
Kitsune of 2 Shadows: A Naruto Fan-fic

A twist of fate brought a recently passed Adam into the Shinobi world. Now as one half of it's main protagonists. Armed with Adam's knowledge of future events and his past life experiences. He hopes to change the fate of the Shinobi world. Another twist of fate removes the now named Raiken from Naruto's side within minutes of their birth. Raiken will escape his captors and return to his brother. Just in time to try and mitigate the damage of the worst of the events to come. Read along as the Uzumaki Heirs reclaim their lost legacy and restore their clan and their honor. Raiken has a unique knowledge of future events. How will this change the timeline?

F_Abe_41 · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

Chapter 4: Ero-Kyofu's Tutelage 2

-Uzushiogakure No Sado-

A year and a week into their trip, and they were looking at the whirlpools. The boys stepped off the boat. Kaka-Nii? IDK how the whirlpools will react to you, best stay with Ero-Kyofu. The whirlpools did the same thing as last time the Konji for Uzumaki appeared. The security seals deactivated the pools. Allowing the boat access to Uzu, they got the boat to shore.

Making their way around the island this time around wasn't as difficult. Raiken was basically alone when he did it. A few Water Jutsu Scrolls and some Wind techniques as well. The bulk of knowledge was found by Raiken the last time he was here. In total they spent a week in Uzu before they left for Kirigakure. 8 Trigrams 32 strikes! Raiken's merger of his version of Jouken with traditional Jouken. They were on the edges of Wave Country.

I swore if I ever found you I'd make you suffer for what you stole from me. The pathetic excuse for killing intent was laughable. Kakashi actually chuckled at it! What's so funny Hatake!? You won't be laughing when you're taken along with this treasonous scum. That's right Bya-ku-Rai! He spat the name out with venom. I know about your betrayal of Kumo.

Raiken's KI flooded the forest! Everyone except for AO was gasping for breath. The group with Raiken was unaffected by the Killing Intent. Kakashi said, you feel that? That's how it's done! AO seething at the way he was easily overpowered by a boy.

He was about to speak when He was flattened against the floor when Naruto flooded the area with his own killing intent. Every Shinobi on the ground lost their bowels immediately. Naruto grabbed AO by his hair and forced his face up at him. AO was looking into the Crimson slitted eyes of a killer. You dare lay claim to a body part of my wife to be's CLAN!? You scum, you took an eye from my brother. He simply returned the favor, and took back what belongs to Konoha.

Naruto spat out venom in his voice as he slammed AO's face back into the ground cracking the sediment. Jiraya could only shake his head, the ruthlessness they had when it came to one another. AO-San, Jiraya said softly, you should just let it go. You will bring Kiri more trouble than you have the capability of handling. Jiraya and Kakashi's KI rang out, the last thing AO thought before passing out was MONSTERS.

HALT! state your business in Kirigakure. The Toad Sage! The Shinobi whispered out when Jiraya dropped his hood. Master Jiraya, what brings you to Kiri? I've come to meet with your Chief Strategist, and your strongest Shinobi. I will have to take you to Mei-Sama. They were led to a tent where they heard. I believe you made a fool of one of them not too long ago Mei said.

You may enter, Mei Terumi was gorgeous! Kakashi was glad he had on a mask to hide the blush he wore. Mei was drawn to the Uzumaki in the room. Her own background being half Uzumaki herself. Something she hid due to persecution during the fall of Uzu. Her unique Auburn hair helped her by using her Tou-San's name. To return to that clan, she thought longingly. Then she layed eye on Kakashi, her heart beat picked up. He had a similar frame to her former lover Zabuza Momoiichi. The idiot got himself killed by this man and the boy with the burnt orange scarf.

She broke herself from his gaze, Raiken Uzumaki or as Kumo came to know you ByakuRai. I am honored that my prowess is known in Kirigakure. I am also aware of something else Mei-Sama. Ero-Sennin, Jiraya stepped towards the door Would you ask your subordinates to leave Mei-Chan? We have Clan business to discuss. Excuse me!? Choujiro was about to object, when Raiken pulled the glowing pendant out of his shirt. Mei Terumi don't make me finish saying your full name. We have Clan business to discuss! Choujiro! Mei snapped, leave us, I will be fine my clansmen will not harm me.

