. The repair bots suggested a hover chair, but he said no. He wanted a normal wheelchair with the softest cushion on the seat.

Minutes later a shiny aluminum wheelchair with cushion appeared out of the portal, he quickly switch chairs...it was so comfortable on his button. And while he was on his way to the cafeteria, everyone was looking at him and admixing his wheelchair. It was faster than the wooden one. He got some roasted chicken like food and something that looked like a potato baked but it was white. Some corn stuff and some juice.

He didn't like the taste, so he got some condiments and best of all ketchup...purple ketchup. He made a lot of ketchup during his kitchen time. He thought back about that King Kong gorilla, he didn't check if he's the only one. Now that he is gone, another big gorilla will probably take his place.

Now that he got his motor function right again he pulled out some paper from his inventory and started to design his sister's gundam or its a mixture of gundam and silhouette knight. The people in the cafeteria was intrigue so they crowded Alexander, but Alexander didn't mind if they see his designs. People were amazed by the design and drawing skills of Alexander. There were dwarves patients that was also there and was looking at the designs. They were amazed by it. They also found out he was the vice commander of the knighthood that deals with new silhouette knights. Seeing his designs, they will try to apply to be stationed at the Silver pheonix knighted blacksmith.

He was very quick designing it. After roughly an hour and thirty minutes he was done. He didn't linger. He wheelchair ed back into his room and seeing his sister waiting for him. His sister supplied for early graduation and a pointed the vice president to move into her position once she is thru. She also asked the king who is now Leotamus for positioning her to be with her family in which he agreed. King Ambrosius step down from being king for so long. And with his retirement, king Leotards is more level headed and more understanding of family values. So he agreed unconditionally.

After another week of rehabilitation, you can see him running around the hospital and doing push ups. He is fully recovered. He asked to be discharged so he can go back and get started in building her gundam. He got all the mythril in his inventory and his dimension is copying it's properties so it can have unlimited quantity. He already got unlimited crystal tissue strands. Now he is ready to make his latest masterpiece.