
Chapter 1 - The Corrupted Attack

Kinoko watched his sister, Aura, as she demonstrated hand-to-hand combat techniques in the clearing. The rustling of leaves in the wind accompanied the sound of her swift movements as she struck invisible opponents with deadly precision. Although Kinoko had seen her fight a thousand times before, he never tired of watching her. He admired the way her jet-black hair cascaded down her back, the sweat that glistened on her skin, and the glint of determination in her eyes.

"Pay attention, Kinoko," Aura scolded, interrupting his thoughts. "This could save your life one day."

Kinoko grumbled, but he paid closer attention as Aura continued her lesson. He felt the rough bark of the tree as he executed a swift elbow strike, and the soft soil beneath his feet as he performed a powerful knee strike. Aura reminded him to use his entire body weight to deliver maximum impact, and he mimicked her moves, trying to impress her with his newfound knowledge.

As they spent the morning practicing, Kinoko noticed that Aura seemed distracted. The smell of damp earth and fallen leaves mingled with the scent of sweat as he asked her if something was wrong. She brushed it off, saying she was just tired, but her gaze kept darting to the perimeter of the clearing, as if she sensed danger lurking in the shadows.

Around noon, they decided to take a break and go hunting and foraging for plants. The crunch of leaves and twigs underfoot accompanied them as they walked through the forest. Kinoko spotted a rabbit and took off after it, with Aura following close behind. They chased the rabbit through the bushes until they came to a clearing. It was then that they saw the strange creature lurking in the shadows.

Its skin was a sickly green color, and it was covered in twisted, gnarled growths. Its eyes glowed with a sickly yellow light, and it moved with an unnatural grace. Kinoko felt a chill run down his spine as he realized that this was no ordinary creature.

The creature lunged at Aura, and she quickly dodged out of the way. But it was too quick, and it managed to strike her arm, leaving a deep gash. Kinoko watched in horror as Aura's arm began to turn the same sickly green as the creature's skin. The scent of blood and the metallic taste in his mouth made him feel sick with fear and anger, knowing that he had to protect his sister at all costs.

"Aura, we have to get out of here!" Kinoko shouted.

But it was too late. The creature was upon them again, and Aura knew what she had to do. Without hesitation, she drew her sword and cut off her own arm, severing it from her body before the corruption could spread any further. The sound of the sword slicing through flesh echoed through the clearing, and Kinoko felt bile rising in his throat at the sight.

Kinoko stood frozen, unable to process what had just happened. He felt a mix of shock, horror, and admiration for his sister's bravery. He knelt beside her, trying to stem the bleeding and stop her from going into shock. The warm, sticky blood covered his hands, and he felt a pang of guilt for not being able to protect her.

"Kinoko, go back to the village and get help!" Aura cried out, her voice strained from the pain.

Kinoko hesitated for a moment, but then he turned and ran back to the village. His heart was pounding in his chest as he sprinted through the forest, his mind racing with thoughts of his sister's fate. He could feel the sweat on his brow and the burning in his lungs as he pushed himself to run faster. But as he emerged from the forest, he realized that the village was gone. The buildings were in ruins, smoke rose from the debris, and the sound of battle echoed through the air. Kinoko felt his heart sink as he realized that he might be too late to save anyone, including his sister.

Kinoko's mind raced as he tried to make sense of the destruction that lay before him. He had never seen anything like this before, and the sight of the burning buildings and the sound of swords clashing filled him with dread. He knew that he had to find help, but he was also afraid of what he might find.

He searched through the rubble of the village, calling out for anyone who might be left. But the only response he received was the sound of his own voice echoing back at him. His heart sank as he realized that there was no one left to help.

But then he remembered something that Aura had taught him. When all else fails, use your instincts. He closed his eyes and focused, trying to tune out the chaos around him. And then he felt it, a faint pulse of energy that seemed to be coming from the direction of the forest.

Without hesitating, he took off running back into the trees. He felt the cool breeze on his face and the soft soil beneath his feet as he sprinted through the forest, his mind focused on the pulse of energy that seemed to be guiding him. He didn't know what he would find when he got there, but he knew that he had to keep going.

As he emerged from the trees, he saw a figure standing in the distance. It was a woman with long, flowing hair, dressed in a white robe. Kinoko felt a sense of relief wash over him as he recognized her as one of the village's healers.

He ran towards her, shouting for help. The healer turned and saw him coming, and then she saw the blood on his hands and the panic in his eyes. Without hesitation, she sprang into action, taking Kinoko's hands and leading him to a nearby stream to wash off the blood.

As she tended to his wounds, Kinoko recounted the events of the morning, telling the healer about the creature and the destruction of the village. The healer listened intently, her face growing more serious with each passing moment.

"It sounds like the work of the Dark Ones," she said, her voice low and grave.

Kinoko felt a chill run down his spine at the mention of the Dark Ones. He had heard stories of their evil deeds, but he had never believed that they were real.

"What can we do?" he asked.

"We must gather the remaining villagers and prepare to fight," the healer replied. "We cannot let the Dark Ones win. We must stand together and fight for our home and our loved ones."

Kinoko nodded, feeling a sense of determination growing inside of him. He knew that he had to be strong for his sister, and for the rest of the village. He would do whatever it took to protect them, even if it meant risking his own life.