Reluctantly Choujiro left with Jiraya and two more guards. Leaving Mei, Raiken, Naruto and Kakashi in the tent. After placing silence and privacy seals they said. Mei Terumi-Uzumaki we have recovered the Uzumaki Scroll of Seals. The Black Saber, the Medallion of Recognition,The Raijin no Ken, and forged the Fujin no Ken. Do you swear your allegiance to your clan? Why is Hatake San in this tent while you say these things. Kinjutsu: Uzumaki Adoption Sealing, Raiken responded mechanically. He has been Uzumaki for over a year now.

The Son of the White Fang was adopted by the Royal Family! Yes Mei-Hime, we adopted Kakashi-Nii. This handsome man that looked to be about her age. This powerful man that slew her former lover. This man who can use an implanted Dojutsu better than AO. I see you are a Kenjutsu practitioner. May I ask for an exhibition against Choujiro-Kun? I would be honored to show off for you Mei-Hime.

May I ask, is that Hiramekarei on Choujiro-San's back? It is, is that going to be a problem Uzumaki-Kun? Not at all my Lady he bowed to her. That sword you carry, I've never seen it before. Oh, this!? I'm sure you've never seen it. But you've heard of it's predecessor! All of Shinobi culture has heard of it. The White Fang, Kakashi said to Mei. But the White Chakra Saber was barely longer than a tanto. Surely you don't expect me to believe such nonsense.

Mifune-Dono in Iron Country, held the rest of the meteorite used to forge the original. He was tasked with finishing my training in Tou-San's Shunpo Dance. The rest of the meteorite was gifted to me, for completion of the training. The White Saber being used to create Millennium. She widened her eyes in surprise and then in approval. The White Fang of Konoha was a Legend by himself. I hope his spirit continues protect you Kakashi-Kun. She said with a genuine smile on her face. I expect a good fight.

In an opening in the forest the group crowded around. Waiting for Mei to appear with the challenger. Choujiro is waiting patiently for his Kage. Mei appeared with her clansmen by her side. Kakashi-Kun will you indulge us with a match against Choujiro? Master Jiraya will you officiate the bout? Of course Mei-Sama. The following is a friendly match between Choujiro and Kakashi. Taijutsu and Kenjutsu, Mei-Sama? Are they allowed to use Ninjutsu? I would prefer they stick to Taijutsu and blades.

You heard the Lady! Both men take a short jump back Jiraya in the middle, HAJIME! 3 Kunai came flying out of Kakashi's hand. A single kunai used to deflect them, Kakashi was in Choujiro's face mid hook. Raiken had taught Kakashi the ins and outs of Boxing. Along with Uzu-Ken and Gods Palms, Kakashi's Taijutsu prowess grew exponentially. Choujiro moved out of the way by a hair. The quick reversal into an elbow that sent Choujiro flying. The clone becoming a splash of water on the floor.

They exchanged blows for a few minutes. Choujiro not being able to find a way past Kakashi's defenses. The separate only to draw their swords. Hatake wielding Millennium and Choujiro, Hiramekarei. The exchange was fast! Too fast for the normal human eye to follow, even chakra enhanced. Choujiro and Kakashi were blurs of motion sparks flying whenever they clashed. Kakashi separated again, he slashed the air. Releasing a compressed crescent of water.

Water Style: Severing Edge! Nin-Kenjutsu, I'll allow it says Mei. Choujiro tired to block with Hiramekarei, only have the Water attack carve a gash into it. He, he slashed Hiramekarei with a water based attack!?

When Choujiro split Hiramekarei apart Kakashi got serious, Sharingan flaring to life. His first public showing of the Lightning Armor was about to take place. The technique crackled to life around The Copy-Nin. Enveloping all of him, Millennium included. Then he was gone, an instinctive block sent Choujiro skidding. Lightning God Shunpo!

