
Epilogue - Soon

Before he could comb more gentle fingers over her hair and skin , she reached and pinched his cheek harshly before pushing him onto the bed in what felt like the same moment to Cor .

He shielded his cheeks from further attack with an arm covering most of his face as he propped himself up from the messy blankets of the bed. Luna didn't give him time to get back up though, instead placing herself on top of him with her legs digging into the mattress, his body in between them.

Initially she had ducked down into Cor's chest again, all the moving and living parts inside him giving her ears something to focus on and soothe her mind with. She breathed out air she'd been holding for far too long.

Cor's arms were carefully making their way around her body to hold her steady to him when she popped back up, hands anchored into his chest.

" I can't believe you , you — you made me wait for however long , off doing who knows what for whatever purpose and not telling me a thing about it at all beforehand ? No way to help you , or make sure you're OK ... "

Frustration and bitterness shifted quickly to hurt and worry , newly glassed eyes showing the extent of her building fear for the man over the course of the months he'd been absent . His eyebrows furrowed as he raised himself as far as he could with the girl on top of him .

" Luna , you know I wanted to tell you . I wanted to tell you everything . Things just happened too fast — time was cut a lot shorter then I expected . "

He'd raised his hand to fit on Luna's dampening cheek again .

" It was unsteady at first , but I had help back on my planet . We managed to do what was right by the people — free them from my world's oppressive systems . Set a new order , a more open and digestible one , " the glow from his smile brightened the air around them , " and you helped me get there and understand what passion and perseverance were . "

Luna sniffled blankly at his words, then simply said " So you're saying you were some sort of crime lord vigilante where you lived ? "

She laughed and kissed Cor again , more deliberately , savoring the feel of his lips as he did hers before she moved her head into his shoulder.

" I don't remember being very passionate or preserving — I do remember passing out and being really scared , though . "

Cor pulled himself self back at that , so he could stare into her eyes , holding her there with his fingers on her chin .

That's because you don't give yourself enough credit .

" So then , come to the living room and tell me everything , " she grabbed his hand and pulled him from the bed , " I would prefer talking in bed , but I kind of need to wash the covers now . "

Cor went into graphic detail from start to finish . From the beginning he described his job in the planet's military as one of The Guardians , him slowly unweaving the flaws and basic cruelty of the system and planning a revolt with a group of others who thought the same . He'd been found out at the wrong time though , and with no place to run he ran until he'd reached a dead end in a room full of system tunnels — like warp pads , they took you to different places — but someone has been careless in trying to pursue him and engaged all of the tunnels at once as Cor was still stuck in the room . Since all of them were used at the same time , it had been impossible to know which one he went into which explained why it took them so long to track him down.

He recounted the pond , floating massless in it and trying to get to land helplessly , Luna chuckling at the terror he described the completely harmless situation as . He remembered finding Luna and hoping for a miracle — Which I got , he thought it wistfully as Luna shifted color . Then he talked about his shining tears , a little known tactic used by The Guardians to confuse, disorient, and blind nearby criminals into uselessness — luckily Cor had been trained on the system and knew about the trick already so they had the headstart they needed when they were running away .

And the passing out she did — just a pressure barrier they commonly used to subdue criminals that had a bit more adverse affects on humans .

Finally, his return to his planet — Til — and how he got back to her . He was greeted with the individuals who were already a part of the plans to overthrow the government when he'd been thrown in dark confinement to await judgment . They broke him out , and through a few deals here and there along with general charisma to boost support and moral in the people , they'd conquered and regained rule of Til — for the people .

" But of course , amongst the glory and triumph , after the hardship , " He spoke clear as ever, " I still needed to come back to keep my promise , for you . "

They were laid out on the couch , Luna pressed against Cor's chest and facing towards him , cuddled together under a blanket with their bodies tangled together . He placed a small kiss on the top of her head and she let herself bask in the small happiness before she felt the edging need to ask .

" When will you be going back ? "

And of of course it would be a when not an if , because Cor needed to be there for his people and she understood that , but her chest still throbbed knowing she would be left missing him again . Worrying and hoping for his safe return .

" Well , the thing is , " he stiffened slightly , and Luna looked up from his chest in quiet patience , " I want to take you back with me — just for a bit . "

The sound of the words registered later than they should have , and Luna stared at him look around in a nervous fidget with wide eyes .

" I mean , of course you don't have to , I know it probably is a little scary for — "

Amother kiss , and Cor melted back into clear calm .

" Of course I'll go with you , it would be my honor . "

And it was . If Cor could come to a different planet on his own just for her , she could go to his planet and explore its world just for him . It was space and different , no doubt it would be strange , but as long as she could stand alongside Cor and clutch onto him for dear life , that was all that mattered .