
KnB: Number Eleven

Trent Jackson, the greatest basketball talent the world has seen in years. Despite shorter stature than his peers, he dominated in his sport. He was a projected number one draft pick-until he died suddenly… -Knb Fanfic -OCs are mine, anything else is creators -Updated are 2-3 times per week

Godfather_ · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

•Love and Basketball•

Kamina's morning always started with a long yawn and deep stretch. That was the case this time as well. However, the difference lied in that today was a bit more special than others.

He had a date.

He waited until late afternoon to get ready.

He hummed hopping into the shower all the way through until he finished with the brushing of his teeth and got ready.

He decided to be a little more formal this time around. Instead of wearing sweats or shorts he slid on a blue pair of jeans and black shoes. This went together with his black shirt and red letterman jacket.

He glanced at himself one last time in the mirror before leaving. By his standards, he would have definitely ranked an eleven out of ten.


A warm breeze constantly hit Kamina's hair as he made his way to the large mall. Many people were outside of building in an open space; some talking and others ready to head home.

"Kamina!" Ayako shouted, her hand raised waving at him.

He spotted the young girl in a dark dress accompanied by a black purse. Her rosy lips even more seductive today due to her red lipstick.

"Usually, the guy arrives first. A gentleman should always be there before the lady."

Kamina rolled his eyes and he took her hand. A little eager to get this date underway.

"I'm not very much of a gentleman. But forget that, you really went all out today, huh?"

Ayako nodded as they stepped into the mall with multiple floors. It was far more people inside than she had expected, but it only made sense.

"You like it?"

Kamina smiled but didn't answer causing her to pout. Was it hard to say that she looked good? He was yet to give her a single compliment on how she looked.

"Let's go and get some snacks."

"You're the boss."


"What do you think about this one?"

Ayako raised a purple shirt over her neck. Her eyes lightened up as she smiled, in wait for his answer.

"It's not bad. You could do better though."

Ayako sighed and put back the shirt. She glanced around at the long rows of clothing to choose from. They had been here for fifteen minutes, and she was yet to get a single thing. It was all because of him!

"Are you going to get anything, Kamina-Kun?"

Momentarily stopping the slurping from his cup, Kamina shook his head. He wasn't exactly a shopping fanatic, in fact, he was a person that would rather stay home most days if it wasn't to play basketball.

As they walked out the shop Kamina suddenly stopped in his track. A rosy and soft scent flew past him as a girl with pink hair and eyes strolled around in tight-fitting jeans and a blue striped shirt.

She was… stunning.


"Ouch! Are you serious?"

"Are YOU serious?"

Kamina chuckled and turned to face her, his face coming dangerously close. He brushed her hair to the side and inched even closer, their noses about to touch.

"Don't worry, my eyes see no one but you."

At that comment, Ayako's blush disappeared and was instead replaced by a disgusted look.

"That was... very corny."

Kamina shrugged.

"You say that... but you liked it."

Of course, Ayako would never admit that her heart skipped a small beat. Otherwise, for a reason unknown to her, she felt as if it would be a loss on her part.

"Whatever. Should we go watch the movie now? It's going to be starting soon."

"Yeah, let's do that."


Perhaps... a scary movie wasn't the best choice of film to watch. Even more so for people who shook at the slightest movements. It hadn't been easy for Kamina, only able to watch as his hand was squeezed until it was pale white.

Ayako needed support walking out of the theatre. Her legs quaked and images of the scary man in a mask with a knife on replay in her mind.

"You're overreacting. It wasn't that bad."

Ayako just smiled. "You did this on purpose, didn't you? Is this why you didn't tell me what movie we were going to watch, because you knew this would happen?"

Kamina scratched the side of his cheek and looked far off into the distance to avoid her gaze.

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Hm. Because of you I won't be able to sleep tonight."

Kamina raised an eyebrow and followed up with a devilish grin. Because of him she wouldn't be able to sleep tonight... was it?

"Say it again."

Ayako's face flushed as she buried her face into his chest. This guy... he was always teasing her.



He peered at the dark sky. The stars had yet to come out and the sun to fully set. Kamina walked hand in hand with Ayako. The space around them silent, both enjoying each one's company.

If only this moment could last forever.... Ayako surely wouldn't mind going on another date with him again. She would even look forward to it. She stole glances at him from time to time.

This atmosphere... it was perfect for a confession.