Choujiro felt like he got hit almost simultaneously. Which would be almost true. In the time it took for 2 seconds to go by. Kakashi put the electrified flat edge of of Millennium against Choujiro in all 8 kill points electrocuting him into unconsciousness. When Kakashi came to a stop the Lightning Armor was beginning to dissipate. Choujiro is unable to continue, Hatake-Uzumaki Kakashi is the winner.

Mei was speechless, it was obvious that The Copy Ninja was holding back.

That sword is something else! Indeed Mei-Hime, he said bowing to her yet again. We would be honored to assist our clanswoman, your country is hurting. It would be dishonorable to leave an Uzumaki in need. Right Mei-Hime? During their time in Kirigakure Naruto would come to control the 7th and 8th tail of Kurama's Yin half.

He's getting closer Ero-Kyofu! Raiken said to his Godfather. You're right Gaki, you two will need his key soon. I really want to thank you Jiraya. For completing our Fuuinjutsu training, the one thing that would define our heritage.

You have nothing to thank me for Gaki. I am honored to watch your growth. To see what you brought from Kumo. To know that you recovered the Byakugan that AO stole in the Third Shinobi War. Recovered the Raijin No Ken, made another Elemental God Sword. To watch you two begin to grasp your Father's Jutsu. These things make my being here worth everything. I admit, I was afraid of what to expect. But watching you interact and the bond you have. Shaking his head with a proud fatherly smile.

Minato and Kushina would've spoiled you rotten. Raiken grinned at Jiraya, thanks Ero-Sensei! GOD DAMNIT GAKI STOP CALLING ME THAT! NOPE! You'll never stop being a pervert so you're always gonna be our Ero-Kyofu! I'm not a pervert Gaki. I know, I know Sensei, you're a SUPER pervert! And don't you forget it Gaki! Hey Jiraya? Seriously, when are you gonna stop lying to yourself and Tsunade? You two would produce an extremely powerful heir. You could take her name, you more than qualify as a believable POWERFUL Senju.

Or, we could adopt you too!? You're already a powerful Fuuinjutsu Master. Making it official would be perfect, something to consider Ero-Kyofu. Raiken said as he disappeared to speak with Naruto. Jiraya had much to consider, Tsuna *sigh* would you even have me? His thoughts shifting to his Godsons. Would it really be so bad to have a family, after all these years? The silence of the afternoon making his melancholic mood worse.

-Senju, Tsunade-

Tsunade looked into the sunset longingly. You old pervert, you're thinking about me again, arent you? I wish I hadn't pushed you away from me for so long, can you ever forgive me? She said to the moon as she sipped her sake.

Raiken clapped Naruto's shoulder as they were moving to the encampment for the Bloodline Rebellion. Raiken dropped to the ground holding his eye and head on the left side. Byakugan active, he was able to see as the chakra pooled behind his left eye building the pressure in his skull. The Slit Remained but the Dojutsu took over absorbing the Kitsune Vision abilities as it formed. Suddenly he rose into the air and said All Mighty Push! This was the activation of Raiken's Rinnegan.

-Raiken's Mindscape-

Kit, hold on Kit! You'll be fine after this is over, just stay strong. Kurama's ears stuck to his skull, the chill that crept up his spine. Only one creature was capable of creating this effect on a Bijuu. Slowly turning away from his container he came face to face with Hagaromo Ohtsusuki. Father! Kurama loud whispered. Hello Kurama-Kun! He smiled lovingly at his eldest Bijuu child. I see you have taken care of yourself and of this young one too. Suddenly the image of Hamura appeared next to his brother, Byakugan and Sharingan meeting in the same space after centuries.

He deserves this power you know? I agree, not many transmigrants can survive their plight for long, let alone become as powerful as he has. Both brothers touching over each eye. The Tenseigan awakening is still some time off. The Rinnegan mixing with Kurama's Kitsune Vision. This sounds like a broken ability, Hagaromo. It is! The real abilities won't unlock. Until after Naruto uses the Mangekyo he is harboring in his body right now. The only reason I am here is that implanted Dojutsu. Maybe it was time for a family reunion, aye Hagaromo?

