
chapter two

``i dont care'' iv'e been disapointed one two many times today . i want to feel you please, he couldn't resist her glossy eyes and lewd face . he nodded and quickly took of his shirt .he kissed her lips.,slipping his tongue into her mouth biting her lower lip causing her to moan loudly. he disengaged from the kiss and begun to undress her without hesitation he pushed her on the bed and plunged into her.

end of flashback

as soon as they arrived home, lisa hurriedly lead amara inside to avoid her father from seeing her.while inside the room they heard a knock on the door . who could be calling by this time amara thought and lisa walked up to he door,master requests to see second young miss amara the caller said and left. lisa turned to see amara sleeping peacefully on the bed she walked up to the bedside and began to tap amara's cheek calling her name in the process.``hmm'' what is it amara said once she woke up .the master would like to see you in the living room. amara signed and said ``ok i'll be down in a minute ``lisa nodded and went downstairs to inform her father. some time later amara came down and greeted her father, she looked behind and saw maya , if looks could kill maya would be dead``sit down her father ordered . she did as he said and sat opposite him. i heard what happened to you arev you fine he asked amara. i'm fine ,don't worry about me amara said gloomily. our company shares are reducing .so we want to collaborate with a larger company in city M ``thats a goob idea , we,ll be on our feet in no time maya said cheerfully ., dont be so happy yet ,there's a condition their father said ``what condition amara asked. their father randy signed deeply and said . one of you has to marry their son, and i'm choosing maya ``hell no i'm not marrying a guy i barely know , and what if he treats me badly maya said at the verge of tears and also i'm madly inlove with him and also ill marry him maya shouted. amara's breath hitched as she just heard what her sister had said.maya he shouted ,do this just this time , please be rational with me.he said.don't do this to me dad maya said while crying. since maya was his favourite daughter his heart melted for her. in that case ``amara if you aren't in a rela tionship with anyone wky dont you marry him randy said .i'm not marring anyone amara shouted.don't be selfish amara maya said i'ts for the good of our company she continued . i don't care what youn feel but your inlaws are coming tommorow to meet you. amara felt alone and confused she ran to her room. when she started crying and hyperventilating, her asthma had acted up and she couldn't breathe.she almost reached her room when she fainted in the hallway.

pls like share and comment, this is actually my firsty novel ,pls support me .

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