
Kiss till dawn (BL)

Jinwo, 17 years old and a very quiet person who likes to be alone. After he moved to a new home with his mom he also went to a new school, where he met Minjun, the popular boy. Jinwo feel unwillingly in love with him, but didn't want to admit it at first. But then Minjun unknowingly broke Jinwos heart. Jinwo went on with his live and went abroad to graduate in America. As they got older they met again, but what will happen? Can Jinwo love Minjun again? Does Minjun even want Jinwo to love him or sees he Jinwo just as a friend?

hanni_gurl_14 · LGBT+
17 Chs

Side Story (3)

Yeong-Ja and Sun-Young left the boys alone. The two wanted to know what everything looks like here in America.

They actually wanted to come here in a few years and then see everything there was to see, but now it has become earlier than planned.

They can't see everything they wanted to see, but they will come to America again.

"Jinwo didn't look so happy to have seen us." Sun-Young said in a sad voice.

Yeong-ja looked at her.

"He'll be fine, he was just a little surprised." Yeong-ja stroked her girlfriend's shoulder lightly.

She knew herself how shocked Jinwo had looked at them when they came to visit him. Children ran past them, and the sky was already turning into a dark red.

Yeong-ja took Sun-young by the hand and pulled her along behind her.

The street lights went on, and flickered a bit. After only a few minutes, the first stars were already visible in the sky, and the two girls sat down on a bench in the park.

With bright eyes, Sun-Young watched the shining stars.

Yeong-Ja watched her lovingly and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Sun-young blushed and turned to her girlfriend.

"Just a kiss on the cheek?"

Yeong-ja laughed.

This time, her and Yeong-Ja's lips met.

It was a beautiful evening.