Opening his eyes in his own mindscape, Raiken: Kurama-Nii? Moaning his discomfort, what the hell happened to me? This head ache is hellish! Kit! Look down. He did as he was asked and his breath caught in his throat. He chuckled to himself, is it time for that already? Brother, did he know this was going to occur?

It appears as though he is aware. Raiken turned to them Hagaromo and Hamura Ohtsusuki. I am honored to meet you both he said bowing to them.

I am Adam or I should say Uzumaki-Namikaze Raiken in this life. I made a deal with Kami the benefits of this life are starting to show. The next few hours were spent being shown how to use the Rinnegan. During their stay in Uzushio, Naruto found the Uzumaki Oni-Mask Temple. The masks sealed for future use and saftey. Ka-Chan, Tou-San, Haku, Zabuza, Garra's Ka-San, Mikoto, and Itachi.

Awww Hell, that's a lot of lives to bring back he said in a melancholic tone. Well one at a time I suppose, Raiken said. Looking at the brothers he asked, is the Rinnegan going to negate the negative effect of using the Shinigami Mask? Both Ohtsusuki smiled in a knowing way, excellent Raiken said. Bowing to the dieties he said, I should get back to work Hagaromo, Hamura Sama. I thank you for your praise and confidence in our ability to succeed. I promise to hold up my end of this, and Naru-Nii as well.

Fading out of the mindscape, they smiled at the fading Raiken before Hagaromo disappeared he said, It was good to see you again Sochi, you protect those boys with everything you are! They are the hope of the world, The children of prophecy. I love you Sochi, TOU-SAAN! Kurama roared in vain as Hagaromo Ohtsusuki left his container's mindscape.

Raiken! He rose into the air Naruto could feel the pressure in the area increase and right before it happened: KIT! THROW UP A MUD WALL NOW! Right after the technique went up, All Mighty Push! Raiken said then the wave of gravity hit the wall causing it to explode. Covering the area in dust and debris. Naruto had just enough time to: Wind Style: Divine Shredding Dome. Wake up! *Slap, slap, slap* come on brother, please wake up. His eyes slowly flutter open, huh? Naru-Nii what happened?

Weren't we just walking in the woods a minute ago? That was 3 hours ago Rai, Naruto responded. Well, shit! Raiken looked up at Naruto and he froze. WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR EYE DATTEBAYO!? That, that, what the hell is that!? That's not your natural eye! Jiraya and Kakashi heard Naruto say that as they made their way back into camp bearing wood for fire, a few fish and some small birds respectively.

Raiken made eye contact with Jiraya and he dropped the wood he was carrying *gasps* Rinnegan! Raiken-Kun? You have the, the, Rinnegan Ero-Kyofu, you said it right the first time. How is this even possible? *Shrugs* I don't know how to answer that Sensei. Kakashi and Jiraya exchange concerned looks. This is going to get even more complicated, isn't it? Jiraya nods, I'm afraid so. Without the Fuuinjutsu on his left eye he was quite the intimidating sight. Raiken's Rinnegan was a metallic version of his ice blue eye.

Naruto, I hope you're ready to train hard. I made a deal with Kami, you too will awaken this eye in the near future as well. What!? No way! You already know I am not from this world. This was one of my conditions of accepting this life. I couldn't begin to say I understand, nor can I explain why we were separated. But it happened, and we're here now! Now we get to make the best of what we have been given. The next few weeks would go by training Raiken to use his new Dojutsu. But first they had a mind controlled Kage to deal with.

-Kirigakure No Sado-

Just outside of the range of sensors, Naru-Nii? We have reports of the Rokubi Jinchuriki being present in the village. Meaning we will have to deal with 2 Jinchuriki, the rest of you will have your hands full. Naruto-Kun, Choujiro, AO, Sema, and the 4th Garrison. Will take on the Rokubi. Jiraya, Kakashi-Kun, Myself, Raiken and the remaining Shinobi will take on Yagura, since he has the Sanbi mastered.

Utakata! Yes Lord Mizukage, Utakata answered his leader.