Kamina looked in her round eyes, as if looking beyond and into her whole sense of self. Her heart sped up. Would he do it, would he pop the question? If he did, she would definitely say y-

"Let's stop by this park right here."

Kamina pointed at an outdoor basketball court. Because it hadn't become fully dark out yet, people were still there. The lights surrounding the high fences of the court had also been turned on for people to see.

Ayako frowned for only a second before following him unto the court.

Kamina asked for a ball from one of the kind citizens sitting on the bleachers and went to the other side of the court, as the one he was closest to was being preoccupied by a three-on-three game between some older gentlemen.

"You look kind of disappointed, is something wrong?"

Shaking her head and setting down her purse Ayako answered, "No... nothing at all."

"Hm, if you say that then I'll just have to take your word. Up for a little one versus one?"

Ayako rolled up her imaginary sleeves as her smile widened, a devious smile that Kamina didn't know she had in her. He could practically feel her competitive spirit zoning in on him.

"Sure, let's do it. I get ball first."

"Ladies first, I guess."

"Well, what do you know. It turns out you CAN be a gentleman after all," A face of ridicule with a hint of playfulness. Ayako just couldn't help herself.

In response Kamina just rolled her eyes and passed the ball to her at the three-point line.

"I'm the man of your dreams baby."

Ayako scoffed in a triple threat position. He sure was bold with his words.

"Whatever. Game to five."

Kamina didn't play her very closely as the game started. In fact, he hadn't even put his hands up. His defensive position was lax, something Ayako would make him pay for.

Ayako bent her knees and brought the ball up to her chest. In one motion she raised her hips then followed by bringing the ball up to just above her eyes and shot the ball.

Kamina followed the trajectory of the ball and whistled as it dropped into the net. An almost perfect shot. He threw the ball back to her, this time playing a little closer but not close enough to where she wouldn't be able to get a shot off.

"That's two. Tsk tsk, boys just don't learn."

"Wait. Hold up. Time out. It's a game to five, of course all shots are going to be counted as one point."

Kamina said.

"You told me the other day. First to score makes the rules. Your words, not mine."

She got him.... got him good. He couldn't just fall back on his words now. And that grin of victory on her face irked him to no ends.

"Are you sure that's how you want to play it?"

"Of course. Kamina-Kun. Hehehe."

Kamina's eyes narrowed into crescent shapes. He was still in the same position and Ayako was going to take advantage of that... again. Only it didn't happen according to her calculations this time around.

Just before she released the ball, Kamina's figure overshadowed her, and the ball was smacked back down to the ground. She ran to get the loose ball at the wing, but Kamina was faster.

Kamina's thunderous laugh filled the court.

Ayako's eyelids dropped as she held onto his jacket. She pressed her body unto his and stared him in the eyes. At that moment, Kamina felt his heart melt a tiny bit.



Ayako giggled, her hands reaching all over her chest as she tried to jump trying to reach the ball. Kamina giggled, but only he knew at this moment his thoughts were nearing a dangerous level of imagination.

Eventually Kamina was able to free himself of her clutches and hit a thirty-foot shot, putting them at the same score. This continued the rest of the game. Kamina decided to end it quickly lest he loses his self-control and do something to Ayako she would have never expected.

"Dang it. You were supposed to let me win."

Ayako tapped him on the arm and sighed. But she should have known that Kamina was someone who wouldn't ever lose a game purposefully, regardless of who he played.

"It became dark quickly. I'll walk you home."

Ayako's house was close by so the walk hadn't taken very long. Kamina walked her to her front gates. The two of them just shared a moment facing each other. Ayako fiddled with her fingers.

"I-I really enjoyed the time we spent together today."

Kamina smiled.

"I did too. If it's okay with you I would like to do this again some time."

"Sure, I'd love that!"

"Can I get a hug?"

Kamina stretched his arms out as Ayako wrapped her arms around his neck. Feeling as if only the two of them existed in this moment. Their bodies pressing against each other as they inhaled deeply and took long exhales.

Ayako was the first to break off, once more pushing her hair to the side.

"See you later."

"Bye, bye."

Her figure departed from him, and she would soon enter the gates to her house. Yet, she stopped in her tracks. She looked at him and suddenly sprinted in his direction, planting a kiss on his cheek, then quickly ran inside and slammed the gates shut.

"Haha, she's so shy."