

Hey I know what people are thinking, great another fic where a person has an unexpected death and they get lucky and are now born in there favourite anime. Great right ? No , the answer is no. I had a great life prior to these circumstances I had just assassinated a crooked politician whose bounty on the black market was so high that even in the profession I was in assassins were persuaded not take the job even if you were qualified as S-CLASS. Sure you got the amateurs who had mc syndrome that would take the job well they'd be dead before a plan was put in place. That's how well protected or guarded should I say BRONSON is or I mean was.

Bronson was a middle man a broker disguised as a reliable politician who made his money setting up underhanded deals across the world in drugs, weapons and trafficking. You name any type of crime to commit no matter the scale Bronson delivered it or created the means for it to be done. Doing that meant he had connections in high places who relied on Bronson to make money so he was an asset that had to be safe and not die .

Well that's where I came in. I was an orphan who my drunk parents or more like junkie parent's abandoned when they figured out to money you needed to raise a child. Why have a kid if you don't take it into account. I was left in the streets as an animal where no one offered me aid or a helping hand and left to be around monsters that lurked in the night.

Being as that was the case I developed a mindset to survive. Kill or be killed . I realised as I grew older that I couldn't rely on anyone only myself and if I ever wanted freedom in life I had to become strong. So that's what I did what ever criminal I would see I killed no matter the crime small or large. These action I took part it were bound to catch the eye of certain organisations. Which what happened at the age of 12 when they took me in more like kidnapped me to train me to be there weapon a tool that could be used when we they felt they need it.

Like id let myself be a puppet or rely on them as the organisation wanted me to as they tried to brainwash me. No I used them the same way you could say sasuke used orochimaru in Naruto as I developed my Insticts , techniques, ability and intellect in assassination to wipe out the whole organisation.

That was 9 years ago. I was described as a ghost in underworld. Who could kill anyone reach anyone no matter the circumstance. But as I got older killing became easier for me the more cold blooded I got. Killing stopped being as survival tool I use and more of a want a need to do. Truly the only enjoyment in life for me was anime and manga . It was like an escape for me from the world I lived in and made me feel almost human . Still I knew what I was and who I was so I didn't leave the path and have that stupid mc syndrome people you would see in manga have where everything went right for them in the end. What I wanted was freedom tho from it all that was my dream that I strived for when I was first abandoned as a kid and maybe I looked down on manga but reading mha , one piece and Naruto I realised that's what I truly wanted in life.

So that's where Bronson came in. I really on a personal level didn't want to kill the man. He did nothing to me. But the bounty price on his head was half a billion. The money was too much to pass up. I realised if I wanted freedom from everything I needed two components . Power and money . Power so I won't be controlled and money where can live travel where ever I wanted in the world with no restrictions. So Bronson had to die. I planned his death for 2 years to get him on the right moment where the kill couldn't be tracked to me. I had surveillance on him to find a exact moment in time a pattern where Bronson would be dead and it was like ghost took him out. That I soon figured was in September 9th where Bronson would travel to the cemetery to see his late grandmother who raised him as a child. Its quite poetic really i killed him where he could reunite with his loved one. I think he appreciated it really based on the circumstance. He would be my last kill I decided a split second before the shot was taken. After this I thought a new chapter would start in my life as I went to asleep in my hotel room but it wasn't meant to be. What bullshit !

When I opened my eyes again I felt weird sensation that something was wrong. I felt small in stature. I felt like an infant . I looked around like crazy saying this is a stupid dream right . I stopped thinking that as the doctor congratulated a women in a hospital bed for having triplets. I looked to my left and right and saw to infants next to me . No way thus was happening right not way . They both had red and white hair but for some reason I felt like I didn't . The woman picked up the kid on the right and said " Shoto " then picked up the kid on the left raised them up and said " Satsuki " and finally looked at me. I thought she would pick me up aswell but she just looked at I could see for some reason fear and she she said "Kisuke" she looked at all of us and said I'm your mother Rei todoroki . Shoto and Satsuki giggled with no care in the world whilst I felt like my world was falling apart as I've been reincarnated to fucking MHA but my thoughts stopped as u got a message and a screen opened up infront me saying