The Terumi bitch got herself some Jinchuriki company. If there's one chakra signature I do recognize, it's that of the Toad Sanin Jiraya. You dare bring a Jinchuriki with you? Today you will be meeting the Shinigami, Yagura growled out menacingly. The gates to Kirigakure swing open revealing Utakata and a battalion of Shinobi behind him. Naruto exchanged glances with his group and mentally wished them well.

He made eye contact with Utakata, both their eyes changed. Naruto activated his Kitsune Vision. Utakata allowing the Rokubi's Chakra to flow through him. The group surrounding Utakata charged. Naruto held a had up for a few moments then motioned forward. He decided he could comfortably control 6 tails of power. Naruto summoned Fujin No Ken to his hand. Shadow Clone Jutsu! 500 Naruto appeared behind his squad rushing in.

Fast and bloody Naruto cut his way through the crowd. Making his way towards Utakata who stood in the center. Using his Bubble Jutsu to wreak havoc upon the trash the Rebels brought here to die. Jumping back from a barrage of bubble attacks. Naruto told his people: GET BACK! Already drawing on Kyuubi's Chakra to keep up with Utakata. Naruto releases a technique that he can only use with the fox. Bijuu Style: Ominous Wind! The effects resembled acid, the corrosive Bijuu Chakra melting people almost instantly. Some succumbing to madness from the tainted chakra.

NARUTO LOOK OUT! Water Style: Gun Shot! Divine Shredding Dome! The technique dissipated almost as soon as it came up. Naruto was on the ground holding his face blood dripping out of his fingers. DAMNIT! Because it was the Rokubi Jinchuriki, Naruto's eye wouldn't be able to regenerate. His life in actual danger, he began writhing on the floor as the pressure in his skull increased. Lightning Style: False Darkness! The attack headed towards Naruto who looked like he was about the get hit when he rose in mid-air like if he was floating. His eye changed tone and glowed ominously.

All Mighty Push! The effect of the jutsu was 80 meters. His skull hissing and smoking as it healed. His right eye socket empty when the effect was over. Naruto was left breathing heavily and seething that this happened. His metallic Cerulean Slitted Rinnegan glaring at him. Utakata was actually surprised at the speed at which the Jinchuriki healed. That eye, what the hell was that eye. What the hell was that power!?

Uzumaki Style: Tearring Torrent! Raiken used his family's power. His Rinnegan pulsing in pain Naruto! Ero-Kyofu, I need to get to Naru-Nii! Gaki this isn't the time! Kyofu! He appeared next to his ear, Rinnegan. His eyes widened then narrowed, give me time to get into Sage Mode. Gotcha Ero-Sensei, nicking both thumbs Summoning Jutsu! Kichi, Ryuken, let's go jumping on his dragon's back with Gama Kichi. Kichi, thank you for allowing me to summon you! We're giving Ero-Kyofu time for Sage Mode.

Kichi! Ryuken! Fire Style: Toad Flame Bullet,

Wind Style: Dragon Wind Bullet, Lightning Style: Kirin's Fang, Combination Jutsu: Dragon Plasma Flame. Yagura was attempting to reflect the attack with his own Jutsu. This made the Sanbi Jinchuriki work much harder than he ever thought he would have to. The Reflecting Mirror broke, Raiken's combination Jutsu making Yagura leap backwards to avoid the energy. Sensei, you better be close this isn't as easy as it looks ya know!? Almost there Gaki, just a little bit longer. Summoning Jutsu! Ma', Pa', we're facing the Sanbi Jinchuriki and a battalion of Shinobi. Rai needs to get to Naruto, we believe his Rinnegan has awakened.

BASTARD! You're gonna pay for that! Naruto growled out, breathing in deeply Naruto thought Wind Style: Liquid Nitrogen a blueish-white cloud of what appeared to be steam bellowed out of his mouth. The unfortunate Shinobi closest to the cloud were flash frozen. The ones that were able to turn around screamed in agony. As the freezing effect turned them into fragile statues. Naruto broke one with a shuriken, just to prove his point. What the hell are you!? Utakata asked the now one eyed, two-tone haired boy. The strangely colored eye narrowed, Naruto replied; Fujin no Konoha.

His chakra flared, Choujiro had Naruto's back covering his rear blind spot.

SENSEI this is getting serious ya know!?

With the Great Toad Sages fused to his shoulders, Jiraya of the Sanin was ready to go all out. Go Gaki, make sure he is still in one piece. Kakashi, yeah? Cover me with Sage flower understood Jiraya-Ojii. Not you too Gaki!? Jiraya said palming his face. In a black flash Raiken disappeared and when the flash cleared he was standing next to Naruto and Choujiro. Bringing both palms down Uzumaki Art: Temporal Distortion Barrier. Choujiro stand aside, Naru-Nii let me look at it.

-Flashback Jutsu-

You can come out now! The murder of crows appeared around Naruto. His solo training in the forest was interrupted by Uchiha Itachi. Itachi, what do you want!? You're chasing after Sasuke, why? What is my foolish little brother to you Naruto-Kun?

My teammate, my friend, the first brother I ever had before my Fugato found his way back. You have a living relative!? Yeah, what of it? He is a better brother than you ever were to Sasuke. Why would you do that to Sasuke? Mess with his mind like that, what did you expect that to do for him!?

ANSWER ME! Why the hell would you do that to your brother!? Smiling sadly, proudly, and mournfully. I am very happy to know that Sasuke has at least one good friend in you Naruto-Kun. It was not my intent to harm Sasuke but, it happened none the less. He went on to tell Naruto everything about the details pertaining to the Uchiha Massacre. It made him sad that Hiruzen went along with it. One more thing I want to add Naruto-Kun. I wish to share a portion of my power with you for the sake of Sasuke.

Naruto didn't quite get what he was talking about. A crow with a Sharingan in one of it's eyes. It flew towards Naruto and made its way down Naruto's throat. After which Itachi thanked him and left him. Saying; The next time we meet expect that we will fight. I wish you well Naruto-Kun.

-Flashback Jutsu Release-

Naru, look at me! Tsk! The wound healed rather well already. Raiken said thinking out loud he activated his Byakugan. Looking at Naruto's Chakra, he found what he was looking for. A pulse of chakra released the crow. Raiken reached out for the crow, it made no attempt to stop him or fly away. He was able to remove the eye, now Naru-Nii I need you to not move. It stung but Raiken's chakra was soothing to him. The moment the eye connected, it flared to life again. Burning Naruto and sucking up a large portion of his chakra.

Raiken was watching the chakra mix spread and the fire and water attributes brighten. The burning was a result of the Kyuubi assimilating the eye making it part of his host. The pupil slit and the eye color was changed to match the original eye. Kit!

-Naruto's Mindscape-

What is it Kyuubi? Now being face to face with the fox again. You know that I loathe those wretched Uchiha. However by taking this power for ourselves you have made me immune to Sharingan Genjutsu now. Between the power of Kitsune Vision, your Rinnegan, and this Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.

The only ones capable of competing with us will be our other halves. One more thing I did, activate your Sharingan in here. I can't lie, that looks natural with it slitted like that. Now channel more chakra into your eye, the tomoes in his eye began to spin rapidly. When the spinning stopped, the eye looked like a 4 pointed shuriken. It's, it's beautiful he said looking at the shape of the eye now this is what I did, the shape of the Shuriken warped and became the Uzumaki Swirl.

This is what YOUR Mangekyo looks like kit. I'm soft locking your eye at the 3 Tomoes until you get use to this new power. Kitsune Vision and Sharingan blended into a single power. That's why the pattern of your Mangekyo changed. Your Rinnegan needed to activate before this power was introduced to you. That was the deal made with Kami by your other half. All deals have been honored, that being said. My name is Kurama, a huge grin spread across Naruto's face. Thank you, for finally entrusting me with this honor, Kurama-Nii.

The giant fox grinned at his container laying back down but extending his fist up to the bars. Naruto met that fist bump, and the Chakra flooded his system but without the negative side effects.

-Battling Utakata's Forces-

When Raiken let up on the healing chakra, Naruto opened a Slitted 3 Tomoe Sharingan. So Raiken said, you just learned his name again didn't you? He said with a fond smile on his face. Yeah, he said softly, Are you ready? Raiken asked. Yeah Naruto replied punching his own fist.

One more thing Raiken said, as he put the Dojutsu Seal over his eye. The Sharingan disappeared, replaced by the Cerulean glowing slitted eye of Naruto's Kitsune Vision. They don't need to know about that until Baa-Chan does. They both stomped down, the barrier dropping. Raiken put a hand on Naruto's shoulder disappearing in a black flash. Choujiro was speechless, Get a hold of yourself Choujiro. He looked at Choujiro and put a short term genjutsu on him. Bringing him back to the moment, a kunai whizzed past his face.

Naruto blurred out of sight reappearing behind Utakata. Whirlwind Fist! A cyclone of pressurized, spinning wind slammed into the Jinchuriki, slashing the water clone. Water Style: Bubble Bomb Barrage! Being able to see the trajectory of the incoming bubbles. Naruto debut his second original technique Wind Style: Air Pistol. Holding both hands up emulating guns. Naruto shot down Utakata's attack, Thanks for the wake up call. Naruto snarled at Utakata, disappearing in an orange flash.

Five Elements Seal, Naruto reappeared with his fingers already buried in Utakata's stomach. Sending him flying off of his arm, the last thing Utakata felt was in immense pressure. Wind Style: Wind Hammer! Once the Rokubi Jinchuriki was knocked out the rest of the Shinobi went into disarray. Naruto seeing the Kiri Shinobi had things well in hand. He disappeared in an orange flash, reappearing next to Jiraya. Raiken meeting Yagura in the 4 tails state while using the black lightning armor. Getting him out of Obito's genjutsu was a task and a half.

Kakashi and Mei both jumped up Chidori Senbon! Lava Style: Lava Bullet! Yagura being pummeled by lightning and lava. Wind Style: Air Pistol Naruto shooting projectiles adding to the chaos around the Sanbi Jinchuriki. A shadow fell over Yagura only for him to hear the Toad Sage. Sage Art: Cho-Odama Rasengan! The dust cloud gave Raiken the opening he was looking for. A black Flash later and Yagura was spitting out bile, as he rocketed backwards off of Raiken's Five Elements Seal.

A pair of clones appeared next to Naruto going through seals. Wind Style: Divine Wind from the Mountain Top, Wind Style: Wind Hammer! Naruto gathering wind in his palm, exactly like a Rasengan. Only this was pure Wind manipulation. The sphere expanded as he prepared the attack. Cocking his arm back he threw it, Wind Style: Grinding Oblivion! Combination Jutsu; Pressurized Shredding Sphere! All 3 techniques struck at the same time expanding into a massive storm of pressurized wind currents.

When it was over Yagura was barely recognizable. Still barely alive, and Mei-Hime we will be removing the Sanbi from Yagura. The Bijuu cannot be allowed to roam free when it reforms. Too much danger for both humans and the Bijuu itself. As a favor to your clan then? She was seriously debating this request. You have Utakata still, he is in AO and Choujiro's custody as we speak. Pulling a modified sealing scroll the twins with Jiraya and Kakashi holding a barrier around the container.

Naruto placed a paralysis seal on Yagura while Raiken began the extraction process. There was bright flash of light, a loud roar from the Sanbi, another bright flash and the process was over. A small toad appeared Naruto handed him the scroll, it already knew where to take it. Poofing away the crowd set out for the Mizukage Tower. Kirigakure No Sado was officially free from the rule of the Yondaime.

-Mizukage Tower-

I am glad that this ordeal is over, Master Jiraya, Naruto, Raiken, Kakashi-Kun, she bowed to them. Thank you! Raiken stomped his foot and a barrier went up sealing the office off.

Hey Everyone, I just want to let you know that I work a full time job. I do this because I want to tell this story. Nothing more, I really hope you enjoy my work.

Kitsune Vision is designed to enhance visual prowess, break and cast illusions, and release terrifying amounts of killing intent. The Dojutsu literally allows to throw Kurama's KI around like party favors